根据短文内容,判断正(T) 误(F)。
     One afternoon some boys made a lot of noise in class. The teacher got angry. He kept them in the
 classroom after school. He told them to add all the numbers from 1 to 100 together.
     The boys took out their exercise-books. All of them began to rite the numbers down except one boy.
 He was new in the school. He looked out of the window for a few minutes. Then he wrote a number in his
  exercise-book and put up his hand.
     "May I go home,sir?" he asked. "I know the answer now.
     The teacher and the other boys were very surprised.
     "Bring it here."said the teacher.
      The next morning,the teacher asked the boy:"How did you fond the answer so quickly?"
      "Well, sir," he said: "I did not want to stay here so long. So I did my best to find the answer quickly.
 Soon I found it. You see, if you add l00 to 1, you get 101, and99 and 2 is 101, 98 and 3 is 101 too, and
  when you reach 51 and 50, you have 101 fifty times, that is 5050".
     After this, when the teacher gave the class exercises to do, he gave this boy different exercises. The
 boy's name was Karl F Gauss. When he grew up, he became a great scientist.
(     ) 1. Little Gauss was a new student in that school.
(     ) 2. Little Gauss and his classmates always listened to their teachers very carefully in class.
(     ) 3. All  the boys wrote the numbers from 1 to 100 down and added them up.
(     ) 4. Little Gauss left the classroom much earlier than the other boys.
(    ) 5. Little Gauss told the teacher how he found the answer so quickly the next day.
     Mr and Mrs Moore were invited to a Christmas party at a hotel one year. They _ 1    _ their car
outside and went in. Mr Moore had never got drunk before, so he was    2    not to drink too much,
though his friends asked him to drink more      3   .     
     During the party, Mrs Moore found that she      4     to bring    her bag, so she asked her husband to
go out to the car and   5   it for her. He did so, but     6     his way   back to the hotel gate, he heard a
car horn (喇叭)  blowing near his own car. He thought someone might  be in need of help and went over
to the car with the   7   .He found a small black bear _  8   in the driving-seat and blowing the horn.
(     )1. A. pulled        
(     )2. A. polite        
(     )3. A. all along    
(     )4. A. had remember  
(     )5. A. buy          
(     )6. A. at            
(     )7. A. noise        
(     )8. A. to sit        
B. stayed      
B. careful    
B. once again  
B. remembered  
B. get        
B. in          
B. voice      
B. sit        
C. left            
C. glad          
C. just then      
C. had forgotten  
C. send          
C. on            
C. cry            
C. sitting        
D. hid        
D. afraid    
D. for ever  
D. forgot  
D. return    
D. by        
D. shout    
D. sits      
     When I was at university, I studied very hard. But a Jot of my friends did very little work. Some did
just enough to pass the exams. Others didn't do quite enough. Fred Baines was such a student. He spent
more time drinking in the Tea House than working in the library.    
     Once at the end of the term, we had to take   an important test in Chinese. The test had 100
questions. Beside each question we had to write "True” or “False". While I was studying in my room the
night before the test, Fred was watching TV. Fred usually worried a lot the night before a test. But on that night he looked very easy. Then he told me of his idea.   " 
     It's very simple. There are 100 questions and I have to get 50 right to pass the test. I'll take a coin into
the room. I haven't studied a Chinese book for months, so I'll toss(掷) the coin.  In that way, I'm sure "11 get half of the questions right.”  
     The next day, Fred came happily into the examination room. As he sat tossing a coin for half an hour,
he wrote down his answers. Then he left, half an hour before the rest of us.   
     The next day, Fred met his Chinese teacher at the school gate.  "Oh, good, "he said.  "Have you got
the results of' the test?" The teacher looked at him and smiled, "Ah, it's you, Baines. Just a minute. “Then
the teacher reached his pocket and took out a coin. He threw it into the air, caught in his hand and looked at it,” I’m sorry, Baines, you failed!“  
(     )1. Fred Baines was a hard-working student.    
(     )2. They had to take a Chinese test.    
(     )3. Fred usually worried a lot the night before a test.    
(     )4. Fred thought hard and wrote down his answers.    
(     )5. Fred passed the test at last.
       Have you heard of the story of Mother Teresa? She was born on August 27, 1910 in Yugoslavia. 
When she was nineteen years, old, she was sent to India to work for the poor as a missionary (传教士).  
From then on, she never left this country.  She totally served the sick and the poor and she dedicated her
 full life to this purpose.       
       She worked in Calcutta, the largest city in India. She was busy offering food and other things to the 
poor in the streets of Calcutta day and night. When she arrived in Calcutta at first,  she had hardly any 
money and was helped by a priest (牧师).  She lived in a small room for 9 years, where she nursed sick
 people back to health.       
       She tried her best and opened several organizations to help those who were living very hard lives.
 Because of her hard work, she got the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. Though Mother Teresa got so many 
honors, she remained modest, kind and generous till the end. In September 1997, Mother Teresa passed
 away and she is remembered by the people all over the world because of her high spirit.
1. How many years did Mother Teresa work as a missionary?            
A. 68.       
B. 79.          
C. 87. 
D. 97.
2. The underlined word "dedicate" in the first paragraph means "           " in Chinese.  
A. 决定        
B. 放弃        
C. 奉献        
D. 利用
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?         
A. Mother Teresa was born on August 27, 1910 in India.         
B. Calcutta is the largest city in Yugoslavia.         
C. In the beginning, Mother Teresa lived a very hard life in Calcutta.         
D. Mother Teresa got the Nobel Peace Prize after she passed away
4. Which of the following word is not suitable to describe Mother Teresa7?    
A. Modest.                  
B. Kind.        
C. Generous.                
D. Cruel.
5. What can we learn from the last sentence?       
A. All the people in the world know Mother Teresa.       
B. Mother Teresa is well-known around the world for her work.       
C. The Nobel Peace Prize was given to Mother Teresa in memory of her.       
D. Mother Teresa had a lot of supporters in India
     There was once a traveler who was wet and cold because he had been riding __1__ the rain. At last
he __2__ a country inn. The inn was so crowded __3__ people that he could not get __4__ the fire. So
he called __5__ to the innkeeper, "Take some fish to my horse!" The inn keeper answered, "But a horse
doesn't eat fish!" The traveler said, "Never mind, do__6__ I tell you. "The crowd of people hearing this
strange order, ran out to see a horse __7__ rish. The traveler, now having the __8__ room to himself,
sat down __9__ the fire and warmed himself. When the innkeeper came back with the crowd of people,
he said, "Your horse would not eat the fish." The traveler answered, "Never mind, put it on the table, and
when I have __10__ my clothes I will eat it myself."
(     )1. A. by        
(     )2. A. reached  
(     )3. A. by        
(     )4. A. near      
(     )5. A. off      
(     )6. A. as        
(     )7. A. to eat    
(     )8. A. whole    
(     )9. A. except    
(     )10. A. tried    
B. under    
B. amved    
B. of      
B. nearly  
B. out      
B. what    
B. eaten    
B. all      
B. beside  
B. washed  
C. in    
C. got    
C. with  
C. on    
C. by    
C. that  
C. ate    
C. only  
C. behind
C. wore  
D. on    
D. waited
D. for  
D. in    
D. it    
D. which
D. eat  
D. warm  
D. with  
D. dried
     In 1933 an unknown American called Clarence Nash went to see the film maker Walter Disney.  He
had an unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disney's cartoon films for children. When Walter Disney
heard Nash's voice, he said, 16Stopl That's our duck!"
     The duck was now the famous Donald Duck, who first appeared in 1934 in the film the Wise Little
Hen, Donald lived in an old houseboat and wore his sailor jacket and hat. Later that year he became a
star after an eight-minute Mickey Mouse film. The cinema audiences liked him because he was lazy and
greedy (贪婪), and because he lost his temper very easily. And they loved his voice when he became
angry with Mickey's eight nephews (侄儿).  Soon Donald was more popular than Mickey Mouse
himself, probably because he wasn't goody-goody ( 伪善者) like Mickey.
     In the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s Donald and his friends Mickey, Goofy and Pluto made hundreds of
Disney cartoons. He also made educational films about the places of the USA in the world, and safety in
the home. Then in 1966 Donald Duck and his voice disappeared there were no more new cartoons.
     Clarence Nash died in February, 1985. But today's children can still see the old cartoons on TV and
hear that famous voice.

1. The first Donald Duck film appeared in _____.
A. 1933
B. 1934
C. 1966
D. 1965
2. Clarence Nash was _____.
A. a cartoon film
B. a writer of the film Donald Duck
C. a film maker
D. the man who made the voice for Donald Duck
3. Walter Disney hired (雇佣) Clarence Nash because _____.
A. his voice sounded like a duck
B. he looked just like a duck
C. he was Walter Disney's good friend
D. people loved his voice
4. From the passage we know that _____ made Donald Duck cartoons.
A. Mickey Mouse
B. Clarence Nash
C. Walter Disney
D. Pluto
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Clarence Nash was very famous before he went to see Walter Disney.
B. Mickey Mouse was lazy and greedy, and more popular than Donald Duck.
C. Because Clarence Nash died, no one could hear the famous voice.
D. People liked Donald Duck better than Mickey Mouse because he wasn't goody-goody.

Quick Work
     Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he
received a letter from the local police station. In the letter he was asked
to call at the station. Ted wondered why he was wanted by the police,
but he went to the station yesterday and he is not worried any more.
     At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle
had been found. Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was
picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. It is now being sent to his home by train.
    Ted was most surprised when he heard the news. He was happy, too, because he never expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty years ago when Ted was a boy of fifteen.
1. What happened last Tuesday?
2. What was he told at the station?
3. What are the police doing with the bicycle?
4. Why was he surprised and happy?
5. How old was Ted when his bicycle was stolen?
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