     When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai. One day he __1__ a picture of a tiger and tried
 to sell it on the street. It caught the __2__ of an American, who asked, " How much does it cost?" He
 said,"500 dollars. "The foreigner thought it was too __3__ and asked again," Can you make it cheaper?" 
 He answered,  " No. " Then he tore (撕) it to pieces. In great __4__ , the foreigner said, "Young man, are
  you angry?" " No, sir. I'm not angry. I sold it __5__ 500 dollars because I thought it was worth the
 __6__ . But you wanted a lower price. It means __7__ didn't think so and it is not good enough. I'll go on
  working __8__ until my customers (顾客) are satisfied. "
    At that time, __9__ Liu Kai qu was not famous at all, he never __10__ his dream. Now he is
 well-known all over the world as a great artist.
(     ) 1. A. stole            
(     ) 2. A. attention        
(     ) 3. A. terrible          
(     ) 4. A. fear              
(     ) 5. A. over              
(     ) 6. A. size              
(     ) 7. A. we                
(     ) 8. A. faster and faster
(     ) 9. A. though            
(     ) 10. A. broke off        
B. picked            
B. instruction      
B. big              
B. difficulty        
B. for              
B. price            
B. he                
B. better' and better
B. because          
B. cut up            
C. drew              
C. decision          
C. old              
C. surprise          
C. about            
C. weight            
C. you              
C. slower and slower
C. whether          
C. gave up          
D. saw                  
D. discussion          
D. dear                
D. excitement          
D. among                
D. position            
D. it                  
D. harder and harder    
D. until                
D. sent off            
     In Africa I heard a story about a giraffe that did not believe himself.
     The giraffe's mother had left him when he was a few days old because she couldn't feed
him. For three years he lived in the warden's 看守人) house and played with the children. Then he grew
too large for the house.
     The family decided that he should return to his fellows. They took him to join a herd of wild giraffes.
     One look was enough for the giraffe's small brain. He could not believe that such extraordinary(特别的) animals existed. Or that he was one of them ! He turned and ran away.
    The family took him back several times. In the end they gave up. Now their giraffe lives by himself near
the warden's house.
1. The baby giraffe was probably separated from his mother because _______.
A. the warden took him away
B. his mother couldn't feed him
C. the warden's children took him
D. he ran away
2. After three years the giraffe became_______.
A. too wild to play with the children
B. too large to play with the children
C. popular with other giraffes
D. too big to live in the house
3. The warden's family tried to_______.
A. Let the giraffe do what he liked
B. find the giraffe's mother
C. tell the giraffe what he was
D. take the giraffe to join the herd of wild giraffes .
4. When he met the herd, the giraffe could not understand _______.
A. how animals like giraffes could exist
B. why he wouldn't join the other giraffes
C. that he was really a giraffe, too
D. both A and C
5. The story suggests that _______.
A. most mother giraffes leave their babies
B. giraffes are too large to be pets forever
C. giraffes are not very smart
D. this giraffe was unusually tall
       A young woman was walking through a super- market to buy a few things when she noticed an
old man following her around.  Thinking nothing of it, she ignored him and continued shopping. After she
got what she wanted, she went to the checkout line, but the old man got in front of her, "Pardon me," he
said, "I'm sorry if my staring at you has made you feel uncomfortable, it's just because you look like my
granddaughter, who just died recently (最近).  And I miss her very much. "  "I'm very  sorry," replied the
young woman. "Is there any- thing I can do for you?" "Yes," the old man said.
      "As I'm leaving,  can you say  ' Good-bye, grandpa' to me? It would make me feel so much better. " "Sure," answered the young woman.
      As the old man was leaving, she called out. "Bye-bye, grandpa!" When she stepped up to the
checkout counter, she saw that her total was $ 178.50."How can that be?" she asked, "I only bought
a few things ! " "Your grandpa said you would pay for him," said the clerk.
1. Why did the old man follow the woman and let_______. her say " Bye-bye,  Grandpa" ?
A. He wanted to steal her money.
B. She looked like her dead granddaughter.
C. He wanted to stare at her.
D. He wanted her to pay for him.   
2. According to the passage we can know that_______.
A. the young woman is a careless person
B. the young woman is as clever as the old man
C. the young woman was pleased to pay for the old man
D. the young woman didn't know the old man at all
3. Which of the following is the best title of the story?
A. A Kind-Hearted Young Woman
B. The Total Was $ 178.50
C. Bye-bye Grandpa
D. An Old Man and His Granddaughter
       One day when Jack was walking in the park, he saw Sue, a friend of his, sitting on a bench with a dog beside her. The dog was looking up at Sue.
       Jack walked up to her and said, " Hello, Sue. How are you? May I sit and talk with you for a while?"
        "Of course. Please sit down," Sue said. Jack sat down next to Sue on the bench, and  they talked together. The dog went on looking at Sue. It seemed that it wanted some food.
     "That's a nice dog," Jack said, pointing at the animal. "Yes, he's handsome. He's strong and healthy. "
      "And hungry," Jack said. "He hasn't taken his eyes off you.  He thinks you've got some food for him. "
      "That's true,"  Sue said. " But I haven't. "  The two friends laughed and then Jack said, " Does your dog bite?"
      "No," Sue said. "He's never bitten anyone. He's always gentle and good-tempered. "
        Hearing this, Jack decided to pet the dog. He  put up his hand and touched the animal's head. At
once it jumped up and bit him. "Hey!" Jack shouted, "You said he didn't bite. "
      "No, I didn't," Sue answered. "You asked me if my dog bit, and I said no.  But that's not my dog. My dog's at home. "
(       )1. Jack and Sue didn't know each other before they met in the park.
(       )2. Jack asked to sit down next to Sue because he wanted to have a rest.
(       )3. Jack thought that the dog belonged to Sue.
(       )4. Sue's dog had never bitten strangers.
(       )5. The dog in the park wasn't gentle and good-tempered.
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