     The worst traveler in the world is perhaps Mr.  Scot in San Francisco.
     Once he     1      from the USA to his hometown in Italy to see someone at home.The plane made a
one-hour stop to get something at Kennedy Airport of New York.      2     he thought he had arrived
home, Mr. Scot      3     the plane. He thought he was in    4    
     Wheri nobody was there to     5     him, Mr. Scot thought maybe they were held up by heavy traffic.  
While looking for     6     address, Mr.  Scot found that the old "Rome" had changed a lot.  Many     7    
buildings were replaced(被……代替)by modern ones..  He also found that many people spoke     8     
instead of Italian and that many street signs were written in English.
     Mr.  Scot knew very little English, so he asked a policeman the way to the bus station (in Italian).  
Luckily,  the policeman was also born in Italy and answered him in     9      language.
     Aftcr twelve hours traveling round on a bus, the driver handed him over to.     10_   policeman. He
asked the policeman why the.Rome police station employed(雇佣)so many people as policemen
speaking English instead of Italian.
     Mr.  Scot didn't believe he was in New York when he was told so.
     To get him on a plane back to San Francisco, he was sent to the airport in a police car with sirens
(警报器) on.  "Look!" said Scot to himself,  "I know I'm in Italy.  That's how they drive.
(     )1. A. drove      
(     )2. A. If        
(     )3. A. got off    
(     )4. A. New York  
(     )5. A. find      
(     )6. A. their      
(     )7. A. modern    
(     )8. A. French    
(     )9. A. the same  
(     )10.  A. a first.
B. flew      
B. Before    
B. got on    
B. Paris    
B. visit    
B. my        
B. old      
B. Japanese  
B. a foreign
B. a sccond  
C. rode      
C. Though    
C. took off  
C. Rome      
C. watch      
C. its        
C. new        
C. English    
C. a strange  
C. a third    
D. walked      
D. As          
D. took on    
D. London      
D. meet        
D. her        
D. tall        
D. Chinese    
D. a different
D. a fourth    
     John lived with her mother when he was young.  He didn't know who his father was. The woman did
some washing for the 'rich and could buy onl'y some bread for her son. So the boy was short and thin.
     One cold morning there was much snow in the streets. A car knocked the woman down and the
policemen took her to the hospital.  She didn't tell John that his father deserted (遗弃) her before he was
born until she died.  She left her son the name and address of his father.
     John found his father, Mr.  Brown, in another city.  He was one of the richest shopkeers and he had
to receive his son.  From then on the boy lived a rich life.  He ate all kinds of delicious food and wore
beautiful clothes.  But he didn't go to school and could not read or write.
     Once his father took him to a party.  He saw a newspaper lying on the floor and picked it up while
others were talking about a film.  He had a look at it and found a car's wheels (轮子) were upward
(向上). He called out,  "Oh, dear! An accident.
     All the people were surprised and began to read the newspaper.  But soon they all began to laugh.  
Do you know why?
1. John didn't know his father because___________.
A.  the man was rich            
B.  the man deserted his mother
C.  his mother left the man      
D.  the man didn't like him
2.  John was short and thin because___________.
A.  he didn't like sports
B. his parents were short, too
C.  he was often hungry when he was young
D. his mother never gave him food
3.   The woman told John who his father was___________.
A.  after she was knocked down by a car    
B.  before her son left
C.  before she was in hospital                
D.  before she died
4.  After John found his father, ___________.
A.  he was angry with the man  
B.  he started a rich life
C.  he wouldn't live with him    
D.  the man was bad to him
5.  The people at the party laughed at him because                        .
A. he held the newspaper upside down  
B. he wasn't polite
C. the newspaper was yesterday's        
D. he wasn't clever
       Jan Mela isn't like most kids .Two years ago , he lost an arm and a leg .But that didn't stop him .
       On Saturday ,the 15-year-old boy from Poland(波兰)walked to the North Pole(北极)without
any help.
       "If I can do it ,other people can do great things ,too ," Mela said before he went.
       Polish newspapers said Mela is the youngest person and the first handicapped(残疾的)person to
walk to the North Pole.
       How did Mela lose an arm and a leg ? He had an electrical(电的)accident .Now , he walks with
the help of a 62,000-yuan man-made leg.
       After the accident , Mela felt sad for himself . But he didn't lose hope .One day ,he met Marek
Kaminski ,a Polish explorer . Eight years ago ,Kaminski went to the North Pole and the South Pole in
the same year .Mela wanted to see the North Pole ,too . So Mela asked Kaminski if they could go
together next time .Kaminski said yes!
       It took Mela 21 days to get to the North Pole .The last three or four days were really hard because
of bad weather .But Mela kept going .
       "I didn't think we would make it ," he said , "Then ,things got better."
1. What happened to Mela two years ago?
2. Why did Polish newspapers report the travel to the North Pole?
3. How does Mela walk after the accident?
4. Where did Kaminski go eight years ago?
5. Why did Mela make the travel?
     Sam is a bus driver in a big city.  All day he drives a bus through busy streets.Driving a big bus in very
   1    work.  It makes the drivers unhappy.  But not Sam!
     Sam is always happy.  And the people who ridc in his bus seem to be happy, too. This story shows 
  2  .
     Early one morning, Sam started his big green and yellow bus.  He went off on 3     work.  "Oh, what a beautiful morning!" he sang.   "Oh, what a beautiful day!"
     At the first bus stop, a man was     4    .  "Good morning, Mr. James," said Sam with a big smile. "How are you?"  ,
     "Fine, thank you. Sam," said Mr. James. "How are you?"
     "Wonderful!" Sam answered.  "Just wonderful! This is a fine day. "
     Mr. James smiled.  He took a seat.  As he looked   5   the window, he still smiled.
     At 6         stop a man came running up.  He was puffing (气喘吁吁 ).  "I have to-puff-catch a train at seven," he said.  "Can you-puff-get me to the station?"
     "Now, just sit down and rest," said Sam.  "I'll drive a little   7 .  We will be there in time.  Then you   8   run again."
     "Thank you. " said the man.  He sat down.
     Sam did drive! just a little faster.  He got to the station before seven!
    "Thank you," said the man, as he got off the bus.  "You are the best bus driver in the city ! "
     As he drove on, Sam       9     talking again. By this time, many people were on the bus.  They were all going to work.  But Sam made the ride seem like fun.
     "It is now ten minutes after seven," Sam called out.
     "The sky is blue.  It will not rain today.  We all like sunshine,  don't we?"
     He began to sing,  "I love you,  Mr.  Sunshine.  I love you,  Mr.  Sun.  In all the world I love you best.
You are the only one. "
     "What is that song, Sam?" a girl asked.
     "It's my song," he said.  "I made it up.  I like to sing.  It makes    10   people want to sing,  too."
     Sam was right! The man behind him started to sing!
(     )1  A. easy      
(     )2. A. what      
(     )3. A. today's  
(     )4. A. waiting  
(     )5. A. into      
(     )6. A. the first
(     )7. A. faster    
(     )8. A. don't    
(     )9. A. liked    
(     )10.A. another  
B.out of      
B.the last    
B.the others  
C.the day's    
C.the other    
C.won't have to
D.the days  
D.the next  
D.have to    
                                                      A Golden Watch
       Mr. Mike was a young man.  He was not very rich. One day he went into a watch shop to buy a
nice-looking watch for his girl friend, Rose.  He fixed his eyes on a nicc golden watch, and decided to
buy it.  The shop assistant took the watch out, and asked for three hundred pounds for it. Just then, a
boy of about fifteen suddenly rushed over and grasped the watch from the assistant's hand.  The assistant
hurried out to catch the boy.  But it was too late,  the boy had disappeared among the street people very
       On the way home, Mike met the boy, who would sell him the golden watch for only one hundred
pounds.  "The boy didn't know that I saw him stealing the watch from the shop.  And he asked for mLich
less money than that in the shop. " Mike thought to himself. So he paid the boy and took the watch home.
       The next day, Mike gave the golden watch to Rose, and told her all about the watch.  Rose looked
at the watch for a while,  then,  laughed loudly,  "You are really a fool!" she said, "This watch isn't worth
100 pounds at all.  The assistant and the boy must have planned the whole thing together!
1. The shop assistant said the price of the watch was_________.       
A. 100 pounds                
B. 200 pounds
C. 300 pounds              
D. less than 100 pound
2. The shop assistant must have known_________very well.  
A. Mike      
B. the boy      
C. Rose        
D. nobody
3. The boy would sell Mike the watch for _________.     
A. 200 pounds      
B. 300 pounds
C. as much money as that in the shop
D. much less money than that in the shop
4. In fact, the watch was worth _________.         
A. 100 pounds                
B. 300 pounds
C. just a little money            
D. much more money
5. In this story, who really lost something?     
A. The shop assistant            
B. Mike
C. The boy                    
D. Rose
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