     A French student went to London for his holiday. He thought,"I know  1  English. But I think people can
understand me."
    One day he went to a hotel and sat down at a  2 . He wanted to  3  a cup of tea and some eggs. Soon the
waiter came up to him and asked,"Can I help you?"
    "A cup of tea and..."He could not remember the  4  word for eggs. He looked  5  him, but nobody was
eating eggs. Then he saw  6  on the table next to him. There was a picture of  7  on its cover (封面). He  8  
the picture to the waiter."What is the English for this?"
    "A cock,"answered the waiter."What do you call a cock's wife?"he asked again."A hen.""And what do you
call a cock's children?""Chicks.""And what do you call chicks  9  they are born (出生)?" "Eggs."
    "Very well," said the French student happily. "Bring me two  10  and a cup of tea, please."And he sat down
with a smile on his face.
(     )1. A. much       
(     )2. A  table     
(     )3. A. drink     
(     )4. A. French     
(     )5. A. at         
(     )6. A. a story book
(     )7. A. a cock     
(     )8. A. read       
(     )9. A. when       
(     )10. A. hens     
B. a little     
B. door         
B. take         
B. Chinese     
B. for         
B. a picture book
B. a girl       
B. put         
B. before       
B. chicks       
C. more          
C. chair        
C. have          
C. En glish      
C. around                               
C. a history book
C. a child       
C. showed        
C. where        
C. eggs          
     There was little rain in some place for two years and a lot  of people died  of  hunger.  So a man
reported a famine (饥荒) to  an official (官员) .  The official asked,   "How  much  wheat have you
     "Thirty percent of the normal yield(正常产量的30%)," the man replied.
     "How much cotton?"
     "Twenty percent." 
    "How much rice?"
     "Twenty percent."
     The official got mad, " You've  already had  seventy  percent of the harvest,  how dare (敢) you
trump up(谎报)famine then?"
     The man said, "I've  never seen  such  a  terrible famine in my life of a hundred and several scores
of years."
     "How could you have lived so long?" asked the official.
     "Look, I'm over seventy years old.  My  eldest son is  over  forty and my second son is over thirty.
The total(总数)is a hundred and several scores of years." All the people hearing this had a good laugh
over that.
1.A great ______ happened in the place.
A. flood
B. disease
C. drought
D. war
2.The man said ______.
A. people had a bad harvest
B. some of the crops were bad
C. people lost their farms
D. people had little food
3.The word "mad" in the story means ______.
A. sad
B. angry
C. happy
D. excited
4.The official didn't think ______.
A. the people were hungry
B. the drought was serious enough
C. the people had to be helped
D. the famine was terrible enough
5.Hearing the clever answer, people laughed at ______.
A. the old man
B. the official
C. the hungry people
D. the policemen nearby the road
  It is Sunday today. Tom is lying in bed. It is eight-thirty. He doesn't want to
get up.  His father is watering the flowers(浇花).  His mother is cooking
breakfast. His sister is doing her homework.
  "Get up,  Tom. "  says his mother,  " Go to help your dad. " Tom  has to
leave the bed, but he finds a math book in his bag. He stdrts to read loudly. "
Three times (乘)  five is fifte.en,  three times six is six-teen. . . " His mother
hears this and  becomes  angry (生气).   She  asks," What are you reading,
Tom?"  "I don't know. "  " Aren't you reading?"" Yes,  I am, " answers the boy.
" But I am not listening ! "
1. There are _____ people in Tom's family.
A. two      
B. three      
C. four          
2. The family are all busy except(除…以外_____.
A. Tom      
B. Tom's si    
C. Tom's father      
D. Tom's mother
3. Tom doesn't want to get up because          .
A. it is very early              
B. he is very tired
C. he has no homework            
D. he doesn't need to go to school
4. _____, so he begins to read the book.
A. Tom doesn't want to get up to help his father
B. Tom doesn't want to help anyone
C. Tom likes reading very much
D. Tom likes to study math very much
5. Tom's mother is angry because _____.
A. her son doesn't go to help his father
B. what her son is reading is not right
C. her son is reading a math book
D. her son doesn't listen to her
       One day, my mother and I went shopping at a Chinese supermarket. We found that the crucian carps(鲫鱼)in the seafood counter were very fresh, as a result we chose four crucian carps and handed them
over to the seller. As it would take some time to clean the fish and dispose(处理)of their internal organs (内脏), we decided to look around the other places first. When we came back to the seafood counter, I
asked the seller for my fish. He raised one, which was being cleaned, to let me have a look and tell me he was still working on the fish. I hurriedly said, "Go ahead. Go ahead." I meant for him to go on.
       Unexpectedly, the seller stopped his work, looking at me with puzzled expression, and asked me,
" Go ahead?" "Yes," I said, "go ahead". He pointed at the fish in all seriousness, and repeated very
seriously, "Head?" Paying no more attention to him, I turned back to chat with my mother. Suddenly,
"Bang, bang, bang," was heard from the counter. Quickly, the seller passed the four fish without heads
to me.
       I asked loudly, "Why did you cut all the heads off?" The seller was also very angry and said, "Didn't
you tell me to go ahead again and again?"On hearing what he said I felt funny as well as angry. It turned
out that he considered "go ahead" as "cut the head off". No wonder he asked me several times about it!
       Taking the headless fish home, I became frightened. Wouldn't it be possible that the hairdresser would have cut my head off if I had gone to get my haircut?
1. Where did the story happen?    
A. In China.  
B. On the beach   
C. In a Chinese supermarket    
D. At the hairdresser's
2. What does "Go ahead" mean in this passage?   
A. Cut off the heads of the fish.  
B. Go on to clean the fish.    
C. Continue to walk .         
D. Go around.
3. What does the underlined word "frightened" mean?
A. 开心的
B. 庆幸的
C. 害怕的
D. 无所谓的
4. Why did the seller cut all the heads off?    
A. Because I asked him to do so.    
B. Because he wanted to cut off all the heads.    
C. Because I told him to go ahead again and again.    
D. Because he didn't understand what I said.
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