          There was something wrong with Mrs Black's skin that always gave her a lot of of trouble. So one day
she went to see her doctor. But he could not find anything wrong with her. Then he sent her to the hospital for
tests. And soon the hospital sent the results of the tests to Mrs Black's doctor.
          The next morning, the doctor telephoned her to give her a list of things that he thought she should not
eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble. Mrs Black carefully wrote down all the things on a
piece of paper. Then she left it beside the telephone and went out to a ladies' meeting. Two hours later she got
back home. And she found her husband was waiting for her. There was a big basket full of packages (包)
beside him. When he saw her, he said, "Hi, dear. I have done all your shopping for you." "Done all my
shopping?" she asked in surprise, "But how did you know what I wanted?" "Well, when I got home, I found
your shopping list beside the telephone," answered her husband. "So I went to the shops and bought all the
things you had written down." "Oh, my dear! You have bought all the things the doctor did not let me eat," said
Mrs Black. 
(     ) 1. Mrs Black was having a lot of trouble with her skin.
(     ) 2. After he got the results of the tests, Mrs Black's doctor said that she should do more exercises.
(     ) 3. After she answered telephoned, she went to the shops to buy some fruit.
(     ) 4. When Mrs Black got home, her husband had done all housework for her.
(     ) 5. Mr Black bought all the things that the doctor didn't let Mrs Black eat.

     I stood in the doorway, watching my older brother carefully putting clothes into his bag.I coughed
uneasily. Finally    1    that I was there, Rocky turned toward me with a sad smile.
     "I'm    2    tomorrow," he said.
     "I know." My    3    was almost a whisper (低声). I was    4    at myself for being so weak,but I
wasn't about
to cry.
     "My    5    is early, so there is still    6    time to come to the airport," he said. Seeing the    7    look on
my face, he quickly added, "I promise (答应) I won't leave without saying goodbye."
     I tried to say    8   , but didn't. It's always    9    to keep quiet if you're about to cry. "You promised
you wouldn't cry," he said to me, thinking that I was close to    10   .
     I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike.    11    I thought he was always right behind me,
holding the seat to keep me from     12   . I was happy with this,but he knew he couldn't hold me up all
my life.He told me that one day he would have to let go.
      His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say    13    to the person who
taught me everything?
     The next morning I    14   , looked at my alarm clock,and realized he had left    15    ago. We never
even said goodbye.
      Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if it was
only an answer in his heart.

(     ) 1. A.forgetting
(     ) 2. A.arriving 
(     ) 3. A.voice    
(     ) 4. A.glad    
(     ) 5. A.ship    
(     ) 6. A.enough   
(     ) 7. A.surprised 
(     ) 8. A.anything 
(     ) 9. A.stranger 
(     ) 10. A.tears  
(     ) 11. A.At last
(     ) 12. A.riding  
(     ) 13. A.goodbye 
(     ) 14. A.gave up
(     ) 15. A.minutes 
B.From now on 
B.stood up    
C.At first   
C.looked up 

D.So far         
D.woke up       

     Jack wanted to work in a big company. Now he was preparing for the final interview.   1   he passed it,
he would be the only lucky one and his dream would come true.
     The day came and Jack went for the interview   2  . It was a cold day, so he   3  , a scarf when he went
out. After   4   the office, he took off his scarf and put it on the side of table. The interview began.
     The manager asked a lot of questions and Jack answered quite well. Jack was very satisfied with his
performance and was sure he   5   the interview. On the way home he felt   6   and realized (意识到) that he
had left his scarf in the office. So he went back   7   it.
     The next day, Jack received a call   8   he manager. To his surprise, it was a(n)   9   result! "You left your
scarf yesterday. It shows that you are not  10 ." said the manager.
(     )1.A. So              
(     )2.A. by bike        
(     )3.A. in            
(     )4.A. enter         
(     )5.A. passed         
(     )6.A. wrong         
(     )7.A. take          
(     )8.A. from          
(     )9.A. good          
(     )10.A. careful enough
B. For          
B. by a bike     
B. put on       
B. enters       
B. will pass      
B. cold        
B. took        
B. by          
B. interesting    
B. carefully enough 
C. When          
C. in a bike    
C. wear          
C. entering      
C. would pass     
C. ill           
C. taking      
C. with         
C. disappointing
C. enough careful  
D. If                  
D. rode a bike      
D. dressed            
D. entered            
D. Was passing        
D. happy              
D. to take            
D. about               
D. exciting         
D. enough carefully        
     Catherine comes from Australia. She's very smart. She has studied in Sydney University for about  4
years. When vacations come, she usually returns to the town where she was born. She loves teaching,
and hopes she can be a teacher in her hometown.
      Ami then she found a job in a middle school soon after she graduated. She likes her work, and sings
and dances with her students, Now she has been making a lot of friends in the town and also a good
friend of her students. But after some time, she got interested in all kinds of parties, playing and dancing
with her friends, and did not work hard. At the same time, she was often late for school. Other teachers
were not happy with her and reported her to Mr. Smith, the headmaster. He got angry, because he was
very strict with the school teachers.
      The next morning, he has been waiting for Catherine at the school gate from 7:30 to 8:30. He didn't
see her. About nine, she hurried to school. When she saw the headmaster, she stopped and didn't know
what to say.
      " Sorry, Mr. Smith. My watch... "
      Mr. Smith shouted at her angrily, "Change your watch, or I'll change you. "
1. Catherine is         now.  
A. a university student    
B. a French teacher
C. a famous dancer        
D. a school teacher
2. Many people in the town know the girl because_______.    
A. she teaches well in the middle school
B. her students love her so much
C. she likes singing and dancing with them
D. she likes being late for school
3.________,so she's very busy after work.
A. Catherine is often asked to the parties
B. Catherine has a lot of work to do
C. Catherine spends much time on her work
D. Catherine loves teaching very much
4. Catherine often goes to work late because__________.  
A. she can't go to bed on time
B. she doesn't like her work at all
C. something is wrong with the school
D. she lives very far from the school
5. What does "Change your watch,or I'll change you. "mean?     
A. He told the girl to buy a better watch.
B. He told the girl to work harder.
C. He won't let the girl to be a teacher again.
D. She will be sent away if she's late again.
A.about    B. break      C.  first     D. but     E.  forget   F. happy
G. smile    H. remember  I.  lonely    J. back    K. reason    L. changed
  When I was 13 years-old,a boy gave me an important gift.  It was a smile.
  It was the early autumn of my 1._____ year at a junior high school, and my
old school was far away.  As a result,  no one knew who I was.I was very
2_____,and afraid to make friends with anyone.
  Every time  I  heard the other students talking and laughing,  I  felt my heart
3._____.I couldn't talk to anyone about my problem, and I didn't want my parents
to worry 4._____ me.
  Then one day, my classmates talked happily with their friends, 5._____ I
sat at my desk unhappily as usual.  At that moment,  a boy entered the
classroom.  I didn't know who he was.  He passed me and then turned 6._____
He looked at me and, without a word, smiled.
  Suddenly,  I felt the touch of something bright and friendly.  It made me feel
happy, lively and warm.
  That smile 7._____ my life.  I started to talk with the other students and
made friends.
  Day by day,  I became more active and closer to everyone in my class. The
boy with the lucky 8._____ has become my best friend now.
  One day,I asked him why he smiled, but he couldn't 9._____ smiling at me!
  It doesn't matter cven if he didn't tell me the 10._____ ,because all the dark
days have gone.  Now I believe that the world is what you think it is.  If you think
you are lonely, you might always be alone.  So smile at the world and it will
smile back.
     People usually hate(憎恨)  mice,  but one mouse has won the hearts of the people all over the world
--the famous Mickey Mouse.
     Fifty years ago most movies were silent(无声的). A man called Walt Disney made a cartoon mouse
that could talk in his movies. He named his mouse Mickey Mouse. Both young and old people were very
excited at the talking mouse. Children loved to see him, because he brought joy and laughter to them.
     Mickey was a clean mouse right from the beginning. Perhaps this is one reason why pepole love him.
In his early life Mickey made some mistakes. People were angry. They wrote to Disney and said that they
did not want Mickey to do silly(愚蠢的) things. So Disney made a new animal named Donald Duck.  He
also made a dog called Pluto. This dog does silly things and makes mistakes wherever he goes.  Now our
Mickey Mouse is not only clean but also important. He appears as a beautiful and clever star. He has his
friends in almost every country.
(     )1. The famous Mickey Mouse has won the hearts of the people all over the world.
(     )2. Most movies are not silent fifty years ago.                                  
(     )3. Walt Disney made the famous Mickey Mouse.                                    
(     )4. Mickey did silly things before.                                              
(     )5. Mickey isn't a beautiful and clever star.
     One day a great general (将军) asked his soldiers, "What's the strongest power in the world?" Four
of his soliders     1     their hands.  They all wanted to answer the question. The general asked the first
man to speak. The first man is younger     2     the other three, and he was not strong. He said, "My gun
is the strongest. It can kill     3    ." "Thank you.     4    , please."The second man was very strong. He
said,"I don't     5    . Soldiers use guns, so the soldier is the strongest."The     6     man said, "Soldiers use
guns,     7    our general gives orders (命令).So I think our general is the strongest."The fourth man was
the     8    . He said, "Love is the strongest. For love people don't     9     guns."The general smiled and 
   10    to him.
(     )1. A. put out  
(     )2. A. then      
(     )3. A. someone  
(     )4. A. Next      
(     )5. A. know      
(     )6. A. first    
(     )7. A. and      
(     )8. A. better    
(     )9. A. use      
(     )10. A. agreed  
B. put off        
B. than            
B. somebody        
B. OK              
B. think          
B. second          
B. but            
B. best            
B. start          
B. gave a big prize
C. put up            
C. and                
C. Sorry              
C. have              
C. third              
C. still              
C. older              
C. put up            
C. brought much money
D. put away      
D. that          
D. all persons  
D. Not good      
D. agree        
D. fourth        
D. thus          
D. oldest        
D. take          
D. talked        
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