     Peter is ten years old. One day his friend Paul says to him, “I’m going to have a birthday party on
Saturday. Peter, would you like to come?” Peter asks his mother, and she says, “Yes, you can go.”
     Before Peter went to the party on Saturday afternoon, his mother says to him, “Peter, don’t forget to
be polite(礼貌的).Don’t ask for food. Wait until someone gives it to you.” “All right, Mum.” Then Peter
goes to Paul’s home on his bike.
     There are a lot of children at the party. They played together for an hour, and then Paul’s mother gives
them some food, but she forgets to give Peter any. He waits politely and then he holds (举起)his plate (盘子)up and says loudly (大声地), “Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”
1. Paul asks Peter to ______.
A. a friend’s birthday party
B. a friend’s evening party
C. his birthday party
D. Peter’s birthday party
2. Before Peter goes to the party, his mother tells him ______.
A. to be quick
B. to be polite
C. to ask for food
D. to say hello to his friends
3. Which is wrong?
A. Peter goes to the party by bike
B. Paul asks many children to the party
C. Paul’s mother gives every child some food
D. Peter is polite
4. Peter asks the question loudly because ______.
A. he is happy
B. he forgets his mother’s words
C. he eats all his food
D. he wants to get food in a polite way(方式)
5. From the story we know Peter is _____.
A. clever
B. not polite
C. not right
D. foolish (愚蠢的)
     It was Sunday and the weather was fine, so Mrs. Black said, "Let's go for a picnic (野餐) . " "Oh, yes!" said Mary
and John, her two children. Mr. Black said, "Yes, let's go to the woods (小树林) and have our picnic there. " "Good.
Help me to get the things ready. " "All right, said the children. John brought the basket for the food and the bottles
for the water. Mary brought a blanket (毯子), while Mother made the sandwiches, and Father put water and oil into
the car.   Soon everything was ready and they left the house. When they got there,   Mary put the blanket on the
ground. John took the food out of the car, Father made a fire and Mother made tea. "Isn't it beautiful here?" said
Mother. "It's very quiet and green." John had a kite and soon he was running with it. "Be careful!" shouted Mother,
but it was too late. John fell(摔倒) over basket of food, and everything fell out. "Look!" cried Mary.  "There are ants
(蚂蚁) in the food. Yes, there were. " There were hundreds of them. The blanket was on an ants' nest.  (蚂蚁窝)
1. How many people were there in the story  
A. 3      
B.  4      
C.  5      
D.  6
2. When did the Blacks go for a picnic?
A. Last Sunday
B. On Monday
C. On Tuesday  
D. On Wednesday
3. What did they prepare (准备) for the picnic?
A. basket, water, oil, sandwiches and bottles  
B. bottle, basket, oil, and blanket
C. basket, water, oil, blanket and sandwiches  
D. sandwiches, blanket, water and basket
4. Who made a fire?  
A. Father  
B. Mother  
C. John    
D. Mary
5. Did they have a good picnic?  
A. Yes, they did  
B. Yes, they do    
C. No, they don't
D. No, they didn't  
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