完型填空 。      
      A little boy wanted $100.00 very badly and his mother told him    1    to God for it.  He prayed
and prayed forweeks, but    2    turned up. He decided    3   a letter to God and asked _ 4 _ the
$100. 00.          
      When the postal authorities noticed the letter addressed to "God," they   5    itand decided to send
itto the President,who told his secretary to send the little boy a check for $ 5.00. He   6    this would
appearto be a lot of    7    to a little boy.  The little boy was very happy and sat down to write a    8  
to God:Dear God,          
     Thank you very much for    9   me the money. I told that you had to send it through Washington,
D. C.But those jerks deducted _ 10    .
(     )1.A. pray      
(     )2.A. something  
(     )3.A. towrite    
(     )4.A. at        
(     )5.A. opened    
(     )6.A. believe    
(     )7.A. paper      
(     )8.A. letter    
(     )9.A. send      
(     )10.A.$5        

B. topray    
B. anything  
B. write    
B. in        
B. took      
B. think    
B. drink    
B. diary    
B. tosend    
B. $100      

C. prays      
C. nothing    
C. writing    
C. of          
C. smelt      
C. tothink    
C. money      
C. poem        
C. sending    
C. $90        

D. praying    
D. something  
D. wrote      
D. for        
D. bought    
D. thought    
D. rest .    
D. homework  
D. sent      
D. $95        

       This afternoon Daddy and I went out for a walk. On the way we saw a lot of people. We went up
and hada look. Oh dear! What did we-see? There was a donkey in the middle of the road.lt would not
move: The carsand buses could not'get past.        
       Then a policeman came. " Whose donkey is this?" he asked. "lt,s mine. " said a farmer. "But I can't
move it: "The policeman and the farmer did their best to move the donkey,but it would not move. We
laughed, but the drivers of the cars and buses were womed. "We can-t move the donkey. " the farmer
and the policeman said," What shall we do?"        
       " Give him a carrot ! " my father said.          
       "That's a good idea ! " said the farmer.        
       Soon he found a carrot and showed it to the donkey. When the donkey saw the canot,it jumped up
and walked after the farmer. All the cars and buses could get past at last!
1. On the way Dad and I saw                    .
A. a few people  
B. some people      
C. a donkey      
D. a monkey
2. The cars and buses couldn't get past because                     .    
A. the policeman wouldn't let them pass    
B. the drivers didn't want to drive them away    
C. there was a donkey and too many people in the middle of the road    
D. the cars and buses were broke
3. __________was the cleverest.    
A. The policeman      
B. The farmer          
C. The father          
D. I
4. The donkey would move because                      .    
A. it ate a carrot    
B. it wanted to eat the carrot and went after the farmer    
C. the carrot looked nice    
D. it wanted to play with the farmer
5. At last the cars and buses could get past because                    .    
A. the policeman let the drivers drive away          
B. the donkey went away    
C. the people in the middle of the road left          
D. B and C
     Maria Comez was born in Peru. She grew up in a small village. She     1    when she was six
years old.She went to elementary school, but she     2    to high school. Her family was very     3   ,
and she had to go to work when she was thirteen years old. She     4    in a shoe factory.
     When Maria was seventeen years old, her family    5    to the United States. Maria     6    in
the United States, she was not happy. She missed her friends in Peru, and she didn't     7    a word
of English. She began to study English at night,     8    worked in a factory during the day.
     Maria studied very hard, and now she speaks English well. She is still     9    at night, but now
she is studying typing. She wants     10   in Peru. Maria still misses her friends in Peru. But she is
very happy now, and she hopes she will have a good future in the new country.
(     )1. A. went to school
(     )2. A. went          
(     )3. A. rich         
(     )4. A. works        
(     )5. A. moved        
(     )6. A. reached      
(     )7. A. tell          
(     )8. A. when         
(     )9. A. studying      
(     )10. A. to do        
B. go to school
B. didn't go    
B. poor        
B. is working  
B. go          
B. arrivel    
B. talk        
B. so          
B. studied    
B. do          
C. goes to school  
C. began          
C. happy          
C. is going to work
C. stayed          
C. got            
C. know            
C. or              
C. study          
C. tobe            
D. begins school
D. wasn't      
D. glad        
D. worked      
D. lived        
D. moved        
D. say          
D. and          
D. studies      
D. be          
     John was the only son of a rich American businessman. Usually he _1   to school by the driver    2   
 his father's beautiful car before the driyer took John's father to his office. One evening his father
told him that he had to go to the airport early   3  ,  4   he would need the car at the time that John had
to go to school.   5   John's mother had another car, she would still be   6   when he   7   the house.
   "Well, how will I get to school if you need your car and Mummy is still in bed?"John asked. His father
thought this was a good opportunity (机会) to teach him a lesson about how hard   8   for many  people
of the world, so he answered, "You'll go in the same way 9   every   10 child in the word goes-on a bus. "
(     )1. A. went      
(     )2. A. by        
(     )3. A. next day  
(     )4. A. but        
(     )5. A. Since      
(     )6. A. in bed    
(     )7. A. leave      
(     )8. A. was life  
(     )9. A. of        
(     )10. A. the other
B. came        
B. with        
B. tomorrow    
B. so          
B. But        
B. in the bed  
B. had to leave
B. the life was
B. such        
B. other      
C. was taken  
C. in        
C. in a day  
C. because    
C. Though    
C. on the bed
C. left for  
C. life was  
C. so        
C. another    
D. was brought      
D. on              
D. the next day    
D. for              
D. Because          
D. on bed          
D. had to leave for
D. was the life    
D. as              
D. others          
     Two Americans from England were       1     in Spain. One morning they came      2       a little restaurant for lunch.They did not know the native(当地的)        3      and their waiter did not know       4       ,either.
They wanted their waiter to      5       that they asked      6      some milk and bread.At last they read the
word "milk" many times. They spelled it. But the waiter could not understand them. At last one of them took a piece of paper and began       7       a cow.When he was just finishing       8        it,the waiter looked at it
and ran out of the restaurant. "Do you     9      ?"said the American,"       10       clever I am!"After some
time,the waiter retured to the restaurant. He brought no milk or bread with him,mstead,he brought a
bull-fighting(斗牛) in front of him.
(     )1.A. travel
(     )2.A. out    
(     )3.A. people
(     )4.A. theirs
(     )5.A. see    
(     )6.A. to    
(     )7.A. draw  
(     )8.A. todraw
(     )9.A. watch  
(     )10.A. What  
B. totravel
B. into    
B. culture
B. their  
B. knowing
B. as      
B. draws  
B. drawing
B. see    
B. Where  
C. travelling
C. up        
C. language  
C. them      
C. knows    
C. for      
C. drawing  
C. draw      
C. toknow    
C. How      
D. travels  
D. around    
D. habit    
D. they      
D. understand
D. at        
D. todraw    
D. draws    
D. find      
D. Who   
     A man went to a fast-food restaurant to buy his lunch.
     " Hi. "a waiter said. " May I help you?"
     "I,d like a hamburger, large chips and a Coke. " the man said.
     "Is that for here or to go?"the waiter asked.
      "To go. "the man said.
     The waiter put the man's lunch in a bag. The man took out his money and paid for his lunch.
     "Thank you. "the waiter said. " Have a nice day. "
     The man took the bag and walked to a park. He sat down and opened the bag. He was surprised.  
There was no hamburger or chips; there was only money in the bag-two thousand dollars! Where was the man'slunch? Why was the money in the bag?
      The manager of the fast-food restaurant needed to go to the bank. He put two thousand dollars in an
envelope. He put it in a bag and put the bag down. The waiter gave the manager's bag to the man  by
mistake. So the manager had a hamburger, chips and a Coke, and the man had two thousand dollars !
1.The man went to a restaurant to        .
A. buy his lunch      
B. have a rest      
C. sell drinks          
D. cook food
2.The man wanted to have his lunch            .
A. in a hotel            
B. in a shop          
C. in a restaurant      
D. in a park
3. When the man opened the bag, he found __________ in it.         
A. food      
B. drink        
C. money      
D. notlun
4. How much money was there in the man's bag?     
A. $100.        
B. $200.          
C. $1,000.      
D. $2,000.
5. ___________couldn-tfind his money.      
A. Theman  
B. Themanager  
C. Thewaiter  
D. Nobody
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