     When someone asked me what business I am in, my face feels _ 1   . I envy (嫉妒) people who can
say that they are writers, bookkeepers and doctors. All these jobs speak for themselves.
     I really do make a living by    2   , and a good one, too. I can laugh like a king or like a school boy. It
is a skill (技能) that I have learned.     3    the skill of mending shoes. Whenever and however laughter is
needed. I am asked to do    4   . I laugh like a bus driver or a shopkeeper. I laugh    5   , kindly and
happily. I need    6    point out that a job of this kind is tiring. I spend most evenings in nightclubs
(夜总会). My job is to laugh during the    7    part of the show. My loud, hearty laughter must be timed
carefully. It must not come too soon,    8    neither must be too late.
     I go through life quietly. I can    9    the laughter of others. I can laugh in many different ways. But I am
not sure that I have ever heard the sound of   10  own laughter.
(     )1. A. warm    
(     )2. A. laughing
(     )3. A. at      
(     )4. A. one      
(     )5. A. gladly  
(     )6. A. clearly  
(     )7. A. weaker  
(     )8. A. for      
(     )9. A. get      
(     )10. A. their  
B. cool    
B. writing  
B. to      
B. it      
B. sadly    
B. easily  
B. stronger
B. so      
B. make    
B. my      
C. hot          
C. speaking    
C. by          
C. those        
C. truly        
C. badly        
C. more terrible
C. but          
C. copy        
C. her          
D. cold            
D. working        
D. like            
D. these          
D. suddenly        
D. hardly          
D. more wonderful  
D. and            
D. have            
D. his            
     Henry's family had a picnic (野餐) over the weekend. They asked their friends, Nancy and her
husband, to go with them. On Sunday morning, Henry's wife, Kate, got up early to prepare for the
picnic. She asked Henry to get some soft drinks. Henry told her that they were in the refrigerator
(电冰箱). Then Kate asked him to get the picnic basket ready. She also reminded(提醒)him that he
should put paper plates in it. At 10 o'clock in the morning Nancy called and told Henry that she would
like to bring something for the picnic. Kate called back and asked her to bring a bottle of wine. Nancy
and her husband arrived at noon. The two families went to a nearby park. A small river runs through the
park. There were tables and benches under the trees beside the river. The weather was cloudy but it
didn't rain. Everybody enjoyed the picnic and it was a very pleasant Sunday afternoon.
1. Henry's family had a picnic with Nancy's family _______.
A. over the week                                              
B. on Saturday afternoon
C. on Sunday morning                                      
D. on Sunday afternoon
2. The soft drinks were _______.
A. on the table                                                  
B. in the kitchen          
C. in the refrigerator                                          
D. in the shop
3. Nancy was _______.
A. Henry's wife                                                
B. Kate's husband
C. Kate herself                                                  
D. Henry and Kate's friend
4. Who would bring a bottle of wine?
A. Kate's husband.        
B. Henry.                      
C. Kate herself.          
D. Nancy.
5. Where did the two families have a picnic?
A. A mountain nearby.                                        
B. A country nearby.
C. A park nearby.                                              
D. A city nearby.
     Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a __1__ shop, no assistant (营业员) will
 come near to you and said, "Can I help you?" You __2__ buy anything you don't want. You may try to
  find out __3__ the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go
  away. It seems that he is __4__ selling any book at all.
     There is a story which tells us about a good shop.  A medical (医学的) student __5__ a very useful
  book in the shop, __6__  it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn't get it from the library,
 either.  So every afternoon, he went there to read __7__ at a time. One day, however, he couldn't find
 __8__  from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing (示意) to him. To his
 surprise, the assistant pointed to the book __9__ , "I put it there so as not to be sold out, " said the
 assistant. Then he __10__ the student to go on his reading.
(     ) 1. A. good          
(     ) 2. A. shouldn't    
(     ) 3. A. what          
(     ) 4. A. surprised at  
(     ) 5. A. bought        
(     ) 6. A. but            
(     ) 7. A. little        
(     ) 8. A. the book      
(     ) 9. A. in a shop      
(     ) 10. A. left          
B. bad              
B. needn't          
B. which            
B. not surprised at  
B. found            
B. and              
B. a little          
B. the shop          
B. in his hand      
B. let               
C. cheap            
C. mustn't        
C. where            
C. interested in    
C. read            
C. so              
C. few              
C. the assistant    
C. in a corner      
C. helped                             
D. expensive          
D. can't            
D. when              
D. not interested in  
D. took              
D. or                
D. a few              
D. the shopkeeper    
D. in his pocket      
D. taught             
     Mrs. Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class. The story said: Were you ever in a hospital
 when you were small? How did you feel? The doctors in Children's Hospital are asking for money for
  children's toys(玩具). Some children in the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks. Toys are needed to
  keep these sick (生病的) children happy and quiet. Money for them can be sent to the hospital. After
 Mrs. Weeks read the story, she said, "This story gave me an idea." "You want us to bring some money for
  the toys." "We could bring some of our own toys." "We could bring some of our own toys for the
  children in the hospital," said the boys and girls one after another. "Well, your ideas would be nice,"
 Mrs. Weeks said, "but mine is different." "We could make some toys," shouted one of them. Mrs. Weeks
  smiled. "Do you think you could make toys?" she asked. "Yes, yes," the whole hospital answered.
 "Great! Let's begin to make toys tomorrow," said Mrs. Weeks. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Weeks
  took children to the hospital with the toys made by her students. The children in the hospital felt happy,
  too. A few days later, Mrs. Weeks read another newspaper story to the class: Some school pupils
 brought toys to Children's Hospital last week. The toys were made by pupils of Grade Three in Green
 Street School. The doctor said, "We have never had so many wonderful toys. Our children are very
 happy with them. They say, 'Thank you, Grade Three.'"
1. Doctors in Children's Hospital didn't have _____ to keep the sick children happy and quiet.
    A. enough toys      
    B. enough time      
    C. parents              
    D. good medicine
2. What was the first newspaper story mainly(主要)about?
    A. Sick children needed help in Children's Hospital.
    B. Doctors in Children's Hospital were very kind.
    C. Mrs. Weeks read stories to her students.
    D. The boys and girls gave their toys to the children in Children's Hospital.
3. What did Mrs. Weeks ask the class to do?
    A. To give some money to the children in the hospital.
    B. To send some of their own toys to the children in the hospital.
    C. To make some toys themselves and give them to the children in the hospital.
    D. To collect some money and buy some toys for the children in the hospital.
4. Who sent the toys to the hospital?
    A. The teacher and the monitor.
    B. Two of the class.
    C. The teacher.
    D. The teacher and all the pupils in the class.
5. What Mrs. Weeks really wanted to do is to_____ .
    A. let everyone know her class
    B. save some money for toys
    C. make herself famous
    D. teach the pupils to be helpful to others
       An old porter worked at the railway station for a long time. One morning he was standing and waiting for travelers to ask him to help them with their luggage(包裹), when he saw a short man running wards to
the train with a big bag in his hand.
       The porter watched the man for a few seconds, and then the man saw him. At once the short man ran up to the porter and asked, "Can I catch the 10:35 train to London, porter? "He was breathing very fast,
and he seemed worried.
       The old porter looked at him for a moment and then said with a smile, "Well, sir, I'd like to help you,
but I can't answer your question because I don't know how fast you can run along rails. You see," he
explained, "The 10:35 train to London left five minutes ago."
1. A porter's job is_______.
A. to stand in the railway station
B. to answer the travelers' questions
C. to help the travelers carry their luggage
D. to ask the travelers to help him
2. One morning a short man ________.
A. was waiting for the porter to help him
B. was running along rails
C. was waiting for the train to London
D. was in a hurry to catch the 10:35 train to London
3. The short man looked worried because _______.
A. he couldn't run so fast as the train
B. he wanted to knows if he could catch the 10:35 train to London
C. the porter watched him for a few seconds
D. he lost his bag
4. At the end of the story, the porter ________.
A. told the short man there was no 10:35 train to London
B. told the short man when he could catch the train
C. helped the short man to catch the train
D. played a joke on the short man
5. When the porter told the short man the train had left, the time was _______.
A. 10:40
B. 10:35
C. 10:30
D. 10:45
     On Sunday morning, a strong earthquake hit Indonesia and then big tsunamis(海啸)followed.
They soon went on to other countries in the South and Southeast Asia as well as East Africa.
     Tsunamis are especially dangerous for children. By Wednesday, nearly 60, 000 people died
because of the tsunamis. One third of them were children, and most of them were 5 to 12 years old.
In may Asian countries near the sea, poor kids helped their parents fish. So they were in harm's way
when the tsunamis came. In Sri Lanka, when the first waves hit, thousands of children came to the
seaside. The waves brought in fish. The old and the young collected them. Many waited for more.
Then tsunamis six metres high hit the island of 19 million people.      
     ''They got caught and could not run to safety. This is the reason why so many children have died,"
said a police spokesman in Sri Lanka.
     In open seas tsunamis are only one or two metres high. When they are near land, they are as high
as 10 metres. Houses and cars near the sea can be taken away by these big waves. Because tsunamis
move fast and can travel to another side of the sea within on day, they may affect a lot of places.
     The Pacific Ocean(太平洋)has a lot of strong tsunamis because of the size of the ocean and large
earthquakes there. China doesn't see tsunamis often because its sea floor is quite flat. Islands around
China also help the country avoid them.
     What should you do when there's a tsunami? Move to a safe place. If you are near the sea and you
feel the earthquake, move to higher ground. Stay away from rivers and streams.
1. Which places did the big tsunamis hit?      
A. All the seaside countries.
B. South and Southeast Asia as well as East Africa.
C. Only Indonesia and Sri Lanka.    
2. Which of the following is WRONG?    
A. In open seas tsunamis are one or two metres high.
B. Sri Lanka has a population of 19, 000, 000 children.
C. Most of the children who died in tsunamis were 5 to 12 years old.   
3. Many children died in tsunamis because _________.    
A. they played happily near the sea and fell into it carelessly
B. sharks appeared and ate the children
C. they helped their parents fish near the sea and could not run to safety      
4. Why doesn't China see a tsunamis often? 
A. Because of the size of the ocean.
B. Because of large earthquakes.
C. Because its sea floor is quiet flat.  
5. What should you do when there's a tsunami according to the passage?    
A. Listen to a weather report.
B. Run to your parents for help.
C. Get to a safe place as soon as possible.
       When I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city. We
lived on a farm, in the winter especially, we were quite cut off from the outside world. As soon as I left
school, I packed my bags and moved to the capital. However, I soon discovered that my life has its
problems too.
       One big disadvantage is money. It costs so much to go out, not to mention basics like food and
housing. Another disadvantage is pollution. I suffer from asthma(哮喘), and at times the air is so bad that
I am afraid to go outside. Then there is the problem of traveling round. Although I have a car, I seldom
use it because of the traffic jams. One choice is to go by bicycle, but that can be quite dangerous.
       Of course there are advantages. First, there is so much to do in the city, whatever you tastes in culture or entertainment(娱乐活动). Besides, there are wonderful jobs and greater chances of moving to a more
important job or position. Finally, if you like shopping, the variety of goods is very surprising-and, what is more, shops are often only a short walk away.
       Is life better then, in the city? Perhaps it is, when you are in your teens(十几岁)or twenties. However, as you get older, and especially if you have small children, the peace of the countryside may seem
preferable. I certainly hope to move back there soon.
1. What was the writer always thinking about when he was a child?
A. Staying on the farm.
B. Moving to the countryside.
C. Leaving home for the city.
D. Running away from the school.
2. Which of the following is true about the writer?
A. He is very old now.
B. He is in good health.
C. He prefers driving a car.
D. He lives in the city now.
3. In the passage, the writer tries to __________.
A. express his opinions about way of life
B. describe his life in the countryside
C. show an interest in the outside world
D. persuade the reader to live in the city
4. How is the passage mainly developed?
A. By inferring.
B. By comparing.
C. By listing examples.
D. By giving explanations.
An Idea of Punishing Naughty Students
     In some schools, headmasters and teachers punish (惩罚) students _1_ several ways. The teacher
often writes to or telephones the _2_ parents. Sometimes students have to stay after school for one hour.
If a students behaves(表现)very _3_ in school, the headmaster can stop him or her _4_ classes. The
student can't come to school for one, two or three days.
     Mr. Serious, the headmaster of a middle school in a small town in the United States, did not like to do
this. When the teacher didn't let the student _5_ to school, they were glad. "An unexpected _6_!" they
always thought.
     One day, a boy was in Mr. Serious' office. Of course the student didn't behave well in class. Mr.
Serious called the boy's parents at once. "If you don't come to school with your son, I _7_ him having
classes," said he. The boy's father hurried to school and went to every classroom with his son. _8_
students looked at the father and the son. The boy was embarrassed (不好意思). And after that, he
behaves better. And, of course, other students behave better, too.
     Now headmasters _9_ the USA are trying Mr. Serious' good idea. They all say that students behave
better when _10_ come to school.
(     )1. A. with        
(     )2. A. students    
(     )3. A. bad          
(     )4. A. have        
(     )5. A. come        
(     )6. A. weekday      
(     )7. A. will stop    
(     )8. A. Other        
(     )9. A. over        
(     )10. A. headmasters
B. in          
B. students'  
B. badly      
B. to have    
B. to come    
B. study      
B. stop        
B. The other  
B. all over    
B. they        
C. by          
C. student's  
C. well        
C. has          
C. will come    
C. holiday      
C. stopped      
C. Others      
C. over there  
C. parents      
D. of           
D. students's
D. good        
D. having      
D. came        
D. punishing    
D. have stopped
D. The others  
D. all          
D. father      
       Two friends were walking   1   the desert. During the journey they   2  . And the taller boy slapped the
shorter   3   in the face. The shorter boy was hurt. But    4  , he wrote in the sand, "Today my best friend
slapped me   5   the face." 
       They   6   till they found a pond. And they decided to take a bath there. The shorter boy   7   in the mud and
started to sink. He   8  , "Help! Help!" Luckily, he was pulled to   9   by his friend. After that, he carved on a
stone, "Today my best friend   10  ." 
       The taller boy asked him, "After I hurt you, you  11  in the sand, but now you carve on the stone. Why?" 
       The shorter boy replied, "When someone   12   you, you should write it in the sand   13   the wind can
erase (清除) it easily. However, when someone   14   for you, you should carve it on a stone from which the
wind can   15   erase it."
(     ) 1.A.cross
(     ) 2.A.have discussion  
(     ) 3.A.one
B.have a fight            
C.had a quarrel          
D.had an argument     
(     ) 4.A.with saying anything                                     B.with anything 
              C.with saying nothing                                      D.without saying nothing
(     ) 5.A.in
(     ) 6.A.kept walk            
(     ) 7.A.stuck                  
(     ) 8.A.shout                  
(     ) 9.A.safe
(     ) 10.A.save life
(     ) 11.A.write 
(     ) 12.A.hurt
(     ) 13.A.which
B.kept on walking
B.in stuck                
B.the safety
B.save my live              
B.in which
C.kept in walking     
C.is stuck
C.saved my life             
C.was written
C.on which
D.kept with walking     
D.got stuck
D.saved my live
D.has written
D.is hurt
D.from which
(     ) 14.A.does something good                                  B.does good something
                C.does everything good                                 D.does good everything
(     ) 15.A.seldom       B.always                 C.never                  D.sometimes         
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