     I started to love running at a young age. I loved to race my father and my sister around the backyard.
I wished I could run in the Olympics and win lots of medals.
     One day my mother saw _1   for a race in a newspaper."Would you be interested in _2   part in this
race?" she asked me, pointing to the advertisement.
     "Yes, of course,"I answered.
     I   3   the next few days practising for my big race.My sister set up a table in the backyard so she
could    4   me water and time.
     On the day of the race,just before the race began, my   5   said to me,"Don't use up all your energy
(力气) at the beginning of the race. You need to have energy    6   you can run much faster at the end."
      The race    7 . Following Dad's words,I didn't run as fast as I could.Then the other runners started
passing me, which made me feel    8 . I began to feel tired,and I started slowing down and breathing
     Just at that moment I heard,"_10  , Kelly! You can do it !  Don't give up. Keep running ! " Out of the
corner of my eye, I saw Dad running beside me around the outside of the track.
     I took a   11    breath and tried my best to go on running.
     I didn't win the race.I came fifth,but I felt like a   12  . I had done my best, and I hadn't given up.
      Later, as I thought about the race,I felt thank-ful that my dad had _13    left my side. He always
encourages me when I  14   giving up. He runs alongside me through my life. I'll    15     my dad's  
words forever,"Never give up. You can be a winner, even if you lose."
(     )1. A. a story    
(     )2. A. choosing  
(     )3. A. spent      
(     )4. A. buy        
(     )5. A. teacher    
(     )6. A. because    
(     )7. A. began      
(     )8. A. proud      
(     )9. A. easier    
(     )10. A. Come down
(     )11. A. deep      
(     )12. A. player    
(     )13. A. already  
(     )14. A. look like
(     )15. A. forget    
B. a report
B. entering
B. cost    
B. carry    
B. mum      
B. so      
B. finished
B. happy    
B. harder  
B. Come on  
B. easy    
B. winner  
B. yet      
B. stop    
B. remember
C. a piece of news
C. taking        
C. paid          
C. fill          
C. dad            
C. since          
C. reached        
C. nervous        
C. shorter        
C. Come out      
C. free          
C. soldier        
C. once          
C. feel like      
C. talk          
D. an advertisement
D. watching        
D. took            
D. offer          
D. sister          
D. but                           
D. stopped        
D. hopeful        
D. Ionger          
D. Come back      
D. lazy            
D. runner          
D. never          
D.  enjoy          
D. write          
     I've never been late for school, but yesterday I came very close. My alarm clock didn't   1  , and by the time I woke
up, my father had already   2   the bathroom and I had to wait for him  3  . I had to really rush .I took a   4  shower, had
some breakfast, and then ran off  5  the bus stop.  6  , by the time I  7  there, the bus had already left .I started walking,
but I knew I couldn't get to school  8  .   Luckily,  my friend Tony and his dad came by in his dad's car and they gave
me a  9  . When I got to school, the final bell  10  . I only just made it to my class.
(     )1.A. break down  
(     )2.A. gone into    
(     )3.A. get out      
(     )4.A. quick        
(     )5.A. in          
(     )6.A. Luckily      
(     )7.A. arrived at  
(     )8.A. on time      
(     )9.A. bike        
(     )10.A.was ringing  
B. go off    
B. go into  
B. come out  
B. quickly  
B. at        
B. Unluckily
B. reaching  
B. at times  
B. car      
B. ringing  
C. went off    
C. left        
C. to leave    
C. slow        
C. to          
C. Unfortunate
C. got to      
C. sometimes  
C. ride        
C. rang        
D. get off        
D. came into      
D. to come out    
D. slowly        
D. into          
D. Happily        
D. got            
D. on times      
D. drive          
D. rung          
     A few weeks ago, we decided to paint(油漆)the outside of  our house.To save money, we decided to do it
ourselves. On Saturday morning,    we went to the shops and bought some paint and a number of brushes.   We
already had a ladder  (梯子),so we were then ready to start. We began that afternoon with the back of the house.
The next Saturday I went to a football match while my wife painted the front of the house. On Sunday we found
that we could not open any of the front windows.     We got them all open in the end but I  broke three and they
were very expensive to repair. Next time when we try to save money, I shall certainly pay someone to do the work.
1.Why did the writer and his wife decide to paint the house themselves? Because ________.
A.no one else could do the work
B.they didn't want to spend much money
C.they only need to buy some paint
D.windows were expensive to repair
2.Why will they pay someone to work for them next time?
Because they ________.
A.don't want to do the work themselves any more
B.have no paint and brushes
C.want to go to the football match together
D.want to save money
3."So we were then ready to start" means we ________.
A.had already started the work
B.had everything we need to begin the job
C.were always ready to do the work
D.were happy to start the work
4.On Sunday they could not open ________ of the front windows.
5.The writer broke ________ in the end.
A.three doors                
B.three glasses
C.two windows              
D.three windows
     Many years ago, in a small town, there lived a doctor. He was good and kind. At any time of the day and night,
he was always ready to go and help a sick person. Everyone in the town liked him and people always went to him
when there was anything wrong with them.
    But the years went past, and the doctor became old. He began to lose his memory. When people noticed this,
they did not go to him any more.
    "He may give us the wrong medicine, " they said. And they were afraid.
    The good old doctor noticed that people did not come to him any more but he did not understand why. So he
asked, "Why does no one come to me now?"
    No one wanted to tell him the real reason because   they did not want to make the good old man unhappy, so
they said,
    "You have helped all the sick people in the town.   There is no one sick now.  " The doctor was pleased when
he heard that and they went away happily.
1.People always went to the doctor when ________.
A.they were wrong
B.they were not right
C.they were not well
D.they were not happy
2."He began to lose his memory, " means" ________ ".
A.He couldn't know his sick persons any longer
B.He forgot everything in the past
C.He couldn't find anything
D.He couldn't remember things well
3.The sick people did not come to the doctor any more because ________.
A.there was no sick man in the town
B.he was old and no longer a doctor
C.they were afraid of him
D.he might give them the wrong medicine
4.People ________ tell the doctor why they did not go to him any more.
A.didn't want to            
B.wanted to
C.had to                  
D.didn't need to
5.The doctor ________ when he heard that there was no one sick in the town.
A.was disappointed          
B.was sorry
C.was satisfied             
D.was surprised
     Once a man named Henry found a box of old papers in a room. He   1   most of them, for he didn't like old things
very much.   2    one of these papers was an old letter.   It was written by a famous writer.   "When this letter was
written," said Henry, "  3  knew about the writer. But now everyone knows him. Some people like to   4   and keep
letters like this. I will get a lot of money for this letter if I sell it to the right man."
     There were a lot of dirty marks all over the letter. He thought, "It doesn't look   5  . No one wants to buy a letter
if it's dirty." So he cleaned the letter   6  . At last it looked new and he was pleased. He took the letter to a   7   in
New York. He knew that old papers of this kind were bought and sold there.
     The man in  the shop  looked  at the  letter for a long time. Then he said, "I'll   8   you ten dollars."   "Only ten
dollars?" said Henry. "But people pay a thousand 9 a letter like this. I've cleaned it and made it look nice." "I can
see that," said the man, "That's the 10 . People who buy old papers like them to be dirty."
(     )1. A. took    
(     )2. A. And    
(     )3. A. No one  
(     )4. A. read    
(     )5. A. dirty  
(     )6. A. carefully
(     )7. A. cinema  
(     )8. A. spend  
(     )9. A. on      
(     )10.A. difficulty
B. burnt  
B. Because
B. Anyone  
B. see    
B. true    
B. kindly  
B. shop    
B. lend    
B. in      
B. problem
C. wrote  
C. But    
C. All    
C. buy    
C. worried
C. heavily
C. library
C. send    
C. for    
C. question
D. kept      
D. If        
D. Everyone  
D. sell      
D. nice      
D. suddenly  
D. bookshop  
D. give      
D. with      
D. answer    
     Last Sunday, Mr Black and his neighbor went out to a place outside their city. It was sunny and the sea was blue
on that day. How happy they felt! When they were climbing the mountain they saw some monkeys eating bananas in
the big trees. After that they found a small house on the top of the mountain and there was a very nice smell coming
out of house. The owner of the house must be cooking something delicious. So they couldn't wait to enter the house.
To   their  surprise,   when  they  came  to the front of   the house they heard some noise in  the house.    What was
happening? Oh! Some students were having a picnic inside the house happily. Finally Mr Black and his neighbor
joined the teenagers. They all had a wonderful time last Sunday. 
1. Last week the weather was______ when Mr Black went out with his neighbor. 
A. cloudy            
B. rainy        
C. fine            
D. snowy 
2.They saw some ________ eating some fruit in the trees.  
A. lions              
B. tigers            
C. pandas      
D. monkeys  
3. Some students were having a picnic___________.
A. at the foot of the mountain            
B. in a small house      
C. in the trees                        
D. out of the house   
4. When Mr Black smelt the cooking smell, he and his neighbor ___________.
A. went into the house  
B. closed the door
C. left the house    
D. went away
5. This story happened on the _______ day of a week in English.     
A. first              
B. second      
C. third            
D. last
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