     Mr. Black  works   1   Mrs White. She is old, fat  and  rich (富有).  He  works in  her  garden. Mrs
White doesn't know   2   about the garden, but she usually tells him to do this or   3   that. This makes
Mr. Black very angry.   4   he calls her elephant.
     Mrs White is not happy to hear that. She   5   Mr. Black to the judge (法官). The judge hears the
story and says, "Mr. Black, it is   6   to call a lady elephant. You   7   do that again."
     "Yes."says Mr. Black. "Do you mean that I mustn't call this lady elephant?" "  8   right," says the judge.
     "And can I call   9   elephant lady?" Mr. Black asks.
     "Yes, you can." the judge answers. Then Mr. Black looks at the   10  and says, "Goodbye, lady."
(     )1.A. with    
(     )2.A. anything   
(     )3.A. not do  
(     )4.A. So      
(     )5.A. brings  
(     )6.A. right    
(     )7.A. must    
(     )8.A. All      
(     )9.A. an      
(     )10.A. judge  
B. for        
B. everything         
B. not doing  
B. But        
B. takes      
B. happy      
B. mustn't  
B. That's    
B. a          
B. elephant  
C. to        
C. something         
C. don't do
C. And      
C. takes    
C. wrong    
C. can      
C. It      
C. the      
C. woman    
D. by        
D. nothing           
D. not to do                
D. Or        
D. put        
D. angry      
D. may      
D. This      
D. /          
D. man        
     There was a woman in Detroit, who has two sons. She was worried about them, especially the
younger one, Ben, __1__ he was not doing well in school. Boys in his class made jokes about him
because he seemed so __2___.
     The mother decided that she would, herself, have to get her sons to do better in school. She told
them to go to the Detroit Public Library to read a __3___ a week and do a report about it for her.
One day, in Ben's __4___, the teacher held up a rock and asked if anyone knew it. Ben put up
his hand and the teacher let him ___5__. "Why did Ben raise his hand?" they wondered. He __6__
said anything; what could he possibly want to say?
     Well, Ben not only _7___ the rock; he said a lot about it. He named other rocks in its group
and even knew __8___ the teacher had found it. The teacher and the students were __9__.
Ben had learned all this from doing one of his book __10___.
     Ben later went on to the __11__ of his class. When he finished high school, he went to Yale
University and at last became one of the best doctors in the United States.
     After Ben had grown up, he _12__ something about his mother that he did not know as a
     She, herself, had never learned how to __14__.
(      )1.  A. because
(      )2.  A. clever
(      )3.  A. notice
(      )4.  A. class
(      )5.  A. think
(      )6.  A. always
(      )7.  A. found
(      )8.  A. whether
(      )9.  A. afraid
(      )10. A. pictures
(      )11. A. top
(      )12. A. learnt
(      )13. A. doctor
(      )14. A. read   

B. so     
B. hard   
B. message
B. room
B. leave
B. even
B. played
B. when
B. surprised
B. exercises
B. end   
B. remembered
B. child
B. work

C. but   
C. slow
C. book
C. office
C. stand
C. quickly
C. knew
C. where
C. worried
C. shops
C. back
C. understood
C. student
C. teach

D. though      
D. quick        
D. question    
D. lab          
D. speak        
D. never        
D. threw        
D. why          
D. unhappy      
D. reports      
D. side        
D. guessed      
D. teacher      
D. show         
     A four-year-old girl is lying in the arms of a doctor. She has just become motherless. The bombing
(轰炸)destroyed(毁坏)her home and killed her mother.
     Every day we see pictures like this on TVs or in newspapers. We see young Iraqi children begging
for food and water from American and British soldiers as they move through towns and cities towards
the capital, Baghdad(巴格达). We see these children following grown - ups, carrying bags of things
almost at the same size as their small bodies as they flee their homes in Baghdad.
     "Dad, why are the Americans striking(攻击)us? Are we going to be killed?" asks the son of Abu
Sinar, an Iraqi engineer, Abu finds it hard to explain this war to his eight - year- old son.
     He tries to comfort(安慰)him by saying, "The bombs are far away from us. The Americans are
fighting the soldiers. We are going to be all right." Even though Abu knows this isn't always the truth.
But what else can he do? In Baghdad, parents give their children sleeping pills to make them sleep so
that they won't hear the sound of bombing. And all the schools are closed.
     "All we can do is to listen to and hear the war," said Abu. "We, all the people and the children,
have to live in fear. We feel hopeless and helpless. We don't know where the next bombs are going.
We can do nothing but wait to be killed. "
1. During the war, children are ________.
A. studying at school      
B. fighting at the front
C. safer than their parents    
D. in great danger
2. The children have to flee their homes because ________.
A. it is dangerous to stay at home because of the bombing
B. their parents are not at home
C. they want to get food and water
D. they want to welcome the foreign soldiers
3. "Sleeping pills" are ________.
A. a place to keep children safe
B. a kind of thing to help them to be away from the war
C. a kind of medicine to help them to fall asleep
D. a kind of food to make them strong
4. Abu finds it hard to explain this war to his son, because ________.
A. he doesn't want to tell him the real reason
B. he doesn't want to tell a lie
C. he doesn't know how to explain it clearly
D. it isn't good to tell him why
     It is  Saturday  morning. Sue   1   breakfast.  Sue's  mother  and  father are  with  her. On Saturday
morning Sue   2   go to school. She helps her mother and father   3   home. This morning, she says to her
mother, "  4   I help you, Mummy?"
     "Yes, you can, Sue." her mother says, "You can go to Mr. Hunter's   5  . Our clock is   6   his shop."
     "Mr. Hunter mends clock." Sue's father says.
     "Is he    7   our clock?" Sue asks.
     "Yes." her father says, "And this morning it's ready."
     "Yes, it's ready. "her mother says, "  8   Mr. Hunter's shop, Sue. Take this bag. You can put the clock
in it."
      Sue take this bag. 
      "Here is eighty pence, Sue." her father says, "Give it to   9  , please."
      "Yes, Daddy." Sue says. She puts the pence in the bag.
      " 10 , Mummy and Daddy." She says. Sue is happy. She is helping her mother and father.
(     )1.A. is having      
(     )2.A. isn't        
(     )3.A. in            
(     )4.A. do            
(     )5.A. home          
(     )6.A. in            
(     )7.A. mend          
(     )8.A. Go            
(     )9.A. Mrs. Hunter    
(     )10.A. Good morning  
B. is hasing  
B. doesn't  
B. on          
B. Do          
B. shop        
B. on          
B. mends      
B. Go to      
B. Mr.Hunter  
B. Good evening    
C. has          
C. don't    
C. at          
C. can          
C. school      
C. to          
C. mending      
C. go          
C. Miss Hunter    
C. Good-bye    
D. having          
D. aren't      
D. to              
D. Can            
D. team            
D. at              
D. to mend        
D. go to          
D. the Hunters    
D. Good afternoon  
     Tom is six now. His mother __1__ in a factory. She's busy all the time. She must __2__ at six in the
morning. Then she cooks __3__ for her family. She goes to work with some __4__. So she can have lunch
in the factory. At six she comes back and cooks supper __5__. After she does some housework, she often
 __6__ she's tired. So she wants to have a good holiday.
     "What do you want for a holiday?"
     "I want to have a good rest." says the woman, "I can take you to the zoo to see __7__."
     Tom likes the dolphins very much and __8__ wants to see the elephants. September is coming and a
new __9__  begins. His mother asks, "Would you like to go to school, my dear?"
     "I'd love to." says the boy. "__10__ I'm going to have a holiday, too."
(     )1. A. lives    
(     )2. A. go to work
(     )3. A. breakfast
(     )4. A. books    
(     )5. A. at home  
(     )6. A. speaks    
(     )7. A. flowers  
(     )8. A. too      
(     )9. A. day      
(     )10. A. And      
B. works    
B. go to bed
B. supper    
B. paper    
B. at school
B. talks    
B. pictures  
B. to        
B. week      
B. Then      
C. studies  
C. get up    
C. lunch    
C. water    
C. at work  
C. says      
C. trees    
C. also      
C. term      
C. But      
D. plays      
D. get on      
D. meal        
D. food        
D. on the farm
D. tells      
D. animals    
D. can        
D. month      
D. or          
     One cold winter morning, an old woman had to see her    1   . When she got there, she    2    him that
her right leg hurt, and sometimes she could not    3   . She asked him what was    4   , as she had    5    
have such feeling before.
     The doctor looked her over carefully, then he said,"You are in good    6    for a woman of your age.
I think the trouble in your right leg is just a matter of old age. We get all kinds of illnesses (疾病)    7    
we get older. The trouble will almost    8    when the weather turns warm."
     "I don't think so, doctor!" she said."My left leg is    9   , and it is   10  age as my right."
(     )1. A. doctor  
(     )2. A. asked    
(     )3. A. see      
(     )4. A.trouble  
(     )5. A.before    
(     )6. A.time      
(     )7. A.when      
(     )8. A.start    
(     )9. A.good      
(     )10. A.the same
B. teacher
B. said    
B. sit    
B. wrong  
B. never  
B. age    
B. during  
B. begin  
B. nice    
B. as      
C. daughter
C. told    
C. go      
C. matter  
C. ago    
C. luck    
C. before  
C. eng    
C. kind    
C. so      
D. son          
D. spoke        
D. walk          
D. problem      
D. ever          
D. health        
D. until        
D. come          
D. beautiful    
D. the different
     I am going to have a party tomorrow night. I promised my mother that she needn't do _1_ for me.
My friend Jane is coming, too. She would like to help me, _2_ she can't. Because she has a piano lesson
in the morning and in the afternoon she has to babysit her sister. So I will do everything by myself. I try to
make _3_ party a nice one.
     I sent invitation to my friends _4_. Now I am thinking about what I need to do tomorrow. Yes! I have
to  clean  the  room  and do  some  shopping. I am  going _5_ some  food,  drinks and some fruit in the
supermarket. I am going to make a shopping list _6_ I go. I also have to decorate (装饰) the room. I
need to do so many things, so I _7_ see the movie "Da Vinci Code" after lunch. A terrible thing!
     The party begins _8_ 8 pm, so I must have dinner _9_. I am tired after I finish _10_ so many things
and after dinner I can have a short rest.
(     )1. A. something
(     )2. A. so      
(     )3. A. a        
(     )4. A. yesterday    
(     )5. A. buy      
(     )6. A. after    
(     )7. A. can      
(     )8. A. at      
(     )9. A. late    
(     )10.A. do      
B. anything
B. although
B. an      
B. tomorrow       
B. sell    
B. when    
B. not      
B. in      
B. early    
B. to do    
C. nothing        
C. but            
C. the            
C. tomorrow morning
C. to buy          
C. how            
C. can't          
C. on              
C. short          
C. did            
D. everything              
D. because                
D. /                      
D. the day after tomorrow  
D. buying                  
D. before                  
D. never                  
D. with                    
D. quick                  
D. doing                  
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