     O. Henry, a famous American writer of short stories, was born in North Carolina in 1862. O. Henry was
a pen name. His real name was William Sydney Porter. When he was a young boy, he did not go to school for
long because of being born in a poor family, but he tried to teach himself everything he needed to know.
     When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas. There he tried different jobs. He first worked
on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank. But he got himself into some trouble. Some money went missing
from the bank. O. Henry was believed to have stolen (偷) it, so he was sent to prison (监狱). During the three
years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and went on writing.
     He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because almost all
of them finished with a sudden change. This made the readers surprised.
1. _______ was the real name of the famous American writer.
A. O. Henry
B. William Sydney Porter
C. Carolina
D. Texas
2. O. Henry was sent to prison because _______.
A. people thought he had stolen money from the newspaper.
B. People thought he had stolen money from the bank.
C. he wanted to write stories about prisoners.
D. he broke the law (法律) by not using his own name
3. Which of the following is true?
A. O. Henry was from a rich family
B. O. Henry was in school for a long time
C. O. Henry learned everything he needed by himself.
D. O. Henry liked writing stories when he was a little boy.
4. O. Henry got most materials for his stories from _______.
A. his happy life as a boy
B. New York and the poor of the city
C. the newspaper
D. his life in prison
5. People enjoyed reading O. Henry's stories because _______.
A. they had surprising endings
B. they were easy to understand
C. they showed love for the poor
D. they were about New York
     Dou Kou, a Chinese boy, is called "the youngest writer in the world". He has written three books till now.
Dou Kou was born in Jiangsu in 1994. When he was 7 months old, his parents started working in over 30
different cities, such as Xi'an and Shenzhen. This kind of life gave him things to think and write about. When
he was 9 months old, he could speak and at the age of one, he could say five to six hundred words. At three,
he could look up words in the dictionary. At four, his father taught him how to learn by himself. His parents
like reading very much. So does he. At the age of 5, he began writing fairy tales. At the age of 6, he wrote a
novel about his life in different cities with his parents. His fairy tales are all from his life. One day, he found
many mice in the house. They not only ate their food but also hurt his mother's hand. So he thought, "If we give
mice the stomach of cows, they will eat grass and they will be helpful to people." This was his first fairy tales
Change Stomach for Mice. Now he studies well in a middle school. He has written his third book, the novel
called Eyes of Children. He says, " I am not different from other children. I just wrote several books. "
1. How many books has Dou Kou written?
A. Three.
B. Four.
C. Five
D. Six
2. Thanks to his _____, Dou Kou could write his books.
A. mother
B. father
C. school life
D. life in different cities
3. Dou Kou began to use a dictionary _____.
A. when he wrote fairy tales
B. before his father taught him how to learn something
C. after he went to school
D. after his mother taught him how to learn something
4. The underlined (画线的) sentences show us that Dou Kou _____.
A. is different from other children
B. doesn't tell the truth
C. is the same as other children
D. likes his books
5. Which is the best title?
A. Three Books by a child
B. How to Write a Fairy Tales
C. How Clever the Boy is
D. Dou Kou, the Youngest Writer
     Bill Gates is head of the software company Microsoft and one of the world's richest men. He was born
on October 28, 1955 and grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. He was a very bright boy. Science and
math were his two favorite subjects at school. And he dreamed of being a scientist.
     Bill first started to play on computers at the age of 13. At that time, a computer was a very large machine.
Once he was interested in a very old computer. He and some of his friends spent as much time as possible on
computers. In the end, they worked out a software program. Bill sold it for 4,200 dollars when he was only 17.
     In 1973, Bill went to Harvard University. In 1975, Bill and his partners developed a software program
called BASIC. This was not the first program ever created, but its inventors were the first to decide that people who wanted to use it should pay for it. BASIC was a success. Then Bill left Harvard to work for Microsoft, a
company he started in 1975 with his boyhood friend Paul Allen. They thought the computer would come into
every office and every home soon. So they began developing software for personal computers. They improved
the software to make it easier for people to use computers. After many years of hard work, Microsoft becomes one of the most successful companies. And Bill Gates also becomes one of the richest businessmen in the
Information about Bill Gates Date of birth: October 28, 1955
Official position: Head of Microsoft
Dream job in the childhood:                        1. ______________
Thing first done in1968:                             2. ______________
Name of the software program:                  3. ______________
Reason for developing personal software:    4. ______________
Achievements:                                          5. ______________
     George Stephenson was born in 1781 in a poor family. He had to start work when he was only eight.
When George was fourteen, he became his father's helper. He spent a lot of time learning about engines
(发动机). And on holidays he often make one engine to pieces and studied each piece carefully. Soon he
became a very good worker though he could not read or write. He began to learn English letters when he
was seventeen years old. Every day after he did twelve hours of hard work, he walked a long way to have
lessons from a young school teacher. On his eighteenth birthday, he wrote his own name for the first time
in his life. George invented (发明) many things in his life. The train was the greatest one among them.
Today when we take trains from one place to another, we'll think of this great man---George Stephenson.
1. In which year did George Stephenson start to help his father?
A. In 1781
B. In 1789
C. In 1795
D. In 1798
2. He learned about the engine ________.
A. through reading and writing
B. by making it to pieces and studying each piece carefully
C. at lessons from a young teacher
D. by asking a lot of questions
3. He spent a lot of time learning about engines and soon he became ________.
A. a great man
B. a good maker
C. a good worker
D. a good student
4. George Stephenson invented the ________.
A. the train
B. the telephone
C. the car
D. the computer
5. From the passage we know George Stephenson was one of the greatest ________ in the world.
A. workers
B. writers
C. learners
D. inventors
     Helen Keller was a very bright and beautiful girl. At age of six months she could already say a few
words. But before she was two years old, she was badly ill. She could not see or hear, and could not
even talk.
     When she was six, her parents invited a teacher for her. With the help of the teacher, she began to
see and hear the world around her through her hands. She learned to read the books for the blind. The
teacher took Helen for long walks, and told her about all the beautiful sights. Helen touched flowers,
climbed trees, and smelt a storm before it came. She also learned how to swim and ride a horse.
     After she grew up, she became a famous writer in America. Her first and most famous book was
"The Story of My Life". Her story has brought new hope to many blind and deaf people. It gave light to
those in darkness and encouraged them to live and work.
1. When could Helen Keller already say a few words?
A. At the age of two.
B. At age of a year and a half.
C. At the age of six months
D. When she was six years old.
2. Why couldn't Helen see or hear later?
A. Helen was badly ill.
B. She had a traffic accident
C. Helen was very tired.
D. She became very lazy.
3. How could Helen begin to see and hear the world around her?
A. With the help of her father.
B. She could see and hear the world around her through her feet.
C. With the help of her parents.
D. With the help of the teacher, she could begin to see and hear everything around her through her hands.
4. After Helen grew up, she became a famous ________.
A. doctor
B. scientist
C. teacher
D. writer
5. What gave light to those in darkness and encouraged them to live and work?
A. The teacher's help
B. The Parents' help
C. Helen's story
D. Helen's songs
     In 1975, Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the top of Mount Everest in the Himalaya Mountains, the highest mountain in the world at 29,035 feet.   
     Junko was born in 1939 and grew up in a small town in Japan. During her childhood, she was thin and
weak.1_____. The students climbed two mountains, and Junko loved it. She could climb in her own time and
     After Junko graduated from university in 1962, she joined several climbing clubs. 2_____. Some refused to
climb with a woman. In 1965, Junko married a well-known Japanese climber. Over the years, they climbed all
the highest mountains of Japan.   
     Meanwhile Junko started a woman's climbing club. By 1972, she was chosen to lead a team of women to
climb Mount Everest. It took three years for the 15 women to train and raise money for their climb.   
     3_____. They found nine guides to help them climb up the mountain. Everything went well until the morning of May 4. Suddenly a huge amount of snow and ice fell on them. One guide saved Junko. She rushed to help
others. Everyone was alive but they had injuries, including Junko. 4_____. About two weeks later, on May 16,
Junko reached the top of Mount Everest. Later she said, "I can't understand why men make all this fuss (过于
关注) about Everest - it's only a mountain." 
A. But they had mostly men members
B. However, the team decided to continue their climb
C. At age 10, Junko went on a school trip
D. So they stopped going on climbing at once Finally in 1975,
     the team went to climb the mountain
     As we know, Xiao Shenyang and Liu Qian did wonderful jobs in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Now
many people are crazy about these two persons. But how much do you know about them?
     Xiao Shenyang was born in a poor peasant family which is in difficult family conditions. His real name
is Shen He. He is an actor. He is good at Er Ren Zhuan. He learned acts, following Zhao Benshan. During
the school life, he was very active in many activities. He looks like a simple man, but he never stops pursuing
(追求) his artistic aspiration (渴望). More and more people like his style of performance, and we hope he
can make great progress in the future.
     Liu Qian is a young magician from Taiwan. At the age of 7, Liu saw a cute magic toy in a shop. At that
moment he began to love and decided to learn magic. Liu didn't go to any magic school. He practiced tricks
every day to improve his skills, until one day he was able to put on a show for his class. He saw the surprise
on everyone's face, and he felt it was cool. He often does street shows for passers-by, police and farmers.
He worked hard at it. Now he is a famous magician.
Xiao Shenyang Liu Qian
Job An actor A young 3. __________ from Taiwan
How to succeed He learned acts, following Zhao Benshan.
During the school life, he 1. __________.
He looks like 2.___________.
But he never stops pursuing the artistic
He always learned magic 4. __________ 
at the beginning.
At his show for his class, he found everyone
5.__________ and he felt it was cool.
He often does street shows for people.
He works hard at it.
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