Later    trousers   I   sing   one   if   
watch   old   in   big   father   when
       Michael Jackson was born in Indain, America, on Aguest 29, 1958. He was the seventh of the nine
  children   1   his family.
       His father, Joe Jackson, set up the family band "The Jacksons". It   2   became "The Jackson 5". Little
   Michael always   3   his brothers practice singing. when he was about 5 years   4   he joined the group
  and became the lead singer of "The Jackson 5".
       Michael's first public show was at a school program in his   5   grade in 1963. Weaing black   6    
  and a white shirt, he sang Climb Evry Moutain. Michael said,"Everybody gave me a big hand   7   I
  finished singing. I just couldn't believe it. I didn't think I had done anything special. I was just   8   the
  way I sang at home every night. I just open   9   mouth and sing".
       Michael's father was very strict with his sons. With their  10   help, Michael and "The Jackson 5"
  Started collecting trophies (奖杯) at talent shows.
1.              2.               3.              4.                 5.             
6.              7.               8.              9.               10.             
  Yao Ming,the center of the Chinese National Men's Basketball Team,
served the Houston Rockets in the 2002 NBA. The 2.2 m,120 kg center becomes the first one to come from a foreign team.
  Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in September,1980. His mother was a center and captain of the Chinese National Women's Team. His father played basketball, too.
  Yao Ming is widely known in China. He came to be a very important basketball player in China Basketball Association(联赛).It's short for CBA. During the 2000~ 2001 season,he got 27. 1 scores averagely(平均地) for the Shanghai Oriental(东方) Sharks in every match.
  Yao Ming joined the Houston Rockets in November,2002. He said this was a new start in his basketball life. He would do his best to learn from the NBA and improve himself.
  Sport analyst (分析家) Bill Walton said, " Yao Ming has the potential(潜力) ,the capability(能力) of changing the future of basketball. "
l.The Houston Rockets is the name of a _____ team.
A. table tennis                      B. volleyball
    C. basketball                       D. golf
 2. Both Yao Ming's father and mother are _____.
A. football players
B. basketball players
C. the centers of the Chinese National Team
D. the captains of the Chinese National Team
3. Yao Ming _____ in CBA during the 2000 ~ 2001season.
A. does well                        
B. is good
C. was good                        
D. did well
4. Yao Ming _____ the Houston Rockets in November,2002.
A. did his best to join          
B. was well-known in
C. became a member of        
D. took part in
5. Sport analyst Bill Walton thought Yao Ming was able to _____.
A.learn from the NBA
B.change the future of basketball.
C. improve himself
D. become the captain of the Houston Rockets
      George Stephenson was born in 1781 in a poor family. He had to start work when he was only eight.  When George was fourteen, he became his father's helper. He spent a lot of time learning about engines  (发动机). And on holidays he often make one engine to pieces and studied each piece carefully. Soon
he became a very good worker though he could not read or write. He began to learn English letters when
he was seventeen years old. Every day after he did twelve hours of hard work, he walked a long way to
have lessons from a young school teacher. On his eighteenth birthday,he wrote his own name for the first
time in his life. George invented (发明) many things in his life. The train was the greatest one among them.   Today when we take trains from one place to another, we'll think of this great man—George Stephenson.
1. In which year did George Stephenson start to help his father?_____.
A. In 1781
B. In 1789
C. In 1795
D. In 1798
2. He learned about the engine _____.
A. through reading and writing
B. by making it to pieces and studying each piece carefully
C. at lessons from a young teacher
D. by asking a lot of questions
3. He spent a lot of time learning about engines and soon he became _____.
A. a great man
B. a good maker
C. a good worker
D. a good student
4. George Stephenson invented the _____.
A. the train
B. the telephone
C. the car
D. the computer
5. From the passage we know George Stephenson was one of the greatest _____ in the world.
A. workers      
B. writers      
C. learners        
D. inventors
     James Cameron was born in a small town in Canada on August 16, 1954. One night at the age of
15, he found what he wanted to do with his life after he saw a movie. 2011:A Space Odyssey (《2011
太空漫游》). Cameron set his hopes high. He wanted to make movies. But he didn't know anything
about cinema. He didn't even know how to do a camera. What's more, he lived far away from
Hollywood, the place for him to make his dreams come true.
     However, Cameron got lucky in 1971. His father told him they would move to California and live
only a few miles from Hollywood. At that time, he dreamed to go to a film school, but his family
couldn't afford it. So he went to study physics at Fullerton College.
     Before long, Cameron stopped his college study and began making his living as a truck driver. But
he still didn't give up his dream of becoming a movie maker, In 1984 , he wrote and directed The
(《终结者》). It was a huge success.
     Cameron now could do whatever he wanted. He had several projects in mind, including Titanic
which ended up earning almost $2 billion. Cameron started making Avatar(《阿凡达》)in 2005. It
took his team four years to finish making the movie, but the movie has become another huge success.
1. Was Cameron born in Canada?  
2. What did Cameron want to do when he was 15 years old?
3. When did Cameron start making Avatar?  
4. What does the passage mainly talk about? 
     One of the most famous scientists to study adaptations (适应能力) was Charles Darwin (达尔文).
He was born in England in 1809. He wasn't the best student in his school, but when he was 16,his father
sent him to a medical school. Charles liked spending time outdoors observing (观察) nature more than
attending medical classes. He dropped out without graduating.
     Next, Charles' father sent him to school to become a minister (牧师). This time he made it to graduation.
But he didn't want to do the work of a minister. His friends encouraged him to follow his interest in science.
     After graduation, Charles was invited to sail on the Beagle as an unpaid scientist. He wasn't the first
choice but he was the lucky one to go. The Beagle was to travel to South America and then around the world.
The crew's task was to make maps of the places they visited.
     On December 27th,1831, Charles Darwin sailed from England on the Beagle. The trip was planned to
last two years. In fact, it lasted five. During this time, he saw many amazing things. He collected lots of
plants and animals and took them back to England to study.
     Twenty-three years later, Darwin published a scientific paper with another man named Wallace. Darwin
described how some animals have adaptations that help them survive. They are passed on to offspring (后代).  
1. Darwin was very interested in _____.
[     ]
A. attending medical classes
B. the work of a minister
C. sailing around the world
D. science
2.The Beagle was a(an) _____.
[     ]
A. ship
B. plane
C. plant
D. animal
3. When D.arwin published the scientific paper, he was _____ years old.
[     ]
A. twenty-three
B. twenty-two
C. forty-five
D. fifty
4. The underlined word "they" in the last paragraph refers to (指的是) _____.
[     ]
A. adaptations
B. Darwin and Wallace
C. animals
D. DarWin's ideas
5. Which of the following is true?
[     ]
A. Darwin graduated from a medical school.
B. Some animals have adaptations so that they can survive.
C. Darwin published a scientific paper with his own name.
D. Darwin was first chosen to sail on the Beagle.
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