     Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853. He enjoyed drawing as a child. His first connection
with paintings came in 1869. He worked for an art dealer(经营者) in London and Paris for four
years before he became a teacher in England for a short time. He moved back to France in 1877
and soon began to paint. He didn't stay long in Paris. He was attracted by the colors of the countryside,
and in 1888, he moved to Ales, a small town in the south of France. There, he painted his most famous
     He enjoyed painting people, farms, flowers, and other natural things. Some of his most famous
paintings are The Potato Eaters, the Starry Night, and several different Sunflower paintings. The
Starry Night is now kept in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. There is a quiet village and
a tall black tree under an angry sky. Some people say that it shows a war in Van Gogh's mind between
peace and anger. It was finished on June 19, 1889. Scientists say that it is a true picture of the stars on
that day.
     He was poor most of his life. He painted hundreds of paintings, but only sold one of them when he
was alive. He was a lonely, unhappy man who died at the early age of 37.
     Today, people love Van Gogh's use of color and the emotional power(激情) of his work. Van Gogh's
paintings are world-famous and worth millions of dollars.
     Museums around the world proudly show paintings painted by the great artist.
1题判断正误(“T,“F);2~4题简略回答问题;5题将文中画线句子译成 汉语。
1. Van Gogh began to paint in France.(     )
2. Why did Van Gogh move to the south of France?
3. What did Van Gogh enjoy painting?
4. How many paintings did he sell when he was alive?
5. __________________________________________________
    Xiao Shen Yang, the new partner of comedian Zhao Benshen at this year's spring festival gala, has
 become an overnight sensation (一夜出名). He continues to cause a stir (轰动) among comedy fans.

     Xiao Shen Yang shot to fame (名声) instantly after performing in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.
     Footage of his comic sketches has appeared almost all the video sharing web-sites. His blog has
 received five million hits, and each of his postings is read by about 300-thousand people. DVDs of the
 young comic star's performances also top sales lists.
     Xiao Shen Yang is a performer of Er Ren Zhuan, a popular comic form in northeast China. Many
 people are buying discs of his Er Ren Zhuan performances.
     Xiao Shen Yang will star in a show about Er Ren Zhuan, at the Beijing Exhibition Center on March the
  7th. Tickets have nearly sold out already.
1. What is Xiao Shen Yang?
    A. A partner
    B. A comedian Zhao Benshen
    C. A performer of Er Ren Zhuan
    D. A star
2. When is he   famous?
    A. At last year's spring festival gala
    B. In northeast China
    C. At the Beijing Exhibition Center on March the 7th
    D. In the CCTV Spring Festival Gala
3. Do people like him ?
    A.No, they don't.
    B. Yes,they do
    C. No, they do
    D. Yes, they don't
4. Where is  Er Ren Zhuan?
    A. At the Beijing Exhibition Center
    B. In northeast China
    C. In Shanghai
    D. In Beijing
5. On March the 7th,what will Xiao Shen Yang do ?
    A. He will buy  discs
    B. He will sell tickets
    C. He will be famous
    D. He will perform Er Ren Zhuan

     Chinese actors and actresses are very famous and popular in the world. Jackie Chan is one of the
  famous actors. He often acts in the action movies. Many people ,old and young like him very much. He is
  very brave when he acts.
     Yang Ziqiong is also a very famous actress. Yang Ziqiong's English name is Michelle. One of her films is
  Grouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (《卧虎藏龙》). It won 4 Oscars in 2001.
     Ge You is a great actor in China. He is my favorite movie star. He has many movies. His new movie is
  Mobile Telephone. It's a good movie. Many of us like this movie. In this movie, there are many famous
 actors and actresses. They can make us laugh. At the same time, it can make us think a lot. This movie is
  on (上映) in many cinemas now.
1. There are _____ famous actorsin this article(文章),
    A. one    
    B. two  
    C. three   
   D. four
2. Who acts Mobile Telephone?
    A. Jackie Chan    
    B. Yang Ziqiong      
    C. Xiao Shenyang  
    D. Ge You
3. Actresses means _____.
    A. 年轻演员
    B. 老年演员
    C. 男演员
    D. 女演员
4. The writer's favorite movie star is _____.
    A. Zhao BenShan  
    B. Yang Ziqiong
    C. Ge You  
    D. Jackie Chan
5. Yang Ziqiong is a_____.
   A. man  
   B. boy
   C. women  
   D. Sorry, I don't know.
     DENVER, COLORADO-What does it take to be a hero? In the case of live Denver children, it only takes
a cry for help. Here's the story of these five heroes as Gary Lewis, the man they helped, tells it.
     "I like to work on my old car. It's my hobby. I wanted to put a new transmission (传动装置) in the car.
I put the car up on blocks (大块木头) because I wanted to get under it. I was trying to get the old transmission
out when suddenly the car moved forward and fell off the blocks. It came down on my chest. I couldn't
     "I tried to shout for help for about five minutes, but I almost could not breathe. Could anyone hear me?
Was I going to die? Then all of a sudden I heard some little children from the neighbourhood. They were
running to the car and saying,'What happened, sir?'"
     "'Get help, please. I can't breathe,' I told them. One of the children ran to his house and told his mom to
call 911. Then, before I knew what was happening, all of the children were around the car. They used every
muscle (肌肉) in their bodies to lift (抬起) the car, and I was able to get out from under it."
     Lewis got out from under the car with just a few cuts. He didn't even have to go to the hospital. "These
children are my heroes," he says. "I don't know how they did it, but I am lucky to be alive."
     Raymond Brown, father of two of the children, is very proud of them. "We try to teach them to do the
right thing. This shows we're doing it the right way, I guess," he says.
1. The car fell off the blocks because _____.
A. the children pushed it
B. it moved forward by itself
C. Gary Lewis moved the blocks
D. it was driven by someone.
2. Gary Lewis couldn't breathe because _____.
A. there was a heavy car on top of him
B. he was running very fast
C. he had a bad cold
D. he was working too hard
3. Lewis was able to get out from under the car when _____.
A. the children worked together to lift it up a little bit
B. Raymond Brown came and pulled him out
C. he pushed the car forward
D. the police came to his help
       Steven Jobs, the designer of Apple Computer, was not clever when he was in school. At that time, he
   was not a good student and he always made troubles with his schoolmates. When he went into college,
  he didn't change a lot. Then he dropped out (退学). But he was full of new ideas.
       After he left college, Steven Jobs worked as a video game designer. He worked there for only several
   months and then he went to India. He hoped that the trip would give him some new ideas and give him a
   change in life.
       Steven Jobs lived on a farm in California for a year after he returned from India.
       In 1975, he began to make a new type of computer. He designed the Apple computer with his friend
  in his garage. He chose the name "Apple" just because it could help him to remember a happy summer he
   once spent in an apple tree garden.
       His Apple Computer was such a great success that Steven Jobs soon became popular all over the
1. Steven Jobs was not a good student in school because he _____.
A. never did his lessons
B. was full of new ideas
C. always made troubles with his schoolmates
D. dropped out
2. Steven Jobs didn't finish college, did he'?
A. Yes, he did.
B. No, he didn't.
C. Yes, he was.
D. No, he wasn't.
3. Steven Jobs designed his new computer        .
A. in India
B. with his friend
C. in an apple tree garden
D. by himself
4. Steven Jobs was popular for his _____ all over the world.
A. new ideas    
B. apple
C. Apple Computer  
D. video games
5. From this passage we know _____.
A. Steven Jobs didn't finish his studies in the college because he hated his schoolmates
B. Steven Jobs liked travelling in India and California
C. Steven Jobs liked trying new things and making his new ideas become true
D. Steven Jobs could only design video games
     Leonardo da Vinci was one of the world's greatest men.  He was born in Italy in 1452 and died in
1519. He was a great artist and scientist.  He invented many things. He studied the body and how plants
grow. He drew the first aircraft. He also drew a ship that could go under the sea.
     Other clever inventors, such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison, also invented things, but they
were not artists at the same time. They didn't paint great paintings.
      Leonardo painted one of the most famous paintings in the world.  It is called The Mon,a Lisa, and
we can still see it in Paris, France now.  The Mona Lisa is a painting of a woman. Leonardo also painted
another of the world's greatest paintings-The Last Supper.
1. The Mona Lisa was______. 
A. Leonardo's mother    
B. Leonardo's friend
C. No one knows.      
D. the title of a famous painting
2. Leonardo da Vinci was different from Thomas Edison because______.
A. Edison was an Italian          
B.  Edison was a scientist
C. Leonardo was not an inventor    
D. Leonardo was also a scientist and artist
3. When Leonardo died, he was______.
A. 52 years old    
B. more than 60 years old
C. over 70 years old    
D. only 50 years old
4. Which is a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?
A. The last supper.    
B. Mona Lisa's Mother.
C. The last meal.    
D. The first aircraft.
5. The main idea of the passage is about______.
A. a famous Italian artist    
B. Thomas Edison
C. a famous scientist      
D. a great artist and inventor
     Newton was born on Christmas, 1642, in a small village in England. His father, a farmer, died when he
was young. He liked to repair clocks and make toys. He also was interested in astronomy (天文学). Newton
went to school at twelve. Soon after he had to stop as his mother wanted him to do farm work. When she
found her son was so interested in science, Mrs. Newton sent him to Cambridge (剑桥) University to study.
He was 19 at that time. Sometimes he had to work as a servant to go on his study. There he became a famous
scientist. At 23 he invented methods of calculation (计算) which have been used to nowadays. In 1665 he had
to leave the university and go home where he made two of his great discoveries. One is that he found the colour
of sunlight was made up of seven kinds. The other was the founding of force of gravity (地心引力), which
was one of the most important theories (理论) for modern science.
1. Newton was a great scientist. He ______.
[     ]
A. discovered the law of nature
B. discovered the force of gravity
C. discovered the universe
2. Mrs. Newton hoped her son could become a ______.
[     ]
A. worker
B. scientist
C. farmer
3. In Cambridge Newton often worked as a ______ to go on his study.
[     ]
A. student
B. servant
C. scientist
4. Newton's first discovery was ______.
[     ]
A. 7 colours of the sunlight
B. light
C. lens
5. Newton stopped studying when he was young, because ______.
[     ]
A. his father died
B. his mother wanted him to be a farmer
C. his family was poor
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