     Ole Bull was a very famous violinist from Norway. He really    1    to play the violin,    2    his father
thought that playing the violin wasn't useful, so he sent him to university to study.
     However, playing the violin    3    Ole Bull very much and to be a violinist was his dream. He didn't
want to    4    his dream. So he left university before he finished his    5   . And then he    6   all his time and
energy practicing the violin. Unfortunately, his violin tutor wasn't excellent, and his teaching didn't suit him
very    7   . So when it was time for him to start his    8   tour, he still couldn't play the violin very well.
What's worse, a Milan newspaper critic (评论员) criticized him and   9    that he was an untrained
violinist. The critic said, "  10  he's gold, he's not ready to shine yet."
     When facing this kind of problem, one group of people may become   11  , of course, and the other
group of people may try to learn from it. Luckily, Ole Bull   12   the second group. He went to the
newspaper office and found the critic.   13   being angry, he listened to the man's advice.
     After he met the critic, he gave up his concerts. Then he went back to practice the violin   14   the
help of some good tutors. In the end, he got a great   15   when he was only 26. He became one of the
most famous violinists in the world.
(     )1. A. disliked  
(     )2. A. but        
(     )3. A. surprised  
(     )4. A. make up    
(     )5. A. courses    
(     )6. A. cost      
(     )7. A. quickly    
(     )8. A. concert    
(     )9. A. hoped      
(     )10. A. When      
(     )11. A. happy    
(     )12. A. joined in
(     )13. A. Instead  
(     )14. A. from      
(     )15. A. pity      
B. preferred  
B. though      
B. impressed  
B. end up      
B. matches    
B. paid        
B. terribly    
B. speech      
B. suggested  
B. If          
B. sleepy      
B. belonged to
B. Because of  
B. under      
B. solution    
C. enjoyed    
C. unless      
C. interested  
C. grow up    
C. homework    
C. spent      
C. badly      
C. display    
C. regarded    
C. Unless      
C. confident  
C. cared about
C. Instead of  
C. for        
C. success    
D. decided          
D. because          
D. annoyed          
D. give up          
D. research        
D. volunteered      
D. fine            
D. entertainment    
D. expected        
D. Since            
D. frustrated      
D. concentrated on  
D. Because          
D. with            
D. development      
     What is your favorite cartoon? It may be difficult for you to decide. But for the pianist Lang Lang,
Tom and Jerry                       .
     When Lang was two years old, he saw Tom playing the piano. This was his first time to enjoy
Western music and this experience encouraged him to learn to play the piano. His talent for music has
taken him from Shenyang to the world.
     Lang became a good piano student at the age of three. Ever since, the boy has been doing better and
better. In 1997, the 15-year-old boy studied at a famous American music college.
     Lang's performances are energetic. He is wellknown for making facial (面部的) expressions and
moving around while playing the piano. The road to success has never been easy. Lang's father stopped
his job to look after him, while his mother stayed in Shenyang to make money. But Lang thinks himself
lucky and believes he should give something back. He has helped the children in poor areas a lot.
1. 从文中找出与下句意义相近的句子。
    When Lang was three years old, he became a good piano student.
2. 根据上下文,将第一段最后一句补充完整。
    But for pianist Lang Lang, Tom and Jerry                                                                     .
3. 将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。
4. 根据短文内容,回答下面问题。
    How does Lang Lang feel about his success?
5. 根据短文内容,给其拟制一个标题。
     Stella was born on September 13, 1971 in London, England. She was the daughter of Paul
McCartney, a member of the world-famous band “the Beatles.” Though she was born famous,
her parents wanted her to live a normal and independent life. She went to state school and earned
pocket money on her own. She didn’t get the kind of allowance other kids of her age might have.
When she wanted pocket money, she had to clean dishes at a restaurant near her home.
     Though Stella had the look to become a model, she was most interested in becoming a fashion
designer. At the age of twelve, she made her first jacket. Three years later, she started working on
her first fashion design collection. When she attended college, some students called her “Daddy’s
Girl.” But when her graduation fashion show came out, she made them shut up.
     Later, she worked for some famous brands and achieved great success. In 2001, she started her
own brand and began to have some famous customers like Liv Tyler. Now she is a world-famous
fashion designer.
1. Stella is _________.
A. a member of the Beatles        
B. a British model
C. a young fashion designer        
D. a famous brand
2. What does the underlined word “independent” mean in the passage?  
B. 平凡的        
C. 独立的    
D. 舒适的
3. Stella started working on her first fashion design collection ________.
A. in 1971        
B. in 2001          
C. in 1983      
D. in 1986
4. _________ makes Stella achieve great success.  
A. Her famous father          
B. Her rich family  
C. Some help from her friends  
D. Her great effort (努力)
5. Which statement about Stella is NOT true? 
A. Stella got money from her parents.  
B. Stella made a successful graduating fashion show.  
C. Stella’s dream is to be a famous designer.  
D. Stella started her own brand at the age of 30.
     Yao Ming was born in China in 1980. In his last season with the Shanghai Sharks, he scored 32. 4
pergame.Then the big man from China had been helping the Houston Rockets in the NBA. He is the son
of two great basketball players and learnt how to play basketball when he was young. As one of the
stars in the NBA, he had been working hard to make his dream come true and show the world that
Chinese basketball players love this game too!
      Pele was a football player that everyone knew.
      He was born in Brazil in 1940. He started playing for Santos when he was only 16 and he didn't
retire until 1977. He played for Brazil 111 times and he scored 97 international goals. Pele came from a
poor family. He started playing football in the street,like many people around the world do. He was soon
picked to play for Santos and quickly became an international figure.
1. Which of the following is right?
A. Yao Ming is a table tennis player.
B. Yao Ming was once on the Houston Rockets.
C. Yao Ming's parents are not basketball players.
D. Yao Ming is playing for the Chinese football team.
2. Yao Ming _______ before he played for the NBA.
A. played for Shanghai Sharks
B. didn't love basketball
C. played for Santos
D. scored 34.2 per game
3. Pele retired              .
A. before the year of 1997
B. before he was 37
C. at the age of 37
D. when he was 16
4. Pele started to play for Santos
A. in the street
B. when he was 26
C. in 1956
D. in 1997
5. Which of the following is wrong?
A. Pele was born in a poor family.
B. Pele was a great football player.
C. Pele played football in the street all his life.
D. Pele became famous soon after he was picked to play for Santos.
     Michael Jordan was the most famous basketball player in the world. He was born in Brooklyn,
New York. He didn't like to talk to other people about himself. He was also very short when he was
young. He didn't play very well when he joined the basketball team in his high school at first. But the
next year things changed greatly for him because he grew much taller.
     Michael Jordan became famous when he joined the university basketball team in North Carolina.
Michael used his speed and strength( 力量) to reach the basket again and again. He played so well that
people called him "Air Jordan".
    After college, Michael became a basketball team member in the Chicago Bulls.The NBA was very
surprised at this high-flying player. He was named "Rookie (新秀)" of the year in 1985 and "Most
Valuable (最有价值的) Player" in 1987. He once set a record by getting 63 points in one game.
l. Jordan was a basketball super-star in _____.  
A. England
B. America
C. Canada
D. Japan
2. When he joined the basketball team in his high school, he _____ at first.
A. didn't play well
B. played very well
C. grew much taller
D. set a record
3. He began to become famous in _____.   
A. the NBA
B. the Chicago Bulls
C. the university basketball team
D. the high school
4. He is often called "_____" in North Carolina.
A. Air Jordan
B. Rookie
C. the NBA
D. Most Valuable Player
5. The NBA was very surprised at the superstar when_____
A. he was young
B. he joined the basketball team in his high school
C. he joined the university basketball team
D. he joined the Chicago Bulls

     China's Liu Xiang has shown that he is one ofthe world's   1   men!
    In the 28th Olympics,Liu Xiang _2   the 110-metre hurdles with 12. 91 seconds.  It's as fast as the
world record,and the best ever in the Olympics! It was the first men's athletics gold for China in the
    "I    3   Asians can run fast,too," he said.
     Liu loved sports _4    he was a child in Shanghai. "He kept running and jumping every day. He never
sat there _5_,"said his mother.
    In the fourth grade,Liu tried high jump. He was always the first to try a higher jump. He would jump
until he   6   it! But people said he was not    7   enough.
    "I told my mother that I wanted to be in theOlympics," Liu said.
     Luckily, at the age of 15, Liu    8    his coach Sun Haiping. Sun thought he could be No. 1 in the
110-metre hurdles.He was right.
      But young people love Liu not just for his sporting talent (才能) , _9   for his fashion (时尚).He likes
singing with his friends. He sings like a karaoke star.He likes to make fun of his pimples (痘) on his face,
"I would be better-looking i fl   10   them."
(     )1. A. fastest
(     )2. A. beat    
(     )3. A. knew    
(     )4. A. because
(     )5. A. lonely  
(     )6. A. made    
(     )7. A. high    
(     )8. A. rang    
(     )9. A. and    
(     )10. A. have  
B. slowest    
B. broke      
B. showed      
B. before      
B. loudly      
B. tried      
B. tall        
B. visited    
B. or          
B. didn't have
C. tallest  
C. won      
C. believed  
C. when      
C. quietly  
C. lost      
C. fast      
C. met      
C. however  
C. stop      
D. youngest
D. kept    
D. hoped    
D. after    
D. quickly            
D. failed  
D. strong  
D. missed  
D. but also
D. keep    
     Russian figure skating (花样滑冰) star Evgeni  Plushenko sent a message loud and clear at the
Turin Winter Olympics (都灵冬奥会) in 2006.
     He didn't say a word,but the message was clear in the numbers. He finished with a score of 167.67
points in the free skate and 258. 33 overall (全部的)-a surprising 27.12 points ahead of the silver
medalist. Four years ago,19-year-old Plushenko lost to his teammate and took the silver medal at the
2002 0lympics. This time, the three-time world champion took his first Olympic gold medal home.
 "This  game is mine, for  no  doubt (毫无疑问)," Plushenko said after the event. "It was my dream
when I was 4, I saw a competition and said to my mom,' I have to be there.'I said that I wanted to be
an Olympic champion. Now I have all the titles (头衔) and I am really very happy."
      At the age of 11, Plushenko was sent to his current coach (现任教练) Since his family was very
poor,his mother went to work with the coach.Luckily, the coach was a very kind person. He paid for
their apartment and gave young Plushenko food and   money."He is a very good coach and a very nice
person, "Plushenko said. "Without him, I would be nothing."
1. Plushenko won the silver medal at the 2002 0lympics when he was ______.
A. 14 years old  
B. 19 years old
C. 16 years old  
D. 20 years old
2. When Plushenko was 4 years old, he wanted to be______.
A. a player   
B. a teacher
C. an Olympic champion
D. a singer
3. Plushenko won ______ in 2006.     
A. the silver medal 
B. the gold medal
C. the second place
D. the third place
4. Plushenko was ______ when he was a child.
A. sad          
B. foolish
C. rich            
D. poor
5. ______  helped Plushenko a lot.
A. His mother          
B. His coach
C. His father
D. His friend
     Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who set up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl. She
started the business two years ago. She has already    1    several successful computer games. They are
so    2    that over half a million games are sold every year. Now all of her family work in her business,
and she is    3    at school.
     She gets up early in the morning, and then talks with her family about the    4    over breakfast. Every
day during weekdays, she goes to school in her own car with a    5  , for she is not old enough.
     She enjoys her school, but some of the work is too easy for her to feel    6   . She usually gets "A"
grades in all her    7   . So the other students often ask her for    8   . She finished her homework in half
an hour after her driver takes her home. After dinner, she goes to her office and    9    working on her
computer writing games until 2 a.m.
     She does not usually need so much   10     as other children.
(     )1. A. worked  
(     )2. A. afraid  
(     )3. A. still  
(     )4. A. lessons
(     )5. A. doctor  
(     )6. A. interested
(     )7. A. subjects
(     )8. A. money  
(     )9. A. goes on
(     )10. A. food  
B. played      
B. popula      
B. hardly      
B. friends    
B. teacher    
B. interesting
B. family    
B. help      
B. finds out  
B. sleep      
C. written    
C. expensive  
C. often      
C. exams      
C. driver    
C. uninterested
C. friends    
C. grades    
C. stops      
C. fruit      
D. bought        
D. surprised    
D. sometimes    
D. business      
D. visitor      
D. uninteresting
D. home          
D. results      
D. hurries      
D. pleasure      
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