Listen to the tape and choose the right word or phrase you hear in the sentence. (听录音,选择你在句子中所听到的单词或词组,每小题念一遍)
(     )1. A. clear     
(     )2. A. send      
(     )3. A. food      
(     )4. A. deal      
(     )5. A. talk about           
B. clearly       
B. sand          
B. wool          
B. meal          
B. think about           
C. cleanly    
C. land       
C. wood                                                   
C. real       
C. worry about
Listen to the dialogue and choose the answer. (听对话,选择正确的答案,对话念二遍。)
(     )1. A. 7845632        
(     )2. A. Jane and Tom.  
(     )3. A. Canada.        
(     )4. A. Five.          
(     )5. A. He's a worker.
B. 7845362            
B. Jane and John.     
B. Australia.         
B. Seven.               
B. He's a schoolboy.
C. 7485632                  
C. Tom and John.            
C. America.                 
C. Two.                       
C. He's a college student.
Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. (听短文,填上所缺的单词,短文念三遍)
       Thomas Edison once said that to be an inventor there are some things you have to do. First, you have to
make a good (1)                . Second, you have to make (2)                that there is a need for your invention.
If there is (3)                need, then you can't make any (4)                on your invention. Third, you have to
think (5)               .You need to get to the most important idea of your invention and work (6)                there.
He also said you need to make a survey. You have to (7)                about your idea for your invention and see
if (8)                else has the same idea as you. Then you need to work hard and (9)                give up. Don't
worry if you fail. Each failure (10)                you much closer to the right answer. Sooner or later you will
make your invention work.
(     )1. A. Weather.                    
(     )2. A. Some fruit.                
(     )3. A. 13.                        
(     )4. A. By bike.                    
(     )5. A. Because the weather is too bad.
           B. Because they want to watch TV.  
           C. Because they like to stay at home.    
(     )  6. A. Robert.                   
B. Business.  
B. Some drinks.
B. 15.     
B. On foot.   

B. Thomas.  
C. Season.        
C. Some food.  
C. 17.         
C. By bus. 

C. Brown. 
1. How does the woman want to travel?
[     ]
A. By train.
B. By air.
C. By sea.
2. When does the woman want to return to London?
[     ]
A. January 5.
B. January 15.
C. March 10.
3. Where does the woman live?
[     ]
A. In Madrid.
B. In London.
C. In another city.
4. What are the boy and the girl talking about? 
[     ]
A. A film.
B. A visit.
C. A plan.
5. Why won't they go to the cinema?
[     ]
A. Not both of them like the film.
B. They hear the film isn't good.
C. The film won't be on then.
6. Where will they stay tomorrow evening?
[     ]
A. Only in the restaurant.
B. Only at Bob and Sue's home.
C. Away from their home.
7. Does the man get up as soon as he wakes up?
[     ]
A. Yes, he does.
B. No, he doesn't.
C. We don't know.
8. What time will the paper arrive?
[     ]
A. At seven o'clock.
B. At seven thirty.
C. At a quarter to eight.
9. What time does the man listen to the news?
[     ]
A. At 8:00.
B. At 6:30.
C. At 7:30.
10. Why does the speaker like dancing?
[     ]
A. It gives her something to do.
B. It gives her a better life.
C. It teaches her something important.
11. How does the speaker dance at home?
[     ]
A. Freely.
B. Easily.
C. Carefully.
12. How does the speaker feel before her turn to dance in a show?
[     ]
A. Afraid and troubled.
B. Easy and happy.
C. Excited and worried.
(     )1.
(     )2.
(     )3.
(     )4.
1. Tony and Betty are going to _______ tomorrow.
[     ]
A. visit the museum
B. see the beautiful scenery
C. collect coins
2. What is the man interested in?
[     ]
A. The coins and the beautiful sea.
B. The animals and plants.
C. The beautiful sea and birds.
3. When does the man usually get up in the morning?
[     ]
A. At 6:15.
B. At 6:30.
C. At 6:45.
4. Why did the man feel unhappy? Because _______.
[     ]
A. he was an hour late for work
B. he left the report at home
C. he forgot it was a holiday
5. When does Lucy feel self-confident?
[     ]
A. When people talk with her.
B. When people care about her.
C. When people refuse to listen to her.
6. What makes Sue feel self-confident?
[     ]
A. Others'smiling.
B. Her mother's words and hugs.
C. Others.
7. According to the passage what helps people feel self-confident?
[     ]
A. Their friends and teachers.
B. Their parents, brothers and sisters.
C. Themselves and the respect of others.
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