听下面9 段对话,每个小题你将听到一段对话和一个问题,读两遍,请从所给的三个选
(     )1. A. Mary.                            
(     )2. A. A teacher.                      
(     )3. A. More than three years.  
(     )4. A. She only watches
                  TV at night.    
(     )5. A. He has to buy a coat. 
(     )6. A. She has changed
                her work.        
(     )7. A. He wants to get a 
                son and a girl.
(     )8. A. Doing business.
(     )9. A. Stronger.                       
B. Tom.                                
B. A doctor.                          
B. Less than three years.              
B. There was a TV program
    on spaceship.
B. It's a cold day.                    
B. She is thinking about
     a new job.    
B. He likes to have a
    son better.      
B. Traveling around.                  
B. More careful.                      
C. Susan.                        
C. A policewoman.                
C. Just three years.              
C. She has seen a
    spaceship on TV.
C. He's not well.                
C. She has changed
     her mind.      
C. He wants to have
    a nice girl.  
C. Working without a holiday.    
C. More beautiful.                
 0  8005  8013  8019  8023  8029  8031  8035  8041  8043  8049  8055  8059  8061  8065  8071  8073  8079  8083  8085  8089  8091  8095  8097  8099  8100  8101  8103  8104  8105  8107  8109  8113  8115  8119  8121  8125  8131  8133  8139  8143  8145  8149  8155  8161  8163  8169  8173  8175  8181  8185  8191  8199  159627 

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