(     )1. A. you      
(     )2. A. cost      
(     )3. A. vegetables
(     )4. A. write    
(     )5. A. enjoyable
B. four    
B. rockets  
B. bringing
B. noses    
B. hard               
C. great    
C. too      
C. grow    
C. choose  
C. gardener                                     
(     )1. A. I put it in the frames.  
(     )2. A. It's very exciting.        
(     )3. A. Yes, please.            
(     )4. A. They are fruit.          
(     )5. A. Where's it?            
B. My family come from America.
B. He likes to fish.          
B. Yes, thanks.                
B. They are bad.               
B. Thanks for saying that.    
C. My family is in China.        
C. He has lots of collections.  
C. No, I wouldn't.              
C. He gave them to some kids.    
C. It's great.                
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