Thomas Edison made more than 1,000 inventions in his life. (A)他的许多发明已经改变了世界。His first invention was a vote recorder (投票记录器) in 1869. This machine allowed people to place a vote by pressing a button instead of saying “Yes” or “No”. (B)H_________, American government officials did not like Edison’s invention because they preferred to call out their votes.
Then Edison started a company with his friend, Franklin Pope. (C) was, morning, night, busy, until, Edison, from, early, late. As a result of hard work, he invented telegraph to print the price of gold and silver. He sold it to Western Union Company for $15,000.
With some of the money Edison started his own company. Next he invented a stock ticker. (D)This machine was used to record the price of stocks (股票) in New York. Western Union paid
Edison $ 40,000 for this invention.
Edison used this money to open a shop in Newark in the state of New Jersey. In 1875, Edison and his family moved to Menlo Park in the same state. There he built his own laboratory.

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    回答问题:Which state of America does Menlo Park belong to? 

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