We have always been interested in the moon. 2000 years ago people already knew it moved around the earth and where it would be in the sky at different times of the year. At that time, everything about the moon was learned by watching it carefully in the sky.
When scientists could use telescopes(望远镜) to study the moon more closely, their ideas began to change. They could see the moon was made of rocks. Most scientists thought moon rocks would be different from those on Earth. This was because they believed the moon had once been a planet that had been caught in the earth’s gravity millions of years earlier.
In 1969 moon rocks were finally brought to the earth and studied. Much to their surprise, scientists found that, except for water, the moon and the earth were made of the same things. Once again new ideas were needed for this new information.
After years of study, most scientists now think that the moon was once part of Earth. They believe very early in its history, maybe 4 million years ago, something about the size of Mars hit Earth. This sent billions of rocks into space around our planet. These rocks slowly joined together and after many years became the moon.
In the future, even though our ideas about the moon may change again, we will still be interested in it.

  1. 1.

    From the passage we know the moon was made of_____________.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    In the passage the writer wants to tell us ___________________.

    1. A.
      why people are interested in the moon
    2. B.
      how ideas about the moon have changed over time
    3. C.
      where the moon came from in the past
    4. D.
      that people have finally learned the truth about the moon.
  3. 3.

    Before 1969 most scientists thought the moon was ______________.

    1. A.
      part of the earth billions of years earlier
    2. B.
      older than the earth
    3. C.
      a planet caught by the earth’s gravity
    4. D.
      made of the same things as the earth
  4. 4.

    From this passage we can learn that ___________________.

    1. A.
      scientists in the past were not clever
    2. B.
      the earth was once part of the moon
    3. C.
      we now know everything about the moon
    4. D.
      new information brings new ideas

Nowadays(如今) everyone has a practical goal for life. Do you have one? What’s it? Do you want to become a writer, singer or just become a rich person?
A recent survey shows that in modern society, most people pick up practical goals, such as “earning money to buy a house and a car” , “to improve one’s life quality, “finding a good job”.
Wang You worked in a small firm (商行) in Nanjing. The job was good and he didn’t have to work for extra hours. However he felt the work was not exciting at all and the life was boring. ① So he          ______  _______his job and went to Beijing in February, 2007. When he arrived in Beijing, he set his new goal as finding a good job.
Nowadays more and more people want to live a better life. This fact shows that the society is making progress and people’s life goals have become more practical. One researcher says, “Everybody has his/her own life goal, which will be surely different from people to people. If one is poor, one’s life goal will be to earn more money; if one doesn’t have a diploma(文凭), studying hard to get a diploma will become his life goal; and if one doesn’t have love, his life goal will be to look for it. ②But if one has no life goal, he will idle away(虚度) his lifetime.”

  1. 1.

    回答下列问题:Why did Wang You go to Beijing though he had a good job in Nanjing?

  2. 2.


  3. 3.


  4. 4.

    He needn’t work in his spare time because of his good job.

  5. 5.


Throughout history, people have been interested in knowing how language first began, but no one knows exactly where or how this happened. However, we do know a lot about languages, the language of today and also the languages of earlier times. There are probably about three thousand languages in the world today. Chinese is the language with the most speakers. English, Russian and Spanish are also spoken by millions of people. On the other hand, some languages in the world have less than one hundred speakers.
There are several important families of languages in the world. For example, most of the languages of Europe are in one large family called Indo-European. The original language of this family was spoken about 4,500 years ago. Many of the present-day languages of Europe and India are modern forms of the language of 4,500 years ago.
Languages are always changing. The English of today is very different from the English of 500 years ago. In time, some even die out completely. About 1,000 years ago, English was a little known relative of German spoken on one of the borders of Europe.
If a language has a number of speakers, or if it is very old, there may be differences in the way it is spoken in different areas. That is, the language may have several dialects. Chinese is a good example of dialect differences. Chinese has been spoken for thousands of years by many millions of people. The differences between the dialects of Chinese are so great that speakers of Chinese from some parts of China can’t understand speakers from other parts.

  1. 1.

    The first paragraph mainly tells us that_______.

    1. A.
      most people in the world speak Chinese
    2. B.
      there are thousands of languages in today’s world
    3. C.
      man has much knowledge about languages
    4. D.
      some people know several languages
  2. 2.

    Most European and Indian languages_______.

    1. A.
      will soon die out completely
    2. B.
      were once a relative of English
    3. C.
      are no longer spoken
    4. D.
      come from the same family of language.
  3. 3.

    Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

    1. A.
      Chinese is the language with the most speakers.
    2. B.
      English was a well-known relative of German spoken on one of the borders of Europe.
    3. C.
      A language has many speakers, but there may be no differences in the way it is spoken in different areas.
    4. D.
      Speakers of Chinese from some parts of China can understand speakers from other parts.
  4. 4.

    It is considered a most difficult thing for one to learn to speak Chinese because_______.

    1. A.
      there are great differences between the dialects of Chinese
    2. B.
      Chinese and many foreign languages are not of the same family
    3. C.
      Chinese is a very old language
    4. D.
      there are great differences between the old Chinese and the present-day Chinese
  5. 5.

    The underlined word “dialect” in the last paragraph means_______.

    1. A.
      a special language spoken by Chinese
    2. B.
      the sign used by Chinese people in a special area
    3. C.
      the difference between the old and today’s Chinese
    4. D.
      the form of a language used in one part of the country

The building is shaking. A woman with a baby in her arms is trying to open the door, but fails. Finding no way, she rushes into her bedroom and there they survive the earthquake.
In a factory building, as the workshop floor swings under the terrible shaking, workers run for safety. Some hide(隐藏) under the machines and survive , but others who try to run outside are killed by the falling ceilings.?
These scenes, played by actors and actresses, are from a film of science education 《Making a Split Second Decision》 shown in 1998 on China Central TV in memory of Tangshan Earthquake.
By studying actual cases in the earthquake areas and scientific experiments, experts(专家)find that buildings remain untouched for the first 12 seconds of an earthquake.
In this short time, one has the best chance of surviving an earthquake by staying near the inside walls, in bedrooms and under beds, experts concluded in the film. “Earthquakes seem to catch the lives of those who run,” said many survivors in the earthquake areas, describing how their friends were killed on the doorways or along the stair steps as they tried to get out of the building.
Their advice was proved in the film, “Take a hiding-place where you are rather than run, unless you are sure you can reach a safe open place in ten seconds.”

  1. 1.

    The word “survive” appears in the passage several times. It probably means    in Chinese.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
      摇晃 ?
  2. 2.

    The workers who tried to run outside the building died because      .

    1. A.
      the factory building was shaking terribly
    2. B.
      they were making a film
    3. C.
      they didn’t have enough time to run outside
    4. D.
      they were too nervous
  3. 3.

    The passage suggests that you should      when an earthquake happens.

    1. A.
      cry for help
    2. B.
      not move and lie on the floor at once
    3. C.
      run down the steps as fast as you can
    4. D.
      find a safe place and hide in at once or run out in ten seconds
  4. 4.

    Where can we probably find this passage?

    1. A.
      In a magazine.
    2. B.
      In an advertisement.
    3. C.
      In a history book.
    4. D.
      In a poster

When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor, Dr. Gibbs. He didn’t look like any doctor I’d ever known. He never invited us to play in his yard, but he was a very kind person.
When Dr. Gibbs wasn’t saving lives, he was planting trees. He owned a large field and wanted to make it a forest.
The good doctor had some interesting ideas about planting trees. He never watered his new trees. Once I asked why. He said that watering plants spoiled (宠坏)them, and that if you watered them, each baby tree would grow weaker and weaker, so you had to make things difficult for them and pick out the weaker trees early on.
He talked about how watering trees made for shallow(浅的) roots, and the trees that weren’t watered had to grow deep roots in search of water under the earth by themselves. Deep roots were very important.
So he never watered his trees. He’d planted an oak and, instead of watering it every morning, he’d beat it with a rolled-up newspaper. I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the tree’s attention.
Dr. Gibbs died several years after I left home. Every now and then, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I watched him plant about twenty-five years ago. They’re very big and strong now.
I planted some trees a few years back and carried water to them for a whole summer. After two years of caring too much, whenever a cold wind blows in, they shake a lot.
Every night before I go to bed, I check on my two sons. Mostly I pray(祈祷) that their lives will be easy. But lately I’ve been thinking that it’s time to change my prayer. I know my children are going to face difficulties. There’s always a cold wind blowing somewhere, so what we need to do is to pray for roots that reach deep into the brave heart, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we could face it strongly and won’t be beaten down

  1. 1.

    We know from the reading the doctor _________

    1. A.
      didn’t know how to plant trees at all
    2. B.
      wasn’t good at his own medical job
    3. C.
      had his own ways of planting trees
    4. D.
      had nothing to do but plant trees
  2. 2.

    When Dr. Gibbs said, “...pick out the weaker trees early on.” he means that ______

    1. A.
      some weak trees would be easily found out at the beginning
    2. B.
      he would choose the weak trees to water earlier
    3. C.
      the weak trees would be sent to his patients later
    4. D.
      he would not plant weak trees so early anymore
  3. 3.

    The passage tells us that the writer _______

    1. A.
      should beat his trees with a rolled-up newspaper
    2. B.
      didn’t often water his trees
    3. C.
      didn’t have a large field
    4. D.
      took too much care of his tree
  4. 4.

    The writer wants to change his prayer, hoping that ________

    1. A.
      his trees will be stronger than Dr. Gibbs
    2. B.
      his trees will not be beaten down
    3. C.
      his sons will be better at planting trees
    4. D.
      his sons will be able to face difficulties
  5. 5.

    Which can be the best title of the reading?

    1. A.
      Watering Trees
    2. B.
      Growing Roots
    3. C.
      Doctors and his Neighbor
    4. D.
      Father and his Children

Now satellites are helping to forecast the weather. They are in space, and they can reach any part of the world. The satellites take pictures of the atmosphere(大气), because this is where the weather forms. They send these pictures to the weather stations. So meteorologists(气象学家)can see the weather of any part of the world. From the pictures, the scientists can often say how the weather will change.
Today, nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satellite pictures. When they receive new pictures, the meteorologists compare them with earlier ones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed during the last few hours. This may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change, too. In their next weather forecast, the meteorologists can say this.
So the weather satellites are a great help to the meteorologists. Before satellites were invented, the scientists could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours. Now they can make good forecasts for three or five days. Soon, perhaps, they may be able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahead(提前)

  1. 1.

    Satellites travel______.

    1. A.
      in space
    2. B.
      in the atmosphere
    3. C.
      above the ground
    4. D.
      above space
  2. 2.

    Why do we use the weather satellites to take pictures of the atmosphere? Because ______.

    1. A.
      the weather satellites can do it easily
    2. B.
      clouds form in the atmosphere there
    3. C.
      the weather forms in the atmosphere
    4. D.
      the pictures can forecast the weather
  3. 3.

    Meteorologists forecast the weather______.

    1. A.
      when they have received satellite pictures
    2. B.
      after comparing the pictures with earlier ones
    3. C.
      before they received satellite pictures
    4. D.
      while they study satellite pictures
  4. 4.

    The main idea of this passage is that satellites are now used in______.

    1. A.
      taking pictures of the atmosphere
    2. B.
      receiving pictures of the atmosphere
    3. C.
      doing other work in many ways
    4. D.
      weather forecasting to the pictures
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