What will the home of the future look like? A team of architects (建造师) in Hong Kong say that city homes will be tiny, as populations continue to grow and space becomes more expensive. They have designed “space flats”. 83它们只有30 平米大。These flats have three small rooms, a living room, a bathroom and a bedroom, as well as a balcony (阳台),but everything is carefully planned to make good use of the limited space.
The living room is the main room of the flat. It can be used as an office, a kitchen or even a second bedroom. There is a sofa that can be changed into a bed. The dining table can be changed into a computer desk. And, if not needed, both the sofa-bed and the table can be folded away and stored into a small apace in the wall. There is a flat-screen TV, which can also serve as a computer monitor. In one corner of the room, a small cooker, a microwave oven and a miniature refrigerator are hidden out of sight.
The other rooms are small but useful. The bathroom contains a toilet and a shower. The double bed in the bedroom can also be a sofa, if necessary, The balcony has enough room for two people to sit and enjoy the view from the block of flats. All the rooms have high ceiling to provide as much storage space as possible, while the flat has large windows to let in plenty of sunlight.
“Space flats “are now being tested in a building in Hong Kong. “It’s wonderful,” said one resident(居民) “84. The flat is so well designed that you feel that there is plenty of space”

  1. 1.

    Why do the architects think that “Space flats “will be important in the future?

  2. 2.

    How many rooms can a “space flat ” have in all ?

  3. 3.


  4. 4.


  5. 5.


The Green Magic Tree House, in India, is the perfect hotel for anybody who likes adventure(冒险). Guests must drive for miles through the jungle to find it in the middle of tea and coffee plantation (种植园).
There are two tree houses to choose from, one 30 meters and the other 35 meters above the ground. Both houses have two floors. The bedrooms are above the living area and there are bathrooms and showers. You can get up to rooms and move between floors by using ladders (梯子). You can go from one tree house to the other on a rope bridge. The houses sometimes move about in the wind but the views are fantastic.
Guests can enjoy moving through the jungle, climbing in the mountains, and watching wildlife. There are many unusual plants, birds, and insects in the area.
The Ice Hotel is in Jukkasjarvi, a village in Sweden 200 kilometers north of the Arctic(北极)Circle. Every winter, a team of architects(建筑师), designers and snow builders build the hotel. This year there are 80 rooms.
Everything is made of ice. The walls, the floors, the ceilings(顶棚), and even the furniture are made of ice. The beds are made of ice, too, but guests sleep on warm deer skins. Outside it can be -37℃, so inside it feels quite comfortable. The hotel has a bar, where guests can drink vodka(伏特加) from glasses made of ice. It's very popular — because there isn't much else to do.
To spend a night at Jules Underwater Lodge in Florida, guests need to scuba dive (潜水) seven meters under the sea. They enter a small house through a door at the bottom of the building. Inside, the kitchen is stored with food and there is a fridge and a microwave oven(微波炉). There is a hot shower and comfortable beds and lots of books, DVDs and video games. Most guests, however, spend their time at one of the large windows watching different fishes swimming by.

  1. 1.

    The writer tells us three ___________ hotels.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    The Ice Hotel ___________.

    1. A.
      disappears in August
    2. B.
      is totally(全部) made of ice
    3. C.
      organizes lots of activities
    4. D.
      is enlarged every year
  3. 3.

    Which of the following statements is True?

    1. A.
      The bar in the ice hotel is famous for beer.
    2. B.
      Fishes are watched through the hotels' windows.
    3. C.
      Guests can live underwater for several days.
    4. D.
      The tree houses are of the same height.
  4. 4.

    The Green Magic Tree House is in _______.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.

    Both of the Tree House have _______ floors inside.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.

Have you ever been in a meeting while someone was making a speech and realized suddenly that your mind was a million miles away? You probably felt sorry and decided to pay attention and never have daydreaming again. Most of us have been told from earliest school days that daydreaming is a waste of time.
L. Giambra, a psychologist(心理学家), says,” On the contrary , daydreaming is quite necessary. Without it, the mind couldn’t do all the thinking that it has to do during a normal day. You can’t possibly do all your thinking with a conscious (神志清醒的)mind. Instead, your unconscious mind is working out problems all the time. Daydreaming may be one way that the unconscious and conscious states (状态)of mind have silent conversations .”
Early psychologists paid no attention to the importance of daydreams or even thought they were harmful. At one time people thought that some psychological illness caused day dreaming. They did not have a better understanding of daydreams until the late 1980s. Eric Klinges, a professor, is the writer of the book Daydreaming. Klinges says, “We know now that daydreaming is one of the main ways that we organize our lives, learn from our experiences, and plan for our futures. Daydreams really are a window on the things that we fear and the things we long for (渴望) in life.”
Daydreams are usually very simple and direct(直接), quite unlike sleep dreams. Sleep dreams may be hard to understand. It’s easier to get a deep understanding of your life by paying close attention to your daydreams than by trying to examine (分析)your sleep dreams carefully. Daydreams help you know the difficult situations(情况)in your life and found out a possible way of dealing with them.
Daydreams cannot be predicted(预言): they move off in unexpected directions which may be creative and full of useful ideas. For many famous artists and scientists, daydreams were and are a main source of creative energy.

  1. 1.

    The passage is mainly about _______ .

    1. A.
      winter sleeps
    2. B.
      sleep dreams
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    The underlined phrase On the contrary  means _________ .

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    The writer of this passage thinks daydreams are__________.

    1. A.
      hard to understand
    2. B.
      important and helpful
    3. C.
      harmful and unimportant
    4. D.
      the same as sleep dreams
  4. 4.

    Psychologists now believe that ________.

    1. A.
      daydreams are usually very simple and can be predicted
    2. B.
      daydreams are usually difficult to understand
    3. C.
      daydreams cause some psychological illness
    4. D.
      daydreams may be creative and full of useful ideas
  5. 5.

    The writer quoted  (引用 )L. Giambra  and Eric Klinges  to ________.

    1. A.
      list out two different ideas
    2. B.
      point out the wrong ideas of early experts
    3. C.
      support his own ideas
    4. D.
      report the latest research on daydreams
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