Walter owns three Italian  restaurants which are running very well in Rhode Island in America. Every day his restaurants welcome crowds of customers(顾客) all over the world.
He studied to be a cook, but he sees now that his success is the result of a lifetime education. When he opened his first restaurant, all of a sudden his schooling knowledge , the history of his family and his ethics(道德准则) of his father came into play  . It made him a person who studied and explored (探索)the secrets in the food business.
Walter’s learning never stops. He says “ The food business is one where you need to stay on top. Cooks should be trained. You have to keep on studying or you will be left behind.” So he spent more time in reading. Every time he gets new ideas from the book, he brings them into his work.
Walter also has a clear understanding about success. That is he would like to be remembered as a person who is creative, who believes in the Italian cooking culture in America. Food is like a bridge connecting to the past, to the family and to the country. He says “Success to me is not how much money I make, but if at the end of the day I am able to make fifteen or twenty customers happy, I’m a happy man.”

  1. 1.

    The underlined phrase “came into play” means                

    1. A.
      played a joke on him
    2. B.
      needed to be used
    3. C.
      gave him much help
    4. D.
      began to be studied
  2. 2.

    The secret of Walter’s success is             .

    1. A.
      building a bridge to the country
    2. B.
      keeping on learning without any stops
    3. C.
      getting new cooking ideas from his family
    4. D.
      bringing the Italian cooking culture into America
  3. 3.

    From the last sentence of the passage, we can know that it is           .

    1. A.
      happy to make a lot of money
    2. B.
      exciting to have more and more customers
    3. C.
      important to make the customers pleased
    4. D.
      impossible to make 15 or 20 customers happy every day
  4. 4.

    We can learn from the passage that           .

    1. A.
      the lifetime education is important
    2. B.
      creative spirit always comes first
    3. C.
      exploring the food business is difficult
    4. D.
      new ideas are necessary in running a restaurant
  5. 5.

    The best title of this passage may be “          ”

    1. A.
      Culture is Important for Cooks
    2. B.
      A Cook and His Customers
    3. C.
      The Story of Three Restaurants
    4. D.
      A Winner is Made, not Born
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