【题目】Today is the fifth day of August. It is Judy’s birthday. When she comes back from school, she sees a card on the table. It says, “There’s a gift(礼物) for you, Judy. Look for it in your bedroom.” Judy runs into her bedroom. Her parents are looking at her and smiling. On the chair she sees a red box. She thinks her gift must be in it. She opens it, and there is a piece of paper(纸) in it. She reads it, “Dear Judy, I’m your gift. My first letter(字母)is in the word ‘bag’, but not in ‘age’. My second letter is in ‘like’, but not in ‘lake’. My third letter is in ‘know’, but not in ‘now’. And you can find my last letter in both ‘desk’ and ‘get’. What am I?” Judy thinks for a while and says, “Aha, I know. But where is it?” Her father tells(告诉) her it is in her study.

What is it? Do you know?


【1】When is Judy’s birthday?

A. August 5th. B. August 6th. C. July 5th. D. June 6th.

【2】What does the piece of paper in the box tell Judy?

A. The color of her gift.

B. The shape(形状) of her gift.

C. The place(地点) of her gift.

D. The name of her gift.

【3】Where can Judy find her gift?

A. On the chair. B. In her study.

C. In the box. D. In the living room.

【4】What is Judy’s gift?

A. A book. B. A bag. C. A bike. D. A desk.

【5】What does the underlined word open mean?

A. 打开 B. 关闭 C. 看见 D. 阅读

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