【题目】The smell of coffee wakes me. I run into the . There Pa is! Pa lifts me onto his shoulders. Ma says, “I’m going to bake a . Go down to the cellar(地窖), Jimmy, and bring me that jar of apples from the shelf. Thats the last jar---the weve been saving and saving to welcome Pa home.

I take down the jar carefully and put both my hands around it. I can Pa and Ma laughing upstairs. I hurry up the steps. I take the steps two at a time but my

catches on the middle one. The jar slips(滑落) through my fingers and on the floor. Bits of apple fly everywhere.

Are you hurt? Ma comes . I look at her face. Go on upstairs now. Dont cut your feet. I want her to be at me, but thats all she says. Upstairs, Pa wipes my eyes. Never mind, son, accidental happens. I bury my face in Pas old jacket. I wish I hadnt hurried.

Ma comes back. She kisses my cheek. Now out of the kitchen, Ma says. “I’m going to a special sugar pie, and it doesnt need apples.

Pa and I go out. I show him the place I caught a rabbit. He measures me against the back door and a new notch(刻痕) with his knife. I’ve grown a whole half-inch hesbeen away. Pa, are you home to stay now? I ask him.

Not yet, son. Got to till times get better. And they will. The sun will shine, rain will fall, and things will grow the way theyre supposed to.

Ill Ma while youre gone, Pa.

“I know you will, son.

【1】 A. bedroom B. kitchen C. living room D. cellar

2A. cake B. biscuit C. cookie D. pie

3 A. it B. one C. that D. this

4 A. see B. feel C. hear D. smell

5A. foot B. hand C. eye D. finger

6A. opens B. stays C. breaks D. stops

7A. quietly B. quickly C. slowly D. politely

8A. excited B. mad C. pleased D. satisfied

9A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

【10A. buy B. send C. find D. make

【11 A. which B. where C. when D. what

【12A. makes B. cuts C. puts D. gets

【13A. since B. until C. before D. when

【14A. start B. stop C. wait D. leave

【15A. look for B. look up C. look over D. look after

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