On a cold January day, Jimmy and his father were skating on a lake. Suddenly the ice near Jimmy _______, and he fell into the cold water. Jimmy’s father jumped into the water, but he couldn’t find Jimmy. Several minutes passed. The father _______ couldn’t find Jimmy. Some firemen (消防队员) arrived. Twenty minutes later they found Jimmy and got _______ out of the water. Jimmy was not breathing, and his heart was not beating. The situation seemed _______. However, the firemen didn’t give up and still did CPR (心肺复苏) on Jimmy. Luckily, Jimmy began to breathe, and his heart began to beat. He was taken to the hospital at once.

After six weeks in the hospital Jimmy got _______. He began to walk, talk and play again. Jimmy was in the water _______ more than 20 minutes. He couldn’t breathe in the water. _______ today he is alive (活着) and healthy. How is that possible? That’s because the water was ice-cold. When it’s really cold, the brain (大脑) slows down. It does not _______ much oxygen (氧气). Jimmy’s father believes there is another _______ . He says, “Jimmy is alive today because he is a ________ little boy.”

1.A.lost B.broke C.left D.grew

2.A.still B.even C.almost D.never

3.A.he B.him C.they D.them

4.A.true B.free C.hopeless D.meaningless

5.A.older B.younger C.better D.worse

6.A.of B.for C.like D.with

7.A.If B.So C.But D.Unless

8.A.need B.bring C.feel D.share

9.A.example B.symbol C.reason D.prediction

10.A.serious B.quiet C.careful D.strong

Are you a shy person?Do you expect to become outgoing?Being outgoing can help a lot in your life. In fact,being outgoing is not so hard as you think. Here is some advice on how to become outgoing.

You can start to try becoming outgoing when you stay with your friends. But the real challenge (挑战) comes when you meet strangers or new friends. Smile at them, and usually they will smile at you, too. You may find it easy to start talking in this way.

Start a talk positively (积极地). Try to speak first. Simple greetings such as “Hello!” “How is it going?” and “It's a little cloudy today,isn't it?” are a good start. After that,you can talk more. For example, you can talk about the latest news. But you'd better read some news in newspapers and have your own ideas first. Or you may find that you won't have much to say.

The best way to become outgoing is to go out. It is also a very important step. Usually those who like to do the same things can communicate (交流) better. If you like playing sports, go to a sports club. You may make many new friends there if you get over your shyness.

1.The passage gives us ________ pieces of advice on how to become outgoing.

A.two B.three C.four D.five

2.The writer advises that a shy person can start with ________ if he or she wants to try

becoming outgoing.

A.classmates B.parents C.friends D.teachers

3.According to the writer, ________ is the best way to become outgoing.

A.starting a small talk B.smiling

C.playing sports D.going out

4.What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “latest” in the passage?

A.最新的 B.最迟的 C.最差的 D.最强的

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.If you want to become outgoing,you'd better start a talk first.

B.A shy person won't become outgoing.

C.Being outgoing isn't so hard as you think.

D.Going out is a very important step to become outgoing.

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