
If you open your fridge, you may see some leftovers (剩菜剩饭), and maybe you will throw them away in the end. If the food in a supermarket is not fresh any more or is near the “sell-by” date, it goes into dustbins (垃圾桶) too. Every day, large amount of food is w1..

To reduce food waste, France passed new law (法律). It forbids (禁止) supermarkets to throw a2. or destroy unsold food. Instead, they must give it to charities (慈善机构). If food that isn’t s3. for people to eat, it can be used as animal feed. If not, the supermarkets will face fines (罚款) of up to 75.000 euros (around 542.200 yuan) or two years in prison (监狱). The law also encourages educational programs for schools and businesses about food waste.

France is the f4. country to make a law that forbids wasting food, but it is actually a worldwide problem, t5.. The good thing is that people around the world are t6. different ways to deal with the food waste problem. Galdakao, Spain, put a public fridge in the center of town. Anyone can drop off food or leftovers and anyone can come and take them. A supermarket in Canada encourages people to buy “ugly food” by selling it at lower p7. so it won’t be wasted.

In China, we have the “clear your plate campaign” (光盘行动). This means you should eat e8. on your plate or take away the leftovers.

“Ordering (点菜) much more than what people can e9.in restaurants has been a habit in China for a long time,” said Liu Qinglong, professor at Tsinghua University. But I’m happy to see that our thoughts about wasting food are c10..



1. 今天放学,你看到了一个男士破坏共享单车的车锁。

2. 当他没有得逞之后,使劲的踢共享单车,还把它扔到了路上。

3. 一个女孩经过的时候,把共享单车扶起来并把其它共享单车摆好。

4. 你对这段经历的感受……

参考词汇:shared bike共享单车,convenient便利的(adj)


1. 不得使用真实姓名和学校名:

2. 包含以上所有要点,可适当增加细节,使内容充实,行文连贯;

3. 字迹工整。语言精练,表达准确,条理清楚;

4. 词数80-100(日记的开头已给出,不计入总词数。)

March 12th, 2019 Tuesday Sunny

When I went back home after school, I noticed that__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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