相似的话题常有不同的写作结构,请你阅读以下材料,将所给的写作结构图 (A-E) 与相应的阅读材料进行匹配

1..Air Jordan (飞人乔丹) shoes are very popular and expensive. The first Air Jordan shoes were made in 1985. The next Air Jordan shoes came out in 1986. These shoes were special for basketball shoes, because they were made in Italy in 1990, which gave them a luxury (奢侈的) feel. Two years later, the third Air Jordan shoes were produced.

2..If you want to make your shoes look new, first, get out a toothbrush and some cleaning oil. Second, spray (喷) the oil on the shoes. Third, wash the dirt off with the toothbrush repeatedly while you are scrubbing (擦) . Finally scrub the shoes with a paper towel or clean cloth. If you did a good job, your shoes should look as nice as when you first got them.

3.. If you go to a dance party, you'll need to wear dress shoes. However, wearing dress shoes for a few minutes can be really painful. To solve the problem, you can bring a box of band-aids (创口贴) with you. When your feet hurt, put on those band-aids. The band-aids will create something that will reduce pain.

4.. When playing golf and bowling (保龄球) , people need to wear special shoes. Golf shoes have sharp metal spikes (鞋钉) , while bowling shoes have almost no spikes at all. Both these shoes help players perform. Besides looking silly golf shoes and bowling shoes do not have soles (鞋底) that are fit for street use.

5.. Are you wearing shoes? Why? People wear shoes for many reasons. The first and most important reason is to protect their feet. Shoes keep people from hurting their feet while walking on hard roads. Some people wear special shoes designed to help them play a game. Some people wear expensive shoes to look fashionable. And a lot of other people wear shoes so that their feet won't stink (发臭) up the room.






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