80% of teens don't get enough exercise

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that 80% of the world's teens don't get enough exercise to live healthy lives. The report, which was published in the Lancet, was based on research done with students aged 11-17 in 146 different countries. The WHO has been studying teen activity levels since 2001 and reports that not much has changed since then.

The WHO says that kids should get at least an hour of medium to hard exercise every day. This could include walking, running, biking, dancing, playing sports, or many other activities.

More and more research is showing that exercise doesn't just help the body, it can help the brain, too, improving thinking, test scores, and school grades.

One big reason for the lack (不足) of activity in today's teens is technology, such as smartphones, computers, and TVs. Many teens find it very hard for them to pull themselves away from their devices (设备), whether they are texting, playing games, or watching videos or movies. The WHO warns that young people need to do less playing in the digital (数码的) world, and more playing in the real world.

Health experts want schools and families to encourage teens to be more active. Teens should take part in sports, whether on official teams or just playing around in the playground.

Experts believe that it's very important for young people to fall into these habits now, because the positive effects (积极影响) of those habits can carry on into adult (成年的) life. Studies show that the best way to tell how active someone will be as an adult is to look at how active he was as a teen.

1.According to the WHO, what is the worldwide problem for teens?


2.What is the WHO's suggestion?


3.Why is exercise very important?


4.What is the influence of technology on teens?


5.What is the advice of health experts on solving teens' problems? (Give one example)


6.What can you learn from last paragraph?


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