Do you hate dirty beaches? We can’t pay you, but here is a chance to meet other volunteers and have fun. We need people who are strong and can help clean up Blue Water Beach. We don’t want to put off this job until summer. We need your help to collect and carry garbage.

If you are available for six hours on Saturday, call Mr. Want at 558-6660.

Are you interested in repairing things? We have set up a group, Home Love, to help old people who need to fix up their homes. If you have repair skills, join us for eight hours a month. You can learn more about house building and get experience and training.

Call Home Love at 555-4663.

EFSL Club is looking for native speakers of English to join in an experiment. This experiment is carried out over the Internet. You don’t need any specific knowledge other than understanding and speaking English at a native level. The first task will take you around 15 minutes. After this task, you can decide whether you want to continue the experiment. The tasks involve reading texts and designing questions and answers.

If you are willing to help, then please email us:

Are you good at working with children? We need two persons to volunteer at Sunshine Children’s Hospital. You need to be friendly and optimistic — the children are sick and you need to make them happy. Your job is to set up a play group for the children with funny games that you can play in their rooms. If you can spare an hour three times a week, come and join us!

It’s a great chance to learn about hospitals and teaching.

Email us:

1.If you want to be a volunteer _________, you need to work six hours on Saturday. the EFSL Club Sunshine Children’s Hospital

C.on the Blue Water Beach D.of Home Love

2.If you have repair skills and want to learn more about it, you can _________. to to Mr. Wang at 558-6660 Home Love at 555-4663

3.EFSL Club needs people who _________ to join in the experiment.

A.have some specific knowledge B.understand and speak English very well

C.are good at doing experiments D.can read and design questions and answers

4.Which of the following is not suitable for the children at Sunshine Children’s Hospital?

A.Paper cuttings. B.Flying kites. C.Singing. D.Drawing.

5.The underlined word “optimistic” means _________.

A.successful B.helpful C.thoughtful D.cheerful

6.We can probably read the material above on the _________ page of a newspaper.

A.advertisement B.entertainment

Studies prove that there are many differences between people who own kittens and those who own puppies.

1 Cat lovers are not afraid to be alone.

Wonder why so many_________ girls own cats? Cat people love to spend time and live alone. They prefer to stay at home rather than party all night long. Dog lovers,_________, enjoy the company and they have trouble living alone.

2Dog lovers seek companionship(伙伴关系)

Many people adopt or buy dogs. One of the_________ is that they look for long-term companionship. Dogs love the company and tend to spend more time with people than just sleep the whole day on the couch. Dog owners are the same. My friend, who is a big dog lover, says, “The best thing about owning a dog is companionship: When I come home, my puppy comes to _________ me as if he has not seen me for ages.”

3 Cat lovers tend to ignore rules

Dogs are more obedient than cats. While it is extremely hard to make a cat to walk with you in the park or teach them to sit or lie down when needed, dogs do those things easily. The same goes for dog lovers - they_________ the rules and obey when needed. Cat people often ignore the rules they do not like.

4Cat lovers are more _________

Cats lovers do not bother about a single life. They have enough strength to survive the hard times all alone and deal with any problem without any help. Without someone else’s help. Dog people have trouble solving their problems.

1.A.lovely B.likely C.lonely D.friendly

2.A.indeed B.instead fact D.for example

3.A.reasons B.secrets C.results D.choices

4.A.notice B.catch C.greet D.cheer

5.A.follow B.explain C.protect D.break

6.A.responsible B.powerful C.confident D.independent

A Welcoming Way to Show China to the World

Modern life is not easy and full of stress. It will be nicer to get away from all the noise and congestion(拥挤)and live a simpler life in the countryside. This is what popular vlogger(网络视频录制者)Li Ziqi did.

Li was raised on a farm by her grandparents, but at the age of 14 she left the farm to work in the city. However, she found that city life was d1. and decided to move back to the countryside. “When I worked in the city, it was only about survival,” she said, “In the countryside, I am”

When Li was back, she began making videos about her daily life and posting them to the Internet. She now has more than 20 million followers on Sina Weibo and over 7.5 million subscribers on YouTube. Her fans admire the way she makes e3. by herself: growing food and preparing traditional Chinese dishes, cutting down bamboo and making furniture, dyeing(染色)cloth and making her own clothes. The videos are beautifully made, but Li says she hopes her videos can provide people with e4. as well as fun. “I want people in the city to know where their food comes from. Some children b5. rice grows on trees!”

The idyllic(田园诗般的)countryside life Li shows has the magical power of making people feel comfortable and relaxed. When we talk about Chinese culture, the first things that come to many people might be bullet trains, 5G technology and fast-developing cities. However, it is actually the more traditional side of China that is much more a6. to people from other cultures. Through her videos, Li lets the world know that Chinese people are good at making works of a7. out of even the simplest materials — this is definitely a way to show China to the world.

Stephen Glenn is famous American scientist who has made several very important medical breakthroughs(突破). Many people were dying to know the secrets to his fantastic achievements. To solve the mystery, a reporter interviewed him asking why he was able to be so much more creative than the average person.

Stephen Glenn said that it all came from an experience with his mother that occurred when he was about four years old. He tried to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and it fell, spilling its contents all over the kitchen floor - a real sea of milk!

Instead of shouting at him, giving him a lecture or punishing him, his mother said, “Steve, what a great and wonderful mess you have made! Well, the damage has already been done. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?”

Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said, “You know, Steve, whenever you make a mess like this, eventually you have to clean it up and restore all the things to its proper order. So, we should clean it up.” He used the sponge(海绵)and together they cleaned up the spilled milk.

His mother then said, “You have a failed experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Let’s go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it.” The little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson!

This famous scientists said that it was at that moment that he knew __________________. Instead, he learned that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something new, which is, after all, what scientific experiments are all about. Even if the experiment doesn’t work. we usually learn something valuable from it.

1.Stephen Glenn is more creative than an ordinary person, isn’t he?

2.How old was Stephen when the experience with his mother happened?

3.What did his mother ask him to do when Stephen spilled the milk all over the floor?

4.How can a little boy carry a big bottle without dropping it?

5.What can be filled in the blank to complete the sentence in the last paragraph?

It was at the moment that he knew ____________________________________.

6.What do you think of Stephen’s mother? Give two reasons.

I think she is a _________ mother because ___________________________.

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