Accidents happen more often than you think. Every year in China, 3,200,000 people die in accidents. Experts say that the 10 minutes after an accident can make the difference between life and death. This is why learning first aid (急救) is so necessary.

The second Saturday of September is World First Aid Day. First aid mentions the first steps taken to help those who are hurt. They include keeping the person safe from harm, paying attention to their pain, and getting help either by telling other people or calling 120. Basic first aid training teaches you how to deal with emergencies, treat things like burns, bleeding and broken bones. It takes as little as two hours to learn these skills.

You can learn first aid by visiting the official website of China First Aid Training ( You can read books or watch videos that can be found on free apps like First Aid Guide. Some hospitals also give courses or even hold first aid camps for kids.

"Learning first aid is good for everyone and it is better to start young," said Wang Jiangshan, a doctor in the hospital's emergency room. It can be good for oneself and others for the rest of one's life.

1.The underlined word "emergencies" in the passage means "______" in Chinese.

A.医学症状 B.心肺复苏 C.突发状况

2.In China, _______ people die in accidents every year.

A.0.32 million B.3.2 million C.32 million

3.From the article, we can learn first aid in many ways, not including ______.

A.keeping the person safe from harm

B.feeding medicine

C.treating things like burns, bleeding and broken bones

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The first 10 minutes is the most important to save lives after an accident.

B.Learning first aid can only be good for others.

C.First aid mentions to tell others to call 120.

5.The passage is mainly about______.

A.the difference between life and death B.learning how to save a life C.World First Aid Day

In Canada and the United States, there is a new group of children called "satellite kids", who live in one place but whose parents live in another place. 1.

Asians are immigrating (移民) to Canada and the United States in larger numbers than ever before. Most Asians immigrate because they believe that they can give their children a better education in the West. In Asia, especially in China, Japan and Korea, it is difficult to go to university. 2. However, in Canada and the United States, it is easy to go to university. As a result, Asian parents decide to leave their countries so that their children can go to university.

The problem is that when Asians arrive, they discover finding a job and making money are more difficult in the West than in the East. 3. Because of these two reasons, most Asian parents decide to go back to work while their children study in the West. 4. Their parents don't realize how sad it is to be a "satellite kid".

Studies have shown being a "satellite kid" means growing up in a country where you know you are different and where you can't make friends because you do not speak English well. What's more, it means growing up lonely, because your parents are elsewhere. What will these "satellite kids" probably say to their parents? 5.

A.Students must first pass the strict national examination.

B.Therefore, these children become "satellite kids".

C.It's better to have parents around than to have a university education.

D.Here is some information about them.

E.Also, they feel lonely and miss their homes.

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