Big data (大数据) is a lot of sets of information that are put together so they can be used by a computer program. The computer program looks for different kinds of answers or patterns in the data. Big data can have different kinds of information from many sources, such as information that comes from schools, social media sites, companies and governments. One set of data can have people’s names and addresses. Another set can have what they like, where they go to school, and how much time they spend on the computer.

Big data can be used in many ways. The government uses it to understand how many people travel on buses or trains. This information is then used to make bus or train systems better. Some schools use big data to understand which children may need extra help in class. The teacher can then give certain students more help or support so those students can succeed in school. Companies use big data, too. It helps them understand who buys their products. For example, one company uses weather data to see when people eat the most ice cream.

Big data can be used for good reasons. Some hospitals use big data to predict (预测) if a baby who is born too early will get sick. The hospital can then take extra steps to take care of that baby so he, she does not get sick. Big data can also be used for bad reasons. It can be used to predict which kinds of people are likely to break the law or hurt others, even if they have not done anything wrong.

How can big data be used for good and bad things? It is because the computer programs used to look at big data and understand it are written by people. People think a certain way. Because they think a certain way, they build a model of those ideas. These ideas are then used to look at the data. Sometimes, these ideas are helpful for people or businesses. Other times, bad ideas can cause problems for certain groups of people.

1.What is the first paragraph about?

A.What big data is and how it is used.

B.Why we can use big data in a number of ways.

C.Where important data is collected and stored.

D.What big data is and how it is collected.

2.How does the writer show that big data is useful from the reading?

A.Big data is widely used in every field.

B.Big data seldom brings any harm to people.

C.Everyone can get information from big data easily.

D.People can make certain right decisions according to big data.

3.What can we infer from the reading?

A.If there is plenty of information, it is called big data.

B.Big data provides any information for the government.

C.We should make full use of big data to serve the society.

D.Big data only collects the latest information from the world.

4.The overall tone (总基调) of this reading is ________.

A.sad and personal B.personal and scientific

C.informative but silly D.scientific and informative

认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词, 每空格一词。

We all need physical exercise. Exercise uses up food we eat and keeps the body energetic. If you exercise several times a week, you will stay happy and healthy.

Some Western countries, such as the United States, have problems with exercise. In the US, many people do not have enough exercise because it is hard for them. People have to work from morning to late afternoon, so they don’t have time to take exercise. They work in office buildings, sitting in chairs all day long in front of computers. It is impossible for them to get much exercise in this way.

Some Westerners can get exercise walking from their homes to work. However, most people cannot do this. It is too far from their homes to their offices. They have no choice but to drive to work. In fact, some have to drive one or two hours to their offices. This is not good in two ways. First, these people don’t have a chance to exercise because they are sitting in their cars for two to four hours each day. Second, driving is challenging especially in rush hours and needs too much attention. It makes a person very tired. So, when these people arrive home at night, they don’t want to take exercise after work.

Today, many people in the West are overweight, which causes health problems for them. Doctors say exercise can help people both lose weight and improve their health. So many people are trying to get more exercise. But it takes time to change, and when people don’t see a difference right away, they will lose patience and stop exercising.

Title: Westerners need exercise.

The 1.that people can get from exercise.

*Help heavy people lose weight.

*Keep you energetic.

*Help you stay healthy and happy.

The2.why people don’t have enough exercise

*In the USA, many people have no time to 3..

*Narrow work environment makes exercise impossible.

*Busy work and tiring driving lead them to 4.interest in exercise.

The wrong attitude(态度) to exercise that some people have.

People would become 5. if they don’t see a difference in a short time.

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