Last Sunday, my daughter and I went to the supermarket. A little girl with her mother was in line in front of _________. The little girl was asking her mother for a box of _______. The polite way she was asking almost broke the mother’s heart. “Sorry, honey. _______ we don’t have enough money to get it.”

My daughter heard that dialogue. By the way, she had made some money to buy herself a bike by cleaning our garden once a week. As she watched the mother and daughter leave the supermarket, she rushed to the candy counter and bought a box of smarty(模版) with her money. Then she ran _______ and caught up with the little girl and her mother, and sent them the box. She came back and told me _______ she told them, “Every child should have a box of smarty because they can _______ you smart.”

I was so _______ that I bought a box of smarty for my daughter. I told her that I was proud of her _________ her good action just now. She replied, “_______ we do nice things for others we shouldn’t wish to be returned.” I explained, “When you do something nice for someone, you shouldn’t expect to get anything, but when you get something from others, you should be very __________.”

1.A.her B.them

2.A.smarty C.candy D.chocolate

3.A.So B.But C.Or D.And

4.A.carefully B.easily C.quickly D.slowly much B.which D.what

6.A.set B.make D.move

7.A.careful B.excellent C.happy D.surprised

8.A.think of B.because of C.think about D.thanks for

9.A.When B.Before C.As soon as D.Unless

10.A.bright B.different C.thankful D.useful

Live Music — Late Night Jazz

Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet(号手). He is known to play well into the early hours, so don’t want to get much sleep.

PLACE: The Jazz Club DATES: 15 — 23 June

PRICE: ¥100 — 150 TIME: 10 p.m. till late!

TEL: 4668736

Scottish Dancing

Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from England will be given.

PLACE: Jack Stein’s DATES: 10 — 20 May

PRICE: ¥150 TIME: 7 — 10 p.m.

TEL: 4021877

Shows — Anhui Museum

There are 12,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history.

PLACE: Anhui Museum DATES: 1 Mar— 30 Jun

PRICE: ¥160 TIME: Mon — Fri 9 a.m. — 5 p.m.

Saturday 9 a.m. — 9 p.m.

TEL: 4886888

Your pen friend is coming from Australia to your city for a holiday. You send him the E-mail to tell him something about the hotels.


Dates Prices(a night)

1 Oct — 31 Dec ¥168

1 Jan — 31 Mar ¥148

1 Apr — 30 Apr(closed) ……

1 May — 31 May ¥188

1 Jun — 30 Sep ¥208


Prices(a night)






TEL: 4686788 E-mail: Li

1.If you want to watch dancing, you can call ________.

A.4668736 B.4021877 C.4886888 D.We don’t know.

2.You can’t see the whole of Chinese history at ________ in April in Anhui Museum.

A.3 p.m. every day B.11:30 a.m. from Monday to Friday

C.10 a.m. on Saturday D.5 p.m. on Monday

3.You can enjoy ________ at Jack Stein’s.

A.American Jazz B.Scottish dancing

C.12,000 pieces on show D.Sun Hotel

4.Sun Hotel and Rose Hotel are open for ________ months of the year.

A.twelve B.ten C.eleven D.nine

No matter how old your kids are, you can take steps to improve a healthy diet and to encourage good eating habits.

Tip One: Family Meals

Family meals are nice for both parents and kids. Children like to guess what they are going to have and parents get the chance to introduce new foods to children. Parents can also use the mealtime as a chance to talk with their kids about their life.

Tip Two: Healthy Snacks

Kids, especially younger ones, will eat mostly what can get at home. That’s why it’s important to have enough healthy snacks, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt and whole-grain biscuits.

Tip Three: Being a Good Example

The best way for you to encourage healthy eating is to eat well yourself. Kids will follow the lead of the adults they see every day. By eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding fast food and sweet drinks, you are sending the right message.

Tip Four: No Shouts about Food

Parents might find themselves shouting at children to get them to have healthy foods in front of them. This in fact can make children dislike what they are asked to eat. You need to work a bit on different cooking methods.

Tip Five: Get Kids Included

Most kids will enjoy making the decision about food. Talk to them about making choices and planning a healthy meal. It can help them to make good decisions on their own about the foods they want to eat.

1.The author’s attitude(态度) toward snacks is ________.

A.snacks shouldn’t be eaten B.healthy snacks can be accepted can only have snacks at home’s not necessary to have snacks at home

2.The best way for parents to encourage a healthy diet is ________. have family meals eat healthy snacks be a good example get kids included

3.According to Tip Four, parents should ________ if kids refuse to eat healthy food.

A.explain how healthy it is B.try cooking it in a different way

C.never cook the same food D.ask kids to get used to its taste

4.Parents should get kids included ________ when they make the decision about food. let kids eat anything they like help kids become a wonderful cook help kids make good choices by themselves set a good example of eating healthy food

You are visiting the Eiffel Tower in France, but the next second you are in Thailand. Then, suddenly you may have dinner with Barack Obama in America. But you are not dreaming. This is what might happen in the near future. With the help of virtual reality (VR,虚拟现实) technology, a lot of changes are taking place in our life.

VR is a computer technology that makes an environment and allows users to see and even interact(互动) with it. Just wear a pair of VR glasses joined to your computer and you can experience a lot of things without stepping out of your room.

"The most interesting part of VR is that it offers an immersive (身临其境的) experience," said Wang Bing, leader of the Chinese entertainment company Funshow."That’s why VR movies are popular among users. You become a part of the story."According to the Report on Chinese VR Users’ Behavior last month, over 960,000 people in China have bought VR products and 83.2 percent of them have watched VR movies.

VR can also be used in some other ways. It can help to train workers before they have to work in highly dangerous environments. VR also helps patients with acrophobia (恐高症) by making them think they are standing on the top of a tall building.

However, VR technology still has a long way to go. Users report feeling sick while wearing VR glasses. Maybe it could take a period of time for VR to be widely used around the world.

1.With a pair of VR __________, users can experience many things at home.

A. eyes B. shoes C. glasses D. ears

2.VR movies are very popular because they make the users ___________.

A. become much healthier

B. stand on the top of a tall building

C. become a part of the story

D. work in dangerous environments

3.To be widely used, VR glasses must solve the problem of ___________.

A. making people feel sick

B. providing an unreal environment

C. costing too much money

D. taking a long time to join to the computer

4.The best title of the passage may be "__________ ".

A. Traveling with VR B. VR Changes Our Life

C. VR Movies Get Popular D. VR Needs to Be Developed

Personal computers and Internet give people new choices about how to spend their time.

Some may use this freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members, but the new technology will also let them communicate more with those they care most about. I know this from personal experience.

Email makes it easy to work at home. I spend most weekends and evenings at home. My working hours aren’t much shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of them at the office. This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have if she’d been born before email became such a practical tool.

The Internet also makes it easy to share ideas with a group of friends. Say you do something fun — see a great movie perhaps and there are four or five friends who might want to hear about it. If you use a telephone to call each one, you may tire of telling the story. With email, you just write one note about your experience, at your convenience, and send it to all the friends you think might be interested. They can read your message when they have time, and read only as they want to. They can reply at their convenience, and you can read what they have to say at your convenience.

Email is also an inexpensive way to communicate with people who live far away. More than a few parents use email to communicate with their children at college every day.

We just have to keep in mind that computers and Internet offer another way of communicating. They don’t take the place of any of the ways.

1.The use of email has made it possible for the writer to________.

A.spend more time at the office B.spend much less time working

C.have more free time with his child at home all weekends and evenings

2.According to the writer, what is the advantage of email over the telephone?

A.The user can send much more information than the telephone.

B.The user can keep the communication as personal as possible.

C.The user can communicate with the friends faster than the telephone.

D.The user can send messages to a group of people almost at the same time.

3.What does the underlined word “convenience” mean in Chinese?

A.方便 B.信心 C.自由 D.忙碌

4.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.Email is not an expensive way to communicate with people far away.

B.Computers and the Internet make communication more convenient.

C.Email makes it easier for people to live at home and work at the office.

D.Computers and the Internet are useful tools to keep good friendship.

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