Wednesday Sunny

Today we had PE, so the first thing I did when I got outside was sneak off (偷偷摸摸) to the basketball court to see if the Cheese was still there. And sure enough, it was.

That piece of Cheese has been sitting on the blacktop since last spring. I ______ it must have dropped out of someone's sandwich or something. After a couple of days, the Cheese started getting all moldy (发霉的) and nasty. Nobody would play basketball on the court where the Cheese was, ______ it was the only court that had a hoop (篮筐) with a net.

Then one day, this kid named Darren Walsh touched the Cheese with his ______, and that's ______ started this thing called the Cheese Touch. It's basically like the Cooties. If you get the Cheese Touch, it ______ with you until you pass it on to someone else.

The only way to ______ yourself from the Cheese Touch is to cross your fingers.

But it's not that ______ remembering to keep your fingers crossed every moment of the day. I ended up taping (用胶带粘) mine together so they'd stay crossed all the time. I ______ the handwriting test, but it was totally worth it.

This one kid named Abe Hall got the Cheese Touch in April, and nobody would even come near him for the rest of the year. Abe felt very ______ and finally moved away to California, taking the Cheese Touch away with him.

I just hope someone won't start the Cheese Touch up again, because I don't need that kind of ______ in my life anymore.

1.A.promise B.guess C.explain D.announce

2.A.because B.if C.while D.though

3.A.finger B.mouth C.stomach D.shoulder

4.A.why B.who C.what

5.A.spreads B.spins C.screams D.sticks B.protect C.teach D.enjoy C.easy D.wise

8.A.failed B.took C.passed D.canceled

9.A.lovely B.scared C.lonely D.tired

10.A.touch B.stress C.courage D.experience

A boy was one day sitting on the steps of a door. He had a broom in one hand, and in the other a large piece of bread and butter, which somebody had kindly given him. While he was eating it, and happily singing a song, he saw a poor little dog quietly sleeping not far from him. He called out to him, "Come here, poor fellow!"

The dog, hearing himself kindly spoken to, rose, pricked up his ears, and wagged his tail. Seeing the boy eating, he came near him. The boy held out to him a piece of bread and butter. As the dog stretched out (伸出) his head to take it, the boy quickly drew back his hand and hit him a hard rap on the nose. The poor dog ran away, howling (嚎叫) dreadfully, while the boy sat laughing at what he had done.

A gentleman, who was looking from a window on the other side of the street, saw what the boy had done. Opening the street door, he called him to cross over. At the same time, he held up a sixpence between his finger and thumb.

"Would you like this?"

"Yes, if you please, sir, "said the boy, smiling, and he quickly ran over to seize the money.

Just at the moment that he stretched out his hand, he got so hard a rap on his hand, from a stick which the gentleman had behind him, that he roared (咆哮) out like a bull!

"What did you do that for?" said the boy, making a very long face, and rubbing his hand. "I didn't hurt you, nor ask you for a sixpence."

"What did you hurt that poor dog for just now?" said the gentleman. "He didn't hurt you, nor ask you for your bread and butter. As you served him I have served you. Now, remember: 33 .

1.How did the dog probably feel at the end of Paragraph 2?

A.Curious and amazed. B.Surprised and angry.

C.Nervous and stressed. D.Relaxed and happy.

2.Why did the gentleman pretend (假装) to offer the boy a sixpence?

A.Because he wanted to help the poor boy.

B.Because he wanted to protect the poor dog.

C.Because he wanted to teach the boy a lesson.

D.Because he wanted to let the boy make friends with the dog.

3.What did the gentleman most probably say at the end of the story?

A.Like me, like my dog.

B.You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

C.Don't do to others what you don't want others do to you.

D.Never give your bread or butter to dogs, because they don't like it.

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