On a rainy day, the raincoat and the umbrella have been necessary for people to protect themselves from the rain for decades, probably even centuries. However, Chinese designers are trying to challenge a new product called an umbrella raincoat.

As the name suggests, this wonderful invention combines the raincoat and the umbrella. First, it looks kind of strange, which is the only disadvantage listed by sellers on Chinese Websites. They actually describe it a little differently---"You will get a 100% rate of second look"--- you actually know what it means.

Like the umbrella, it only protects your upper(上面的) body from the rain, with the lower part being almost completely exposed(暴露). Besides, it frees up both your hands, which is obviously the main advantage of it. But isn't the classic raincoat just better? I hear you asking. Well, it is not if you want to show off your clothes while still enjoying some protection from the rain. Though those clear raincoats become foggy (模糊的) in the rain, making it hard for passers-by to look at your fancy dresses, the umbrella raincoats still have a clear view. Other advantages include a lightweight, foldable design and two belts that keep it from being blown away by strong winds.

The umbrella raincoat comes in all kinds of sizes and colors, and as the Chinese online stores show, it will soon take the place of the traditional umbrella, and go into the houses of hundreds of millions of people. I think such a kind of raincoat will play a key role in peoples everyday life in the future.

1.The underlined word decades means________.

A.dozens of years B.ten years C.many centuries

2.Which of the following best explains the underlined sentence in paragraph 2?

A.It makes you famous to everyone.

B.You may draw tons of attention because of its strange design

C.The umbrella raincoat is a great tool and you will make 100% use of it

3.The writer thinks the umbrella raincoat is

A.strange but useful B.ugly and useless C.interesting but stupid

4.From the passage, we can know that________.

A.it is hard for people to look at your fancy dresses by wearing the umbrella raincoat

B.the umbrella raincoat protects not only your upper body but also the lower part

C.in the writer's opinion, the umbrella raincoat has a wonderful design

5.About the umbrella raincoat, which of the following is NOT true?

A.There are two belts that make it stronger.

B.It can't be seen clearly in the rain

C.It can free up both your hands

Can you imagine a five-year-old boy writing and playing music on a child-sized violin? This was true of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a gifted boy who grew up to be one of the most creative composers (作曲家) of all time. Then you might think that the life of this child was easy all the time. Read on. Decide for yourself.

Mozart was born in January of 1756 into a musical family. His father, Leopold Mozart, recognized the talent of his child and devoted himself to teaching him. Later, Mozart toured Europe, putting on concerts for the people of high social positions. He could listen to any piece of music once and then play it from memory. He could play the piano or the violin with his eyes covered. What's more, music that Mozart wrote at the age of five was as good as works by many adult composers.

Mozart earned a living by selling his compositions, giving concerts and providing music lessons for the wealthy. Some of the operas Mozart wrote, such as The Marriage of Figaro, The Magic Flute and Don Giovanni, are still performed today. He composed 41 symphonies(交响乐). However, none of them earned him much money, and he spent far more than he was able to earn. Mozart often waited until the last moment to work on pieces that had been asked for.

By the spring of 1791, Mozart was ill and sad. He was deeply in debt(债务). His health, which had never been good, was becoming even worse. A stranger asked Mozart to write a musical piece for a funeral( 葬 礼 ). Mozart agreed, but then began to fear that it was being written for his own death. His fears turned out to be true. Mozart died in December of 1791, at the age of 35.

1.What is the purpose of the writer by saying "Read on. Decide for yourself "in paragraph1?

A.To increase your reading interest.

B.To tell you it is your business to read it or not

C.To introduce that the child always led an easy life

2.Which of the following can't show that Mozart was a born musician?

A.He could play any music wonderfully

B.He could write good works at an early age.

C.He held concerts for the people of high social positions

3.We can infer from the paragraph 3 that________.

A.Mozart could support himself by working so hard

B.Mozart led a poor life although he wrote many pieces

C.Mozart's compositions sold well and he made a lot of money

4.According to the passage, which statement is TRUE?

A.Mozart was still poor before his death

B.Mozart's fame gave him a hard life and he felt unhappy

C.Mozart was in poor health so he wanted to wrote a piece for his own funeral

5.What's the passage about?

A.Mozart's lifetime B.Mozart's talent C.Mozart's works


Growing Pains was on television form 1985 to 1992 in America. This was a total of sevenyears, and it told over one hundred and sixty different stories.

The program was about a family of six who lived on Long Island, near New York City.1.The father was a doctor and the mother was a writer at a newspaper. They had four children. The oldest child was Mike.2.He did really well in the program.

From the start of Growing Pains, Mike was always getting into trouble. He was caught by the police for driving a car too fast. He promised his parents that he would never ride a motorcycle, but then he hurt himself riding one. However, in the last year of the program, he helped a young boy who had no home, and asked his family to help him care for and support the boy, Though his parents were upset because he often broke his promises, the way he cared for this boy made them proud to have him as their son.3.He sometimes did wrong things, but also cared for others and was a warm person.

Perhaps another reason why the program was popular in America is that most of its stories were about normal family problems.4.Like Mike's parents, many parents who work often worry about their children and have difficult decisions to make about them. Even now the show still appears on American TV.

A.Many of the people watching the program had the same problems

B.As teenagers grow, it is normal for them to become confused with the changing world inside and outside of them

C.He was the main reason for the program's huge success

D.These stories are good examples of the two sides of Mike's nature

E.The parents were a working couple

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