Penny was a five-year-old girl. One day when she and her ______ were in a department store, Penny saw a ______ pearl necklace. What a beautiful necklace! She wanted ______ very much, so she begged her mother to buy it for her. Her mother said, "Well, I can buy you the necklace, but when we get home, we should discuss ______ you can do to pay for it. Can we do that?"

Penny ______ with much happiness, and she got the necklace. How much Penny loved the necklace! She wore it ______ and every minute. Penny also did part-time jobs ______ pocket money. She worked very hard. Soon she succeeded ______ paying off the necklace.

Penny's daddy knew how she tried her best to get the necklace. He ______ knew how much Penny cared about it. One night, he asked Penny ______ she loved him.

"Sure, Daddy." the little girl said.

"Then ______ giving me your necklace?"

"Oh, no, Daddy! Not my necklace!" Penny cried.

"Oh, dear, it's fine." her father gave her a kiss.

Several days later, Penny went to her daddy, with her lips trembling (发抖). "Here, Daddy. I love you." She held out her ______ . Inside it was the plastic pearl necklace ______ she loved so much.

When he saw this, Penny's father ______ with surprise. He then pulled a cute box out of his pocket. Inside the ______ was a real pearl necklace, which was waiting for Penny for so long.

1.A.mother B.father C.friend D.grandma

2.A.awful B.real C.plastic D.awesome C.that D.this

4.A.that B.if C.what

5.A.agreed B.disagreed C.asked D.answered

6.A.nowhere B.everywhere C.anywhere D.somewhere

7.A.making B.made make D.had made

8.A.on B.for

9.A.quite B.too C.either D.also B.when C.that D.if about B.why not C.can you D.could you

12.A.arm B.nose C.hand D.foot

13.A.who B.that C.whose D.what

14.A.smiled B.cried C.said D.shook

15.A.bag C.hand

When you go on a vacation, the hotel you choose and the room you stay in are important. There are many cool theme hotel rooms around the world. Here are some of them.

The Harry Potter Room

The George Castle Hotel in England gives its guests the experience of staying in Harry Potter’s world.This 19th century hotel is beside Harry Potter tour bus stop. The bus will take you to the Making of Harry Potter studio (制片厂) tour.

Ice Theme Room

An ice theme can be found at Hotel de Glace in Canada. In winter, you can get a fireplace and a private spa in the rooms. The ice hotel has new rooms each year. This winter, it will build a room with the theme of Disney’s movie Frozen.

Pirate (海盗) Theme Room

If you want a more attractive theme room, the Adventure Island Hotel in America is the best choice. In their pirate theme rooms, you will feel like you're of Hollywood, such as Hollywood signs over the door and on a pirate ship in a world of sea adventures.

Night at the Movie Room

At the Wensley Hotel in Australia, guests are crazy about the Night at the Movie Room. There they can see different things hand-painted actors' pictures above the bed.

1.How many kinds of cool theme hotel rooms are introduced in the article?

A.3. B.6. C.5. D.4.

2.What can guests do during their stay at the George Castle Hotel?

A.Visit a movie studio. B.Have a private spa.

C.Enjoy a movie night. D.Play an adventure game.

3.Who will choose the Adventure Island Hotel?

A.Kids who love Disneyland. B.Kids who love pirate stories.

C.Adults who love castle tower. D.Adults who love watching movies.

4.Which hotel will a super fan of Hollywood movies choose?

A.The Wensley Hotel. B.Hotel de Glace.

C.The George Castle Hotel. D.The Adventure Island Hotel.

5.Where can you find an ice theme room?

A.In England. B.In America. C.In Australia. D.In Canada.

China will cut the number of climbers trying to climb Mount Qomolangma from the north this year as part of plans for the clean-up on the world's highest mountains. The clean-up activity will include moving away the bodies of climbers who died at more than 8,000 metres up the mountain.

The total number of climbers trying to reach the top of the world's highest mountain from the north will be controlled to less than 300. The climbing season will be controlled to spring.

Parts of Qomolangma are in China and Nepal (尼泊尔). Each year, around 60,000 climbers and guides visit the Chinese north side of the mountain, but few actually try to climb it. China has set up stations to sort (分类), recycle and break down rubbish from the mountain, which includes cans, plastic bags, tents and oxygen tanks (氧气瓶).

On the Nepalese side, mountaineering trip organizers have begun sending huge rubbish bags to climbers during the spring climbing season. They should collect rubbish that then can be carried by helicopters back to the base camp.

Every year there are many victims on Qomolangma often in the "death area" above 8,000 metres, where the air is the thinnest. In 2017, 648 people reached the top of Qomolangma. Six people have died on the mountain that year, one of whom on the north side.

Qomolangma has become the world's highest rubbish dump (垃圾场). Meanwhile, melting (融化) ice caused by global warming is exposing (暴露) rubbish that has been left on the mountain since Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay made the first successful climbing 67 years ago.

1.What can we guess from the first paragraph?

A.No climbers will climb Mount Qomolangma.

B.Some climbers died during mountain climbing.

C.About 8,000 people died of climbing the mountain.

D.Mount Qomolangma is cleaned up every year.

2.Which is the proper season to climb the mountain from the north side?

A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Autumn. D.Winter.

3.Which of the following is True?

A.Each year, around 60,000 climbers climb the mountain from the north side.

B.In China, people use helicopters to take the rubbish back to the base camp.

C.China has set up stations to deal with rubbish that is left on the mountain.

D.On the Nepalese side, climbers should take rubbish back to the base camp.

4.What does the underlined word "victims" mean?

A.Persons who enjoy climbing. B.Persons who work hard.

C.Persons who help climbers. D.Persons who have experienced death.

5.What can we mainly learn from the last paragraph?

A.The weather in the world is getting warmer.

B.Edmund and Tenzing were famous climbers.

C.Qomolangma is now getting much cleaner.

D.Qomolangma faces serious rubbish problems.

John and James were best friends. They fought for many reasons, but never gave up their friendship. They visited many places in their travels. They passed through various villages, towns, and forests. They supported each other throughout the journey.

One day, they reached a desert. They had very little food and water. John said that they should save the food and water for later use. However, James disagreed. He wanted to drink water, as he was very thirsty. They had an argument with each other for the water. John slapped (掌掴) James, and they walked in silence. James felt hurt and wrote on the sand, "My best friend slapped me!"

Finally, they saw an oasis (绿洲). They were very happy, and had a lot of fun in the water. While they were both taking baths, James was a little careless and nearly drowned himself. John rushed to him and saved him. James hugged his friend and thanked him. They had a rest and decided to leave the place. When they were about to leave, James carved (刻) something on a rock. It was "My best friend saved my life!"

He said to John, "When you slapped me, I recorded it on the sand. The wind would have blown it away by now. However, when you saved my life, I recorded it on the rock. It will remain there forever." We have to forget the bad things and cherish the good things that are done to us.

1.John and James were best friends and never fought for any reason.

2.When they got to the desert, John wanted to drink water as he was very thirsty.

3.John and James had an argument with each other for the water.

4.James wrote on the sand, "My best friend saved my life!"

5.James tried to forget the bad things and cherish the good things that were done to him.

Guess what Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and the United States president Donald Trump’s granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, have in common? 1. Although Chinese is known as one of the hardest languages to learn, a lot of people from different backgrounds are studying it.

On Novemeber 2, the 12th “Chinese Bridge” Competition was held in Zheng zhou, Henan . And more than 120 foreign students from 105 countries took part in it. 2. After it, the competitors also visited shaolin Temple, Longmen Grottoes(石窟)and other historical sites in Henan.

Although they have different reasons for learning Chinese, the competitors were all excited about the country’s rich culture and rapid development. Raissa, a 17-year-old girl, developed a strong emotional connection with China. 3. This led her to learn Chinese at a local Confucius Institute. Fascinated by Chinese culture, she has taken part in activities on traditional Chinese medicine and folk arts during her first trip to China. 4. For Fekete Marcell Zoltan, from Hungary, studying Chinese may offer him a better future job . “After graduation from high school, I would like to further my studies in China,” he said.

Since a bridge has been set up between the competitors and China , where will their journeys take them? Robert Davis, a director of a Chinese-language school in Chicago, may give you a reply. 5.


A.They all study Chinese as a second language.

B.Her dream is to study Chinese medicine to treat patients.

C.Her grandmother was cured by Chinese doctors three years ago.

D.Speech contests and talent shows were included in the competition.

E.He said Chinese would be the new international language in the future.

A boy's kindness towards his classmates is popular online. Amanda Cox praised the boy on the Internet after she asked her students to share some of their pencils with their classmates.

"Today I was running out of pencils so I asked all of my kids to take out the pencils that they had in their desks," says Ms. Cox. "One student asked me if he could keep some pencils that his mom gave him for school."

"Of course, I said yes. He then said, 'Well, I guess I'll give you a few so my classmates can have them too.' I thought nothing of it and took the pencils that he handed me."

Ms. Cox quickly discovered that these weren't just common pencils, however-as she was sharpening the pencils, she noticed that they all had writing on the side.

The boy's mother had written personal, special messages of love and encouragement on every pencil, saying things like "You are perfect", "I am proud of you" and "This will be a great year".

"This probably took his mom a few minutes to do, but it lit up his whole day at school," says Ms. Cox. "he wasn't embarrassed that his mom wrote on his pencils. Thanks to his mom, he was reminded of his own worth and wanted to share the same feeling with his classmates."

Ms. Cox posted a photo of the pencils on Facebook where it was shared thousands of times by adults praising the boy and his mother for their encouragement. Some have even done something similar for their own students. Ms. Cox says she would remind more kids that they are important, talented, loved, and clever and so much more.

1.Whom did the boy give his pencils to?


2.When did Ms. Cox discover the pencils weren't just common ones?


3.What had the boy's mother written on every pencil?


4.How did the boy probably feel when his mom wrote on his pencils?


5.Why have some teachers done something similar for their own students?


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