If you have a pet like many people, you care for it as if it was your child. Meeting its needs and wants is an important part of your life, because you want it to be happy. However, there is one thing that it needs but cannot tell you about: that is music. There are a few reasons why your pet should listen to music.

Many pet owners play some music for their pets, because this can help their pets to feel better when they are at work. Most people are out throughout the day, and leave their pets alone at home. To make their pets feel comfortable and safe, they try playing some music before they leave the house. This works on all pets and makes even the most relaxed pet more comfortable to be alone at home.

You might have to change the music to see what kind of music is best for your pet. If you want to calm your pet down, you will need to play soft music instead of(代替) hard rock or hip-hop music, which might make your pet excited.

Also, you need to know that different pets respond(反应) differently to music. Hard rock music has also been found to work well to calm some pets down. And piano music works well on most pets, but it works best on cats.

1.Why do you need to meet your pet's needs and wants?


2.What can you do to make your pet feel comfortable before you leave the house?


3.How do you find the best music for your pet?


4.Which kind of music should you usually play if you want to calm your pet down?


5.What do you think of the idea of playing music for pets? (请自拟一句话作答)


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