Welcome to our school lab(实验室).I’m very happy to introduce(介绍) our school’s lab to you.Before doing any experiments(实验), there are a few safety rules that we must remember.

1.Always remember to be careful in the lab.

2.Don’t eat or drink in the lab.

3.Don’t talk loudly.

4.Don’t run or play here.

5.Don’t disturb(打扰) others when they do experiments.

6.Don’t take things into the lab to do experiments until the teacher agrees.

7.Follow the teachers’ instructions(指令) to do experiments.

8.Ask the teacher for help if you have any questions.

9.Don’t touch(碰) anything until the teacher asks you to do so.

10Need to put all the things back after you finish the experiments.

11.Close all the windows and lock the doors before you leave.

These rules in our school lab are very important to our safety.I hope you understand them and follow the rules.

1.The rules are for     .

A.teachers B.parents C.students D.doctors

2.First of all, you must always remember to     in the lab.

A.ask questions B.be careful

C.touch everything D.talk loudly

3.We     when they are doing experiments.

A.ask questions B.put the things back

C.can’t disturb others D.close the windows

4.The rules in the lab are important to     .

A.our school B.our class C.our study D.our safety

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.We can’t play or eat in the lab.

B.We can take the things we like to the lab.

C.We can’t touch anything until the teacher asks us to do so.

D.Before we leave, we must close the windows and lock the doors.

1.Karen is a middle school student.Her home is very far from the school.She has lunch at the school’s dining hall.

2..Jimmy is a good student.He does well in all subjects.Today he is on duty(值日)to clean the blackboard.

3.The Browns are going to Zhuhai Chimelong Ocean Park this weekend.They will go there in their car.Now they are on the road.

4.Ben’s son likes animals very much.So he will take his son to Chimelong Safari Park(长隆野生动物世界) this Friday.

5.Robert has a fever(发烧) and coughs a lot.His mother has to take him to the hospital.

A.Don’t walk near the animals.Don’t touch them or take photos with them.You can’t give food to the animals because you don’t know what food they can eat.

B.In the hospital you have to be quiet and never talk loudly.You mustn’t smoke.Don’t ask people why they’re in the hospital.

C.We must stop our car when the lights are red.Look at the sign.When we cross the road, make sure there are no cars coming.

D.I have many rules at home.In the morning, I must make my bed.On the school days, I must go home on time.I can’t play basketball after school.

E.We must follow the rules in the dormitory(宿舍).We can’t talk or make noise when others are sleeping.We must go to bed and get up on time.

F.We have to wait in line to buy the food in the dining hall.We can’t waste food.We must have dinner at the same place.

G.First, clean the blackboard after each class.Second, keep your school things tidy and put your books in good order.Third, clean the floor every day.

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