Do you want to study in Tsinghua University in the future? What does it take to______from the famous university? Many may say all you have to do is to take classes and pass the exams. Well, it requires______than that if you're a student at Tsinghua University. Starting this September, freshmen at the university will have to take______courses. If they______a swimming test at the beginning of their university course, they won’t receive their degree______they can pass the test successfully, according to an announcement by president of Tsinghua University—Qiu Yong. Exceptions(例外) will be ______ for students with certain physical or mental conditions, if proved______medical staff.

Many experts think that swimming is a requisite (必要的) survival______. It is useful for students in the long run, since swimming is helpful in______students’ endurance(持久力) and does______ harm to joints(关节) and muscles(肌肉) as a water sport.

However, the announcement has caused a heated debate(讨论). Some welcome the new rule, saying it’s a______skill that can save lives. However, some say it has______to do with getting a degree. In fact, Chinese universities are not the only______organizations that encourage their students to swim.______colleges in the United States—including Cornell, Columbia and MIT—offer swimming classes to students. “Anything that can______people from dying needlessly is a valuable skill,” Fred DeBruyn, director of aquatics(水上运动) at Cornell, told The New York Times.

1.A.finish B.graduate C.leave D.end

2.A.much B.many C.less D.more

3.A.running B.medical D.swimming B.take C.pass D.bear

5.A.unless B.besides C.but D.until

6.A.allowed B.admired C.achieved D.afforded B.with C.from

8.A.activity B.skill D.lesson

9.A.improving B.rising C.changing D.reducing

10.A.more B.less C.much D.plenty of

11.A.traditional B.creative C.necessary D.relaxing

12.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

13.A.medical B.educational C.information

14.A.Few B.Some C.Little D.A little

15.A.prevent B.refuse C.predict

News 1

Chinese video sharing APP,Douyin is denying reports that British cartoon character Peppa Pig has been canceled from the platform(平台) because of some bad influences,China National Radio reports.The Peppa Pig has been a big hit since it first landed in China in 2015.Episodes(片段) of the show have been watched billions of times on television.

News 2

On Wednesday,China announced plans to increase taxes(税) on $50 billion of U.S.goods.The Chinese measures would increase tariffs(关税) by 25 percent on 106 products,such as soybeans,airplanes and cars.The Associated Press said the list includes the biggest U.S.exports (出口) to China.

News 3

Wildlife researchers in Georgia and Florida are concerned about the number of endangered whales(鲸).The winter birthing season just ended,but no newborn whales have been reported.There are about 450 North Atlantic whales.

Since last December,researchers have been looking for newborns off the coasts of Georgia and Florida.Each winter,female whales swim to the area to give birth in warmer waters,usually from early December to late March.

News 4

An American company says it has completed the first 3D?printed home in the United States.The home was shown to reporters and visitors at the South by Southwest technology meeting and music festival.The event took place earlier this month in Austin,Texas.

1.What is Peppa Pig according to News1?

A.a British cartoon character B.a Chinese cartoon character

C.a British book D.a pig from Britain

2.Female whales usually spend ________ giving birth each year.

A.three months B.two months C.four months D.five months

3.________can print a 3D?printed home.

A.A company B.A visitor C.A reporter D.A teacher

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to these news?

A.Peppa Pig is not popular in China at all.

B.People can see the 3D printed homes everywhere in the US.

C.The population of endangered whales may be smaller than before.

D.All the goods from the U.S will be more expensive in China than before.

On May 15, 2018, a team of mountain climbers from Peking University reached the top of the world’s highest mountain to celebrate the university’s 120th birthday. They practiced for two years for their climb to the summit.

The team has fourteen climbers: seven students from the Mountaineering Association of Peking University (MAPKU,北大山鹰社), two teachers and five alumni(校友). The youngest of them is only twenty-one and the oldest one is in his fifties. Twelve of them made it to the summit of Mount Qomolangma, as one of the team members felt sick and another stayed in the camp to help the team when they came back from the top.

To our surprise, the first member to reach the summit was a girl named Wei Wei. It was the third time for her to reach the top of this mountain. Peking University alumnus Luang Nubo, who led the team, said, “Reaching the top of the mountain was not the only goal.” “It’s more important to know how the team work closely and fight with difficulties when climbing high. It is also the spirit of the university,” he said. Started in 1989, the MAPKU now is the most famous amateur mountaineering club (业余登山俱乐部) in China. In 1989,three members reached the 8,201-metre Mount Cho Oyu, the worlds sixth-highest mountain, to celebrate their university 100th birthday. Besides, they also held activities to save animals and plants as well as protect mountains.

1.How long has Peking University been built according to the passage?

A.21 years. B.55 years. C.100 years. D.120 years.

2.Which is the right order of the following events?

a.The MAPKU was set up in Beijing.

b.Wei Wei reached the top of the Qomolangma for the third time.

c.The team reached the sixth-highest mountain to celebrate the university’s birthday.

d.The team began to prepare for climbing Qomolangma to celebrate the university’s birthday.

A.cadb B.acdb C.cdab D.adcb

3.How did the team show the spirit of Peking University according to the passage?

A.They prepare well before they do something.

B.They like climbing and get together to practise.

C.They set up the MAPKU with two teachers

D.They work together and fight with difficulties.

4.Which one is RIGHT according to the passage?

A.All of the fourteen climbers reached the top of Mount Qomolangma.

B.The climbers practised for a short time before their climbing.

C.The MAPKU now is the most famous amateur mountaineering club in China.

D.It’s Wei Wei’s first time to reach the lop of Mount Qomolangma.

5.What activities does the MAPKU do?

A.Organize climbing. B.Save animals and plants.

C.Protect mountains. D.A B and C

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