We all know that many people like to go to the cafe(咖啡馆)and ______ some coffee or tea there. They can ____ other people and listen to some music when they ______ drinking coffee. However, the “silent(安静的) cafes” are very ______ in Tokyo, Japan these days.

A young ______ sits alone in a cafe, and she is drinking tea and reading a book. She ______ some words on the notebook and then she gives ______ to the cafe worker.

It says“ ______ are the toilets please?”

We can see ______ “silent cafes” in Tokyo. They ______ the same as the common(普通的)cafes. But people in“ silent cafes” don’t ______. They communicate(交流)with each other by writing on the ______ .

The “silent cafes” are very popular in Tokyo, because some people there are ______ too much pressure (压力)of work, and they need a place to make themselves(他们自己) ______ . They want to stay alone(独处), ______ they like to go to the “silent cafes” and relax.

1.A.drink B.eat C.play D.write

2.A.worry about B.talk with C.look after D.look at

3.A.are B.is C.have D.look at

4.A.noisy B.terrible C.popular D.big

5.A.woman B.boy C.teacher D.daughter

6.A.writes B.says C.finds D.takes

7.A.you B.her C.it D.him

8.A.When B.Why C.How D.Where

9.A.many B.lots C.much D.lot

10.A.look B.sound C.feel D.taste

11.A.sing B.speak C.read D.act

12.A.table B.paper C.notebook D.computer

13.A.in B.under C.to D.for

14.A.relaxed B.excited C.safe D.handsome

15.A.so B.but C.or D.if

Seeing is believing(相信) ,but if our eyes don’t work, how can we see to believe?

Today more and more kids wear glasses before going to middle school. Because they spend(花费)too much time watching TV or playing computer games without a rest. But we must do something to protect(保护)our eyes because they are important for us to see the world.

Love your eyes first. Every day, when we open our eyes, we can see the lovely smiles of friends and parents, and beautiful flowers and green trees. Without them, there is only darkness(黑暗的). It is like a house without any light (光). How important our eyes are!

Remember to rest your eyes. When you use the computer for an hour or two,it is time to stop to have a 30—minute rest. At school, you need to do eye exercises. Closing your eyes for resting is helpful, and looking at green trees or grasses in these ways, you will feel more comfortable(舒适的). So do your eyes.

Have good habits. While writing homework,it is important to keep a distance(距离)of 30 cm between your eyes and books. We should never rub(摩擦)our eyes with dirty fingers. Before and after swimming, use eye drops. Eat something healthy for eyes, such as carrots, fish and eggs.

1.According to the writer, why must we protect our eyes?

A.Because seeing is believing. B.Because we love our eyes.

C.Because they are important for us to see the world. D.Because we use them to watch TV or play computer games.

2.How many ways does the writer tell us to rest our eyes?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Today more and more kids wear glasses before going to school.

B.It is good for your eyes to look at green trees or grasses.

C.We should eat something heal thy for eyes, like carrots, fish and meat.

D.When you use the computer, you must stop to have a 30—minute rest.

4.Which is the best title(标题)for this passage?

A.Seeing Is Believing. B.Resting Our Eyes.

C.Having Good Habits. D.Protecting Our Eyes.

Today, people want to do sports and exercise to keep healthy. But some of them have some wrong ideas about it.

◆ “A plate(盘子) of chicken is a good meal before games because it has much energy(能量).”

The best meal before games should have carbohydrates(碳水化合物). Food like potatoes, bread, bananas are rich(富含……的)in it, but chicken and meat are not.

◆ “ 74

No. Morning is a good time to exercise, but it may not be good for you. If an afternoon or an evening is better for you, and you enjoy the feeling of getting healthy, then you can exercise at that time. So choose(选择)any time to exercise!

◆ “If you drink water when you exercise, you’ll feel tired(累).”

You must have some water when you exercise. And after exercising, you also need to have some water. If you don’ t drink any water, then you may feel tired.

◆ “Exercising every day is very important.”

Wrong. Too much exercise bad for us. You need to give your body(身体)a day of rest.

1.The underlined word “it” refers to(指代)_____________.

A.a good meal B.a plate of chicken C.carbohydrates D.bread

2.The writer want you to_____________.

A.eat much meat before exercising B.drink some water after exercising

C.take exercise only in the morning D.exercise every day

3.Which of the following is the most suitable(合适的)for 74 ?

A.the best time to exercise is early in the morning. B.The best time to exercise is late in the afternoon.

C.The best time to exercise is early in the evening. D.The best time to exercise is any time during the day.

4.Which of the following will be the best title(标题)?

A.Reasons for sports and exercise B.Questions of sports and exercise

C.Best time for sports and exercise D.Wrong ideas about sports and exercise

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