Tears goes _________ my eyes when I talk to my parents on the phone in the university. What they are doing when I call them is what I want to know most. I had _________ at 5 o'clock in the dining room. There is no need for me to cook by _________, no need to wash the dishes._________, now it is the busiest time for my parents. Dad has night shift every day, and he works from seven o'clock in the morning _________ nine o'clock in the evening. Therefore, all the housework _________ to my mum; besides her own job, she also has to work in the vineyard.

In my family, _________ is common. We are willing to earn our living by _________ hands. We are very _________ to have the meal together on the New Year's Eve. My mother has ever said that ____________ in the family is important, and no one can be absent.

Mum has ever said that the happiest time ____________dad and her is when my sister and I come back home.

We play cards in the room, watch TV, do ____________ we like, with dad and mum preparing delicious food in the kitchen. It is ____________ the happiest time for me.

At that moment, I could forget all the ____________ and unhappiness. The only thing I would like to do is to enjoy the time with my parents.

Love, ____________ doesn't need many words. Love your parents like they love you. Give them a call and tell them you miss them.

1.A.out B.of C.out of D.away

2.A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.coffee

3.A.me B.myself C.mother D.father

4.A.However B.But C.And D.So

5.A.with B.to C.for D.between

6.A.is left B.brought C.leaves D.takes

7.A.all B.both C.everyone D.neither

8.A.our own B.own our C.own their D.their own

9.A.sad B.sorry C.interesting D.happy

10.A.all B.many C.everyone D.some

11.A.with B.for C.to D.of

12.A.anything B.nothing C.everything D.something

13.A.too B.either C.also D.as well

14.A.differences B.difficulties C.happiness D.people

15.A.sometimes B.never C.hardly ever D.always

Paul loves his wife and children very much, and they love him, too. However, it isn't easy to live with Paul. He gets angry easily, and he doesn't have many friends. Paul's wife, Linda, is very different. She's always smiling and kidding. She likes to tell jokes and make people laugh. She's never quiet for long and hardly gets angry. She has a lot of friends. Paul and Linda often fight (争辩) about their children. Linda thinks Paul is too strict with them, he shouts at them a lot. He forgets that they're only children. Paul thinks Linda is too easy (随和的) with the children, and she always lets them do whatever they want to do, but that's not right, Linda, however, corrects (纠正) the children when it's' necessary, and they listen to her. She doesn't shout at them, but they obey (服从) her. She's very kind and patient.

1.Paul's wife and children find it difficult to live with Paul because he ________.

A.gets angry easily B.talks too much

C.is outgoing and athletic D.always invites many friends home

2.Linda has ________ friends than Paul.

A.many B.much C.fewer D.more

3.The children ________.

A.don't love their father B.are strict with their father

C.like their mother's ways of treating them D.do whatever their father asks them to do

4.From the passage, we know ________.

A.Linda and Paul don't love each other

B.Paul doesn't think it is right to let the children do whatever they want to do

C.Linda always shouts at her children

D.Linda and Paul often fight mostly because he has no friends

We have all heard the saying, "It's better to give" than to receive. "Think about it for a moment. What does it mean to you? Of course getting a gift is nice. Giving, though, can be just as good. Sometimes gift of our time is even more appreciated. There are many ways you can give the gift of time. One is to volunteer.

As a volunteer, you can learn new things, make friends, and know that you are helping someone. Here are some simple ways that you can volunteer.

Animal shelters are always looking for volunteers to walk pets, and help clean and care for them.

Organize a clean-up program in your neighborhood.

Hospitals often have programs that kids can help with to cheer up patients.

Donate used toys and books to libraries, shelters or churches.

These are just few examples— visit one of the many volunteer sites online for many more ideas. Why not ask your mom or dad to volunteer too, and make it a family activity?

Once you volunteer, you will quickly learn giving has its own rewards (回报). You won't get paid, but the feeling you get from helping others is much more special than getting money. Give it try. You won't be disappointed (失望的).

1.If you become a volunteer, you may NOT ________.

A.learn new things B.make new friends C.get money D.get a gift

2.According to the passage, where can you get more volunteering ideas?

A.On the Internet. B.On TV. C.From parents. D.From teachers.

3.If you love animals and want to take care of them, you could ________.

A.donate some old toys B.organize clean-up program

C.visit the zoo D.go to an animal shelter

4.Who is the passage probably written for?

A.Kids. B.Parents. C.Teachers. D.Doctors

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