Do you love listening to music? Do you listen to music while you are studying?

If you’re like most people, you may love listening to music. There’s nothing like the ______ feeling you get when your favorite song starts to play.______ and when do you like to listen to music? Alone in your room? Or ______ a friend? Or while you’re studying? Yes, some people like to listen to music while they are studying. ______ should they? Can music help them think or be good for their memory? Or is it bad? In fact, the answer may depend on what ______of music you are listening to and what you’re studying. For example, some scientists believe that music can help with reading and speaking. It is good for listeners’ ______ to tell between sounds. So they can better understand ______. So if you’re studying for a language exam, ______ to music may help.

But what kind of music should you listen to? Classical music may be a good choice. It can help you calm down and concentrate(集中注意力) on your study. On the other hand, listening to ______ music may have the bad effect(果). It may make you concentrate more on the music than on what you are studying.

So if you love music, while you are studying, choose the kind of music that is ______ for your study. The right kind of music may help you think.

1.A.sad B.tired C.happy D.fine

2.A.Why B.Where C.How D.What

3.A.with C.without D.for

4.A.So B.And C.Or D.But B.piece C.kind D.sound

6.A.message B.age C.ability

7.A.sentence B.language C.grammar D.painting

8.A.enjoying B.hearing C.watching D.listening

9.A.light B.loud C.quiet D.popular

10.A.helpful B.important C.exciting D.hard

Beijing Museum of Natural History

You will know everything about the natural world and science. You can study hundreds of animals, plants, rocks and more.

Open time: 9:00 am — 4:00 pm, from Tuesday to Sunday.

Capital Museum

You must see the beautifully designed museum. There are fantastic Chinese sculptures (雕像), jade articles (玉器), paintings from all ages and many other historical things for you to enjoy.

Open time: 9:00 am — 5:00 pm, every day except Monday.

The National Art Museum of China

It is a national art museum with many art collections, research and exhibitions (展览) of artistic works in China.

Open time: 9:00 — 17:00 (No Entry after 16:00) Closed on Mondays.

Beijing Lu Xun Museum

This is a great place for book-lovers. There’re photographs of this famous writer, some of his books written by hand, as well as many letters. There are some special postcards with the great writer’s photos for you to buy. No camera here.

Open time: 9:00 — 16:00, from Tuesday to Sunday.

1.If someone is interested in wild animals, where can he or she go?

A.Beijing Lu Xun Museum B.Beijing Museum of Natural History

C.Capital Museum D.The National Art Museum of China

2.Where can you see historical things like jade articles and Chinese sculptures from all ages?

A.Beijing Lu Xun Museum B.Beijing Museum of Natural History

C.Capital Museum D.The National Art Museum of China

3.What can't you do in Beijing Lu Xun Museum?

A.reading Lu Xun’s books B.taking photos

C.seeing Lu Xun’s letters by hand D.buying postcards

4.On which day can’t you go to any of the museums?

A.On Monday. B.On Tuesday C.On Saturday. D.On Sunday.

5.Which museum has the same business hours as Beijing Museum of Natural History every day?

A.Beijing Lu Xun Museum B.Capital Museum

C.The National Art Museum of China D.None of them.

AI will do half of today’s jobs in 15 years, according to Kai-Fu Lee, China’s AI expert.

“Workers all over the world are facing a problem. People don’t really care about AI will have their jobs,” he said. Lee has over 30 years of experience of AI. He thinks it is important to tell people AI is coming and how they can start training again. Luckily, Lee said man will have something to do. “AI is powerful, but it can’t do everything that people do. AI cannot create, or do work that needs hand-eye coordination.” He also says, “AI is poor at doing unknown space. It cannot talk with each other.” Social workers, nurses, AI researchers and scientists won’t lose their jobs according to Lee.

Parents need to let your children go after what they love, and encourage them. Make sure they spend a lot of time understanding why it is important to help people, and why talking skills are important. Don’t play on the phone all the time,” said Lee.

So from now on, think about how to be a person who AI will not take the place of.

1.What is AI not good at?

A.Creating some new things. B.Communicating with others.

C.Doing unknown space. D.All the above

2.Which of the following is WRONG about Mr. Lee’s ideas?

A.Parents should encourage kids to go after what they love.

B.AI can do everything that people do.

C.Kids should not spend too much time on phone.

D.Talking skills are important for every child.

3.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “experience” in Paragraph 3?

A.经验 B.学习 C.能力 D.合作

4.In Mr. Lee’s eyes, who will lose their jobs because of AI?

A.Typists B.Social workers C.Nurses D.Scientists

5.Where can we read this passage?

A.In a storybook B.In a newspaper

C.In a cooking magazine D.In a fashion magazine

The novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒) still influences people’s lives. But people have different ways to deal with (应对) it. They try to find a moment of happiness during hard times. Therefore, happy times can still be found during hard times.

??Walking among flowers

A group of children in masks walked through a rape flower (油菜花) field in Huzhou, Zhejiang, on March 12. They were among many people who went to the fields to see the flowers. After staying in for some time because of the epidemic (疫情), people are beginning to go outdoors to enjoy the spring. They wear masks to stay safe.

? Statue wears mask

Workers put a mask on a statue (雕像) that is part of the Fallas festival (火祭节) in Valencia, Spain, on March 11. The festival was set to take place on March 13. But it was canceled (取消) because of the novel coronavirus outbreak. During this festival, there are hundreds of statues in streets around the city. After about a week, people will burn (烧毁) them. But people will vote (投票) for one statue to be kept in the Las Fallas Museum.

? Look at a sunrise

A medical worker from Shanxi province took photos of the sunrise (日出) while he was leaving Wuhan on March 17. Though these workers worked in the city for over a month, they had no chance to enjoy its beauty. While seeing the sunrise, they couldn’t help taking pictures to record their last moment in the city. All of the mobile cabin hospitals (方舱医院) in Wuhan closed on March 10. Medical teams from different parts of China are going home.


1.What still influences people’s lives?


2.What do people wear to stay safe?


3.How many statues will be kept in the Las Fallas Museum?


4.What did a medical worker from Shanxi province do while leaving Wuhan on March 17?


5.What’s the main idea of the passage?


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