Do you want to enjoy the beautiful roses while watching fashion shows? Do you want to pick your favorite roses for the people you love? In addition, you can enjoy the delicious local food! The Rose Festival is coming again!

The Rose Festival in Zhucheng


July 16th — August 30th 8:30 am- 6:00 pm


In the Weihe Water Park


* Fashion shows * Concerts

* Pick roses * Enjoy tasty food

How to get there

Take Bus No. 2, 6 or 14 and get off at the station of Weihe Water Park.

The price of the ticket

People aged over 60: free

People aged between 16 and 59: 100 yuan

Students aged between 7 and 15: 50 yuan

Children under 6: free


* At eight o’clock on the morning of July 16th: the opening ceremony

* After the opening ceremony, it’s the tour time. You can walk slowly in the park and enjoy the beautiful flowers. If you are tired, we have special sightseeing buses for you.

* The first two days and the last two days: half price

* Don’t throw rubbish while you’re visiting the park.

* Only pick the roses in special areas, or you’ll be fined.

* Come to visit with your ID card.

1.What CAN’T people do on the Rose Festival?

A.Enjoy fashion shows. B.Eat delicious local food.

C.Pick some roses. D.Make rose cakes.

2.If two students both aged 14 go to the Rose Festival on July 18th, how much should they pay?

A.50 yuan. B.100 yuan. C.150 yuan. D.200 yuan.

3.If you want to spend less money, when should you go to the Rose Festival?

A.On July 17th. B.On July 18th.

C.On August 1st. D.On August 28th.

4.What can we know from the passage?

A.The Rose Festival lasts for half a month. B.There are special sightseeing buses in the water park.

C.You can pick roses everywhere in the park. D.You can visit the Rose Festival without your ID card.

Did you sleep well last night? Or did you wake up feeling tired? Getting a good night’s sleep requires more than getting into bed and closing your eyes. Understanding your sleep behavior and preparing for a sound sleep can help make sure every night is a good night for sleeping.

“Sleep is a kind of behavior and it is different among people,”explains Dr. Carol Landis, a sleep researcher professor.“The greatest differences happen in the timing (时间选择) of sleep and the amount (数量) of sleep.”Some people function better if they go to sleep early and rise early, while others feel more rested (精力充沛的) if they stay up late and sleep in. The amount of sleep the adults need each night is also different. Some people may be fine with six hours’sleep, while others need up to nine hours’sleep per night.

Landis offers the following advice on practicing falling asleep well:

Avoid coffee and food such as chocolate in the late afternoon and evening.

Finish exercising two hours before going to sleep. Exercise increases body temperatures and makes it more difficult to fall asleep easily.

Don’t sleep in a warm environment. A drop in a person’s body temperature is important at the beginning of deep sleep. People who sleep in a well-heated room may not sleep well.

Catch up on missed sleep when you have the chance. Busy work or busy weekend activities often make it difficult to get as much sleep as we’d like each night. Try taking a 30-minute short sleep during the day before 4 pm or sleeping in on weekends.

1.What does the underlined sentence in the first paragraph mean?

A.Getting into bed and closing your eyes can make you fall asleep quickly.

B.Getting into bed and closing your eyes are not enough to make sure of a good night’s sleep.

C.Getting into bed and closing your eyes are the most important in getting a good night’s sleep.

D.Getting into bed and closing your eyes have nothing to do with a good night’s sleep.

2.What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A.We should have the right amount of sleep every day.

B.We should go to bed at the right time every day.

C.The ways of improving sleep of different people.

D.The differences in sleep among people.

3.What does Dr. Carol Landis advise us to do?

A.To avoid exercising within two hours of sleeping. B.To eat some sweet food in the late after- noon.

C.To sleep in a very warm room. D.To stop sleeping during the daytime.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Sleeping problems. B.Sleep behavior.

C.How to get a sound sleep. D.Different kinds of sleep.

In 2019, China has passed lots of policies in many fields, bringing great changes to people’s lives. Here are some of them.

①Rubbish sorting rules

How to correctly sort and throw rubbish into dustbins has become a hot topic of discussion. Thanks to the rubbish sorting rules that went into effect, we can recycle some of the rubbish and protect the environment in a way.

In 2019, 237 cities have started rubbish classification according to a national policy. Shanghai became the first city to start its strict rubbish classification rules on July 1st.

②Nighttim e economy (夜间经济)

The nighttime economy was mentioned in August.It refers to business activities between 6 pm and 6 am in the service industry.They include opening 24-hour convenience stores, extending (延长) the service hours of buses,encouraging cinemas and theaters to offer tickets at lower prices and supporting bookstores, cultural centers and museums in opening to the public at night.

Many Chinese cities such as Beijing and Shanghai,have made plans, set up special zones and extended the operation of public transport to support nighttime markets.

③Throwing things from high buildings becomes illegal (非法的)

It’s no longer only immoral when people throw things out of windows from high buildings. In 2019, it has become an illegal behavior that could face punishment. Those who throw objects on purpose from a high place shall be punished for endangering public safety.

1.What can we know from the first policy mentioned above?

A.Now all the cities have started their rubbish sorting rules.

B.It’s not good for the environment to sort the rubbish.

C.Shanghai didn’t start rubbish sorting rules until July 1st.

D.Few people talk about rubbish sorting at the moment.

2.What have many cities done to support nighttime economy?

a. made plans to support it.

b. set up special places for it.

c. extended the operation of public transport.

d. made special laws (法律) for it.

A.abd C.bcd D.acd

3.The underlined word “immoral”means “________”in Chinese.

A.不粗鲁的 B.不道德的 C.传统的 D.鼓舞人心的

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Rubbish sorting in China.

B.Some policies that change people’s lives.

C.Throwing objects from high places will be punished.

D.Efforts have been made to support nighttime economy.

Would you like to improve the culture in your classroom and your life? Try gratitude (感激).

In the past ten years, gratitude has made me teach better, thank my students, grow in my work, and enjoy life. Using gratitude, I am able to model one of the most important lessons in life, having a positive attitude (积极的态度), especially about the ways of life that used to challenge me most, which is the biggest change for me.

To get started in your classroom with gratitude, I suggest actually writing your own gratitude list for a few weeks and feeling its power. Then you can share your example and start the activity with your students.

My students use a notebook and start every day by writing five things about gratitude. Once a week, we go around the class and share our favorite gratitude. This helps build a positive culture in our classroom. I am always encouraged and surprised by what my students share.

Keeping a gratitude journal helps student achieve higher grades, higher goals and more joy with relationships, life, and school and they prefer to give back. Keeping a gratitude journal makes both students and adults be more positive, experience more social satisfaction, exercise more often, have fewer physical problems, and sleep better.

I see these positive changes in my students. One of them shared gratitude journals with her family. Her mom was in a nursing school and was very stressed. At the dinner table, they would share their gratitude for the day and grow as a family. The mom came to me and thanked me for teaching gratitude to her daughter and cheering up her family.

1.What was the biggest change in the writer after trying gratitude?

A.She enjoyed the pressure of life. B.She was more skilled at teaching.

C.She could stay positive about life. D.She could get on well with her students.

2.What does the underlined word“This”in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Listening to others’ true ideas. B.Keeping the daily gratitude in mind.

C.Students’ sharing their gratitude in class. D.The writer’s telling her life stories to students.

3.According to Paragraph 5, keeping a gratitude journal . good for students’ study and health B.can be difficult for some students

C.can always bring good things to people not fit for little children

4.Why does the writer give the example of a girl’s family?

A.To introduce a way to be more helpful.

B.To explain why she began trying gratitude.

C.To tell how her students finished perfect gratitude journals.

D.To show gratitude journals even helped a student’s family.

5.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Gratitude — a way to become successful. B.Gratitude — a way for your family to get together.

C.Gratitude — a powerful tool for the classroom. D.Gratitude — a new way to understand others.

Richard Sears was unknown in China until 2012, when his story of spending all his money studying Chinese characters was reported online.This caught people’s eye. They gave him the nickname“Uncle Hanzi”.

Sears was once a computer engineer in the USA.When he was young, he developed an interest in Chinese characters. In 1972, when Sears was only 22, he decided to learn Chinese. He bought a one-way ticket to Taiwan, China to begin his study.

After several years of studying, Sears still found writing Chinese characters difficult. One piece of advice he received was to learn the evolution (发 展) of Chinese characters, because it could help him remember them. Since then, Sears has made his own research to study how Chinese characters were formed, and built up his own database (数据库).

In 1990, he came up with the idea of sharing the etymological (词源的) information of Chinese characters on the website. In 2002, Sears made the website free for anyone who was interested. Just by typing a Chinese character on his website,people can find out the shapes and evolution of the character.

“Many people think I am crazy — spending all my money and time on the website. But for me,it’s just an interest,”Sears said. Years of living in China has turned“Uncle Hanzi”into“Grandpa Hanzi”, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the love Sears has for Chinese characters.

1.When did Sears begin to study Chinese? (不超过 10 个词)


2.How did Sears learn writing Chinese characters? (不超过 15 个词)


3.What makes Sears keep studying Chinese characters? (不超过 10 个词)


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