What do you usually have for breakfast? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you nutrition (营养) after a long night without food.

Breakfast dishes are very different in different parts of China. In the south, people usually grow rice.

And the north grows wheat (小麦). In many southern cities, popular breakfast dishes are made from rice. And northern cities eat all kinds of wheat food.

In Guangdong, rice noodle roll (肠粉) is a popular breakfast dish. People make rolls with rice milk.

They put pork (猪肉), beef, vegetables or other things inside the rolls. People in Guangdong usually put a bit of soy sauce (酱油) on the dish. It tastes good!

In many northern cities, people like to have roujiamo as breakfast. People in Shaanxi first made it.

People cook the meat for hours and cut it into small pieces. Then they put the meat inside a bun (面饼). Roujiamo is just like a Chinese style hamburger.

1.Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

A.Because breakfast dishes are very different in different parts in China.

B.Because it gives you nutrition after a long night without food.

C.Because breakfast is the most popular meal in the world.

2.What do people in northern cities eat for breakfast?

A.Wheat food B.Dishes made from rice C.Rice noodle roll

3.Which of the following thing is NOT in rice noodle roll?

A.Pork B.Vegetables C.Mutton

4.Who first made roujiamo?

A.People in Guangdong B.People in the South C.People in Shanxi

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Important breakfast B.Different breakfast in China C.Rice and wheat

Thomas Edison was an American inventor. When he was 7 years old, his mother had anappendectomy(阑尾切除手术). But it was too dark. So Edison put mirrors(镜子)near oil lamps (油灯) to light up the room

The story is in a Chinese textbook for primary school students by People’s Education Press(人民教育出版社). Perhaps many of you have read it before. But the publisher (出版社) recently said itwill cut out this story. That’s because many people think it’s not true. Many believe that the world’s first appendectomy was in 1886. But when Edison was 7, it was 1854.

The publisher also said it will not use some other stories. For example, there’s a story about the first US President George Washington. The story says young Washington cut down a cherry (樱桃) tree in the yard of his house. But in fact, there was no cherry tree in the area at that time

So what’s the problem? Experts (专家) say that some editors (编辑) care too much about the educational meaning of stories, without checking if the story is true first.

The publisher says, in the future, they will pay greater attention to the truth of the stories in the textbook. “We will invite experts to check our stories,” it said in a statement.

1.The textbook said Thomas Edison________.

A.was the inventor ofmirrors

B.did an appendectomy for his mother at the ageof 7

C.helped light up the room during her mother’sappendectomy

2.When was Thomas Edison born?

A.In 1847. B.In 1854. C.In1879.

3.Why will the publisher cut out George Washington’s story?

A.Because nobody should make stories about a president

B.Because it’s wrong for a president to cut down trees.

C.Because the story is not true.

4..What is the problem of some editors?

A.They will pay greater attention to the truth of the stories in the textbook

B.They care too much about the educational meaning of stories

C.They don’t like checking if the stories are true.

5.What will the publisher do in the future?

A.They will ask experts to check if stories are true.

B.They will pay more attention to the educational meaning of stories.

C.They will invite experts to write stories for textbooks.

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