“What’s the matter, Bob?” asks Mrs. White, “Why do you look so sad?”

“Mum, I wish we can stay in New York. I have many friends there .We are new here, and I have no friend now.” Bob says.

“You will soon make friends here,” says Mrs. White, “Wait and see!” At this time, someone is knocking at the door. Mrs. White opens it .A woman with a nice smile stands there.

“Hello,” she says, “I’m Mrs. Green, I live next door.” “Come in, please,” says Mrs. White, “Bob and I are so glad to see you. Do you want any help?” “Yes, I come here to ask for two eggs,” says Mrs. Green, “I want to make a cake.” “You may have the eggs,” says Mrs. White, “but please sit down. Let’s have coffee and talk a little, OK?”

In the afternoon, someone knocks at the door again. Mrs. White opens it. There stands a boy with a nice smile.

“My name is Tom,” he says, “Mother gives you this cake and these two eggs.”

“Well, thank you, Tom.” Says Mrs. White, “Come in and meet my son, Bob.” The two boys are about the same age.

“Let’s play football, OK?” says Bob, “I have a little dog. It will play with us. ” Tom finds it fun to play football. Soon they have great fun playing football.

“I’m glad you live next door,” says Bob, “Now I have someone to play together.” “I’m glad your mother wants two eggs,” says Bob.

“She doesn’t really want the eggs,” Tom laughs, “She just wants to make friends with your mother!”

Then Bob laughs, too. “That’s a funny way to make friends,” he says, “but it’s a nice way.”

1.Why does Bob look so sad?

A.He has no time to play football. B.He has too much homework.

C.He has no friends here. D.He doesn’t like his new school.

2.Where did Bob’s family use to live?

A.London. B.New York. C.New Zealand. D.San Francisco.

3.Why does Tom knock at Bob’s door?

A.He wants to play football with Bob. B.He wants to give the cake and eggs.

C.He wants to borrow Bob’s football. D.He wants to ask for eggs.

4.What’s Mrs. Green’s real purpose of asking for two eggs?

A.To make friends with Mrs. White. B.To ask for two eggs.

C.To give cakes. D.To look for Tom.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.How to ask for eggs. B.The friendship between two boys.

C.How to make cakes.  D.A funny way to make friends.

Are you short-sighted? If you are, your parents might have tried to do something to fix it, such as having you get an eye massage(按摩), take medicine or even get surgery(手术). People who offer these services or products often say that they can reduce or even cure short sight.

However, you will no longer see advertisements like this before long. The government has issued a notice to ban(禁止) businesses from using words like “recovery" or "short sight cure" in their advertisements.

The notice says that short sight cannot be completely cured with current medical technology. Therefore, these advertisements could mislead children and their parents.

Young people can prevent and control short sight by spending more time outside and less time in front of books or computers. People who have sight problems should first go to a hospital and let a doctor decide what to do.

More than 450 million Chinese have suffered from short sight since June 2018. Short sight rates are around 30 percent for primary school students, 60 percent for junior high school students and 80 percent for senior high school students. This is likely because students spend a lot of time reading books and using electronic devices.

To reduce short sight among young people, the government made a new plan last August. The plan is designed to limit the amount of time children spend playing video games, as well as limit the production of new video games.

1.Some people say that they can cure short sight to _________.

A. show off their high-leveled skills B. sell more products and services

C. share their medical technology D. prove that eye massages are useful

2.Advertisements with the word "__________“ will be banned by the government.

A. recovery B. eyesight C. short sight D. surgery

3.If you have a sight problem, you should ___________ first.

A. get surgery B. get an eye massage

C. take some medicine D. ask a doctor for advice

4.According to this passage, which group has the highest short sight rate?

A. Primary school students. B. Junior high school students,

C. Senior high school students. D. College students.

5.From the last two paragraphs, we can know that _________.

A. students should be stopped from using mobile phones

B. students in lower grades are more likely to get short sight

C. production of new video games will be limited

D. a law was made to protect the eyesight of people

Wu Yue, a 14-year-old student at a Junior High School in Hangzhou, usually has lunch with his classmates in their dining hall. But one day, a newcomer, the school headmaster, joined them at the same table. They talked about the food that the dining hall offered and had a nice chat.

Wu is not alone. Many students across China have the chance to eat with their headmasters. The government issued a notice on food safety and nutrition (营养) management in schools, asking headmasters from kindergarten to high school to have meals with students. The rule took effect(生效) on April 1st.

Many schools now have seats for school managers when they eat with students in the dining hall. After talking with them, the managers have to write reports and make suggestions to dining hall workers. Many students were asked about the food that they liked most. To their surprise, their favorite dishes appeared in the dining hall later. “It's not just about the food. It makes me feel that I have a say in school," explained one student. "My ideas are valued."

Some headmasters regard these mealtime conversations as their main chance to communicate with students. And they notice that some students prefer meat to vegetables. “We are thinking about how to improve the dining hall's dishes and provide students with a healthy diet," one headmaster said. As students become more familiar with the school managers, they begin to express their own points of view.

"It's important to understand students' requirements. Our practice shows the school's sense of responsibility," another headmaster said.

1.Who is the newcomer to have lunch with students at the dining hall?

A. The new student. B. The school teacher.

C. The school headmaster. D. The dining hall worker.

2.When did the rule take effect?

A. On April 1st. B. On March 1st.

C. On January 1st.  D. On May 1st.

3.What do the school managers have to do after chatting with students?

A. They have to take a walk with students in the schoolyard.

B. They have to play games with students on the playground.

C. They have to help the dining hall workers do some cleaning.

D. They have to write reports and make suggestions to dining hall workers.

4.According to paragraph 4, what are the school managers thinking about?

A. How to improve their dining hall conditions.

B. How to provide students with a healthy diet.

C. How to communicate with the parents.

D. How to make friends with the students.

5.From this passage, we can infer(推断) __________.

A. students are not satisfied with the school's management

B. students now prefer fruit and vegetables to meat

C. school managers pay more attention to food safety and nutrition

D. the relationship between teachers and students becomes better

阅读理解七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

As school kids, we have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize. 1.You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.

Once you have found a dream, what do you do with it? Have you ever tried to achieve your dream? Follow Your Heart by Australian writer Andrew Matthews tells us that realizing our dreams is life's biggest challenge.

You may think you're not very good at some school subjects, or that it is impossible for you to become a writer. 2. In fact, everyone can realize their dream. The first thing you must do is remember what your dream is.

3.Keep telling yourself what you want, and you will realize your dream faster. Do this step by step. A dream cannot be realized in one day. A big dream is, in fact, many small dreams.

You must also never give up on your dream. There will be difficulties on the road to realizing it. But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself. 4.Studying instead of watching TV will lead to better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book.

5. But it is OK as long as you have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests.

A.Or they can be small.

B.Don't let it leave your heart.

C.Having a happy life means giving.

D.You need to decide what is most important.

E.As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little.

F.Then it may help them to be confident to face challenges.

G. These kinds of thoughts stop you from getting your dream, the book says.

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