Muriel’s home was a pleasant three-bedroomed house in a suburb(郊区) of Manchester. The family, made up of two girls and a boy, had been raised there. One had already left home, and the day was not far off when the other two would leave for London and the start of their careers.

The house now lacked for nothing. The expensive days schooling and providing for a growing family were over. The husband’s salary as an engineer provided holidays in Spain, a-year-old family car, a colour television (not rented now, thanks to a bargain offer in a January sale).

Life was good until Muriel, returning from shopping in the city centre, found she had been burgled. It was bad enough that the windows in the dining-room had been forced open and $20 in cash in the kitchen drawer stolen, but the damage aged Muriel immediately.

A booted foot had broken the television screen. House plants had been torn from their pots and threw against walls. There was a horror in the kitchen. Three fish were dead on the floor, their heads stamped and crushed(碎). The water from the fish tank had soaked(浸泡) the fitted carpet. Kitchen drawers had been pulled out and the contents were everywhere over the floor.

It was the same story in each room. Muriel found she could not sleep. The extra sherry(雪莉酒) at night did not work. The doctor later gave her tranquilizers(镇静剂). Finally her husband made the only decision he could. They had to sell and move from the home where they had planned to spend the rest of their lives.

The tragedy is that each year there are many thousands of Muriels.

1.The incident was particularly sad for Muriel because ________

A.she had her $20 stolen

B.she became old immediately

C.her hard days of providing for a growing family were just over

D.the house was completely in a terrible mess .

2.What happened to the fish in the kitchen?

A.The burglars ate them.

B.They ran away from home when Muriel was shopping.

C.They jumped out of the fish tank and travelled around the house.

D.They were dead.

3.The word “burgle” means ________.

A.谋杀 B.抢劫 C.失窃 D.纵火

4.Why couldn’t Muriel sleep? ________.

A.Because she drank too much wine

B.Because her children would leave her

C.Because she wanted to move house

D.Because she was shocked badly by the incident

5.What can we learn from this passage?

A.The Muriel incident is a daily occurrence nowadays.

B.Muriel reported the incident to the police as soon as she found she had been burgled.

C.Muriel used to be an engineer.

D.Muriel spent the rest of her life in Spain.

Guide dogs were first trained after World War I when many soldiers returned home sightless. The German government started the movement. Today there are also guide-dog training centres in_____________ other countries. Thousands of___________ people can now travel almost as well as if they were sighted.

The training of the dogs is very long and necessarily of a very high___________ since any mistake by the dog could endanger its owner’s life. At first, when puppies were brought up in kennels(养狗场), many___________tests as guide dogs because they were not used to everyday life outside. So now the puppies are looked_____________ by volunteer “puppy walkers” from about eight weeks old to seven or eight months. These are ordinary people who give the puppy experience in a typical home___________ the dog will easily get used to its blind owner’s home later. During this period, inspectors(视察员) from the training centres visit the___________ to see if it is getting enough experience, and to check if it is___________ as a guide dog.

When the young dog leaves its puppy walker, it goes to a _____________ for four to five months. Those dogs which do pass then meet their expected-to-be________________________, and together they undergo a one-month course, so that they can learn to live and work together. After this course, if man and dog are______________________ together, the new owner signs to__________________________ the dog, which is now officially his.

For many blind people, the dog is a________________________ to a new life. The owners walk out more and get more exercise, they feel________________________, and may be able to work and lead a full life. Since so many blind people live alone, their dogs may also fulfil an important emotional need, giving them________________________ and companionship, as well as a richer and more varied life.

1.A.many C.any D.few

2.A.mad B.dead C.old D.blind

3.A.temperature B.speed C.standard D.price

4.A.passed B.had C.took D.failed

5.A.for B.up C.after that if C.even though soon as

7.A.trainer C.woman

8.A.beautiful B.suitable C.peaceful D.terrible B.playground C.middle school hospital

10.A.teachers B.owners C.players D.doctors

11.A.getting on well B.playing basketball C.making noises D.having a party

12.A.kill B.sell C.accept D.leave

13.A.stranger B.friend C.lesson D.means

14.A.tired B.sick C.independent D.sad C.comfort

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