
I don't do housework at home. My parents think there is no need for me to do it. They expect me to spend more time on my schoolwork. I'm not good at math, so they want me to work harder to get better grades.


My parents ask me to do housework sometimes because they want me to be independent. Usually, I do the dishes, sweep the floor and take out the rubbish. Although they are simple, they can make me relax. And anyway, I think it's fair to share housework with my parents.


I often do housework because my parents encourage me to do things on my own. Now I can look after myself well. Usually, my mother cooks dinner from Monday to Friday and I cook dinner at weekends. I think it is important for children to learn how to do housework and help their parents with housework.


1.Susan’s parents may expect her to________ at home.

A.play computer games B.do some math exercises C.watch some TV programs

2.Sometimes Jimmy's parents ask him to do housework because________.

A.they want him to be independent

B.they want to make him healthy

C.they don't want to do it themselves

3.Jimmy usually does these housework except________.

A.doing the dishes B.folding the clothes C.taking out the rubbish

4.How often does Grace usually cook dinner?

A.Never. B.Twice a week. C.Five times a week.

5.The three students are talking about________.

A.whether they do housework at home and why

B.why doing housework can make them independent

C.whether it is fair for them to share housework


Most people celebrate their birthdays by holding parties and getting gifts.

However, Sydney Coney, 10, chose to give up her birthday for a day of service. She turned into a cook to help the homeless people at the Firehouse Shelter (避难所).She called it a birthday gift to herself.

Sydney came up with the idea after listening to a story. It was about the spirit of giving. Soon after, she decided to cook for the homeless(无家可归的人) on her upcoming birthday. She even used her birthday money to pay for the food.

On her birthday, Sydney arrived early at the shelter to cook a hot meal for over 200 people with the help of her family and friends. They all wore T-shirts with the words "Sydney's Hands to Serve, and Heart to Love".

“It is hard to work in a homeless shelter," said Anne Rygiel, director of the Firehouse Shelter. Seeing a kid like Sydney, however, let me know that everything will be OK. She gives me hope for our future."

“It makes me feel happy to bring a smile to someone’s face. I don't think this will be the last time. It's now a birthday tradition for me. I will never stop helping others,” Sydney said.

Sydney’s act of kindness inspired others to help as well. Her family, neighbors and teachers gave away money, food, clothes and some other things.

1.Sydney Coney got the special idea for her birthday after she________.

A.read a story about the homeless B.learned the spirit of giving C.visited the Firehouse Shelter

2.What did the director of the Firehouse Shelter think of Sydney’s work?

A.Worrying. B.Exciting. C.Relaxing.

3.The underlined word "inspired" probably means "________" in Chinese.

A.支持 B.回避 C.激励

4.What can we infer(推断)from the passage?

A.There are 200 poor people at the Firehouse Shelter.

B.Sydney gave out T-shirts to the homeless on her tenth birthday.

C.Sydney will spend her next birthday helping the people in need.

5.What can we learn from Sydney’s story?

A.To be thankful to those who have helped you.

B.Helping others is helping yourself.

C.Happiness lies in (在于)giving help to others.


I have three children and I often make them do housework. However, my mother-in-law (婆婆)doesn’t agree with me. She thinks I'm too harsh (苛刻的).1.

I think our family is made up of five family members. No one in the family is more important than another, so each member should help with chores.2.

At the end of the day, after they finish playing with their toys, I ask them to put the toys away.3.I expect my children to set the table at night and help fold their own clothes. I don't think I'm asking too much.

I know they are tired after a long day's study at school, but that’s life—harsh but real. I don't want to pay them for doing some chores.4.No one is going to pay them for cleaning up their rooms later in life and I'm not about to start doing it now.

Some parents protect their children too much from anything unpleasant (不愉快的)and make their children's lives too comfortable and safe. But I am not interested in the way.5.

A.If they don't, they will have to say goodbye to their toys.

B.I don't ask my children to do the same chores, because their ages are different.

C.They live in the house, so they should help out with some things in the house.

D.In her opinion, it is adults5 job to do housework.

E.It also helps the children to understand the idea of fairness.

F.I hope my children are able to look after themselves and can be independent early.


When we are hurt or suddenly feeling unwell, what we need to do is to treat it in the right way. How can we do that? First aid (急救)teaches you to deal with emergencies (突发清况)correctly.

Nosebleed (流鼻血)

Ask him or her to lean forward (前倾)and pinch (捏住)the nose. It is wrong to move the head backward. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after five to six minutes, then you should find a doctor.

Broken bone

If the bone is broken, take away clothing from the wound and keep the hurt body part still (不动的).Then, find an adult or call 120 for further help.

Fainting (昏厥)

Have him or her lie with feet lifted a little. Make sure he or she can breathe and let fresh air in. Clean the person's face with a cool cloth.

Learning first aid is not only good for helping others, but it can also benefit (使....受益)ourselves.

You can visit the official website of China First Aid Training to learn more about first aid. Reading books and watching videos on free apps are also good ways.

First aid

It teaches you to deal with emergencies in a 1. way.


Ask him or her to lean forward and pinch the nose. Don't 2. the head backward.

Broken bone

If the bone is broken, we should take away clothing from the wound and shouldn't move the 3. body part.


Clean the person's4. and make sure he or she can breathe and let fresh air in.

How can we learn more about first aid?

By 5. the official website. By reading books and watching videos on free apps.


Today more and more people like travelling. Travelling has been popular with people for a long time. Many of today's travelers are trying to find an unusual experience or adventure. According to a survey done on the Internet among one thousand people who like travelling, 56% of them think hiking is a good choice.

Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking. However, different people have different opinions about hiking.



You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time.

Hiking is easy to do and doesn't have to be expensive.

It's awful that some hikers have gone missing or have died.

Hiking is dangerous if hikers don't have any experience.


Here are some tips for successful hiking.

Tell friends or relatives where and when you will be hiking, and when you expect to return.

Carry your water bottle in your hand and drink small amounts (量)often.

Bring sunscreen (防晒霜)and a raincoat on hot summer days.

Try to find a meadow (草地)or clearing (空地)if you are lost, so that people may see you from the air.

1.How many people like hiking according to the survey done on the Internet?

2.Please translate the underlined (画线的)sentence into Chinese.

3.Why do some people dislike hiking? (One reason is OK.)

4.As a hiker, what should you bring on hot summer days?

5.Please translate the underlined sentence into English.

6.Do you want to go hiking? Why or why not?

Santa Can Come before Christmas

It was last June. I was shopping in a supermarket. A young man walked up and asked, “Can you tell me where the ________ counter is?”

“In the lower right corner.” I replied.

Some minutes later, I met the same man ________ almost 10 bottles of milk.

I asked, “Do you need a trolley (手推车)?”

“Sure, thanks.” he answered.

Then I was ________ that his trolley had 24 bottles of milk and was still ________ more ones.

I couldn’t help asking, “Why do you have so many bottles?”

“These are for my street ________ . I want to be a Santa ________ them.”

“It’s too _______ to be a Santa. It is still June.”

He turned at me but saying _______ .

________, we met again at the bread counter.

“So these bread and cakes are also for the street dogs, Mr. Santa?”

“Yes. I love to be Mr. Santa in the month of June. Santa is a ________ of surprise and love. He comes in December as we ________ him around Christmas. But in real life there is a Santa that shines at some time, ________ which month it is. Maybe when you offered a trolley to me, there was a ________Santa in you. When we offer food to a poor man or a(n)________to someone who is caught in the rain, we are being Santa there. So just think that Santa has come all the way for you.”

He is right. We just need to realize that Santa is around us by ________ happiness and unconditional (无条件的) love. He can come before Christmas.

1.A.vegetable B.milk C.bread D.fish

2.A.putting B.choosing C.holding D.bringing

3.A.scared B.excited C.angry D.surprised

4.A.picking up B.taking up C.getting up D.coming up

5.A.boys B.dogs C.toys D.plants

6.A.for B.on C.of D.by

7.A.late B.early C.lucky D.easy

8.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

9.A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Hopefully D.Naturally

10.A.bridge B.style C.brand D.symbol

11.A.ask B.show C.expect D.invite

12.A.no matter B.even if C.as well D.not only

13.A.lost B.frozen C.missed D.hidden

14.A.camera B.umbrella C.apple D.box

15.A.storing B.facing C.spreading D.increasing

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