My name is Igor, and today — April 10 — is my name day. It is _______________ my cousin's name day because his name is Igor, too. We live in Slovakia (斯洛伐克) in Europe. In our_____________, each day of the year has a name, and a person's name day is that date on the calendar that has their name. My cousin and I_____________ our name day with all the other Igors in Slovakia.

A name day is _______________ a second birthday but not as important. In one way, my name day is better than my birthday, because sometimes my friends don't remember my birthday. But they never _____________ my name day because it is right there on the calendar. This morning, my mother gave me a new book. My sister, Laura, gave me five _________________. She gave me five of them _________________ an even number (偶数) of flowers is considered unlucky.

At school, my cousin Igor gave me a card he had made himself. I gave___________ a box of chocolates in return. After school, my father took us both to the zoo. My sister had to stay at home and do her homework. Of course it made her_______________. When she complained ( 抱 怨 ) to my father, he told her that on June 5 she ________________ go someplace that is fun, because June 5 is the name day for Laura.

1.A.even B.also C.still

3.A.describe B.change C.share

4.A.on B.for

5.A.celebrate B.forget C.mention

6.A.cookies B.apples

7.A.though B.because C.unless

8.A.him B.her C.them

9.A.upset B.worried C.nervous

10.A.must B.could C.should

Something unexpected happened in the summer of my eleventh year. The home I had grown up in burned to the ground in the middle of the night. Thankfully, my mom, dad, grandma, brothers and I escaped (幸免于难) along with our dogs. Yet, we had nothing but the night clothes we were sleeping in. I spent the rest of that night with a friend of our family. I tried unsuccessfully to sleep in a bed in his house. I was too scared.

The next day my mom brought me a few T-shirts and pairs of jeans that another friend gave to her. One pair of them was too short and the other pair too long, but I didn't care. At least I had some clothes again. My dad returned to our broken home to see what he could find. The only thing he could save was my mom's rings.

To spend the summer my dad rented (租借) us a big house on the same road as our old house had been. As we moved in, our friends and our community continued to donate ( 捐 赠 ) all they could to help us get back on our feet. There were more clothes, furniture (家具), food, money, and even some books for me to read. Love was around us.

Looking back now I am thankful for all we went through that summer because it taught me so much about life, love and people. It showed me that when you have nothing left but love, for the first time you see that love is enough.

1.What can we know about the fire accident?

A.It happened at night. B.It killed the writer's grandma.

C.It was caused by the writer's dogs. D.It happened when the writer was 12.

2.What did the writer's dad find in their broken house?

A.Some books. B.Some T-shirts.

C.His wife's rings. D.A few pairs of jeans.

3.The house the writer's father rented________.

A.was small B.had no furniture

C.was near their broken house D.belonged to one of their friends

4.How does the writer feel about the summer experience?

A.She is proud. B.She is scared.

C.She feels sorry. D.She feels thankful.

5.How is the last paragraph different from the rest of the story?

A.It teaches a lesson. B.It describes a memory.

C.It gives some examples. D.It uses some imagination.

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