To get to the tennis court, Conner Stroud has to push his wheelchair there .

The 15-yea-old from North Carolina, US was born without_______________. But when he picks up his racquet( 球拍 ) and begins to_______________ a ball, you quickly see that the young man just want to_______________ .

Stroud began playing tennis at age 5 at the small tennis club his parents own . For years, he played against able-bodied _______________ by putting rubber on the stumps ( 残余部分 ) of his legs . Though he was a foot (30 . 48cm) or two _______________ than many of the players he played against, he won a number of matches . He became well-known enough that he got to_______________ Rafael Nadal, his favorite player at the US Open in 2013 .

“The most important thing is that he’s_______________,” Nadal told reports about Stroud after that 15-minute meeting . “He’s playing _______________. That’s a great example of being happy even if_______________doesn’t give you everything . ”

Stroud started playing wheelchair tennis at 13 and now he is No 1 in the US .

Earlier this summer, he played for____________________in the world’s biggest junior wheelchair team tennis event — the World Team Cup . He played six matches and won five of them as the US won the cup for the first time since 2000.

“He is a polite boy, __________________he will rip(撕扯)your heart out trying to beat you,” Jason Harnett, a United States Tennis Association coach, said of Stroud . “You see that attitude in a lot of the best players, whether they are able-bodied or__________________.

Teenage players can often get disappointed and angry . They may __________________ their racquets or shout at themselves after missed shots . Stroud __________________ does that .

“ I just try to stay positive,” Stroud said . “After every point, I try to say I’m going to win the next point, or the next game, or the whole match if I __________________ the whole match. “ There’s always room to be positive . You can always win another time .

1.A.legs B.arms C.feet D.hands

2.A.pick B.choose C.hit


4.A.parents B.players D.coaches

5.A.longer B.taller C.farther D.shoter

6.A.treat B.guard D.follow

7.A.polite B.brave C.patient D.happy C.volleyball D.badminton D.friendship

10.A.Britain B.Canada C.America D.France

11.A.but B.and D.or

12.A.sick B.disabled C.hurt D.scared

13.A.kiss C.clean D.throw

14.A.ever B.sometimes C.never D.always

15.A.lose C.prepare D.prefer

What time of day do you feel most alert(清醒的)? Are you more of a morning person? Or does your brain need a few hours to get going? A lot of research suggests that we should pay attention to our body clock. It can tell us what time of day we are best able to perform, according to the Wall Street Journal.

When it comes to the human brain, many people work best later in the morning. This is because the body’s temperature takes time to rise through the day. Taking a warm shower when you wake up can help speed this up.

But everyone’s body clock is different. Morning people will rise early and work better early in the day. Evening people will wake later but their brain will work better toward the end of the day.

Research show that we’re better at some activities at certain times of the day. Physical performance is at its best between 3pm and 6pm, so it’s better to exercise later in the day.

Between noon and 4 pm, people begin to get distracted (思想不集中的). This is partly because our brain becomes less alert after we eat a big meal. Research also shows that we become sleepy around 2 pm.

Finally, it is best to eat during our active periods. This allows our body to burn calories better and stops our blood sugar levels from getting too high.

1.Many people perform best later in the morning because________.

A.they can’t get up very early. B.they have to take a shower first.

C.the body’s temperature needs time to rise. D.that’s when the brain wakes up.

2.Evening people had better _________.

A.rise early and work in the morning. B.wake later and work better in the evening.

C.rise late and work in the morning D.wake later and work after midnight.

3.According to the research, which of the following is TRUE?

A.It’s better to do exercise in the afternoon. B.We perform better after eating a big meal.

C.Sleeping at 2 pm is not good for our health. D.Our body burns calories better at night.

4.What would be the best title for the story?

A.Research about time. B.The best time to do things.

C.Brain performance. D.Different periods of a day.

How Soccer Can Help Us Understand Physics

Sports provide a great way to understand some concepts(概念) in physics. Physics, after all is the study of matter, motion(运动), force, and energy. And since sports like soccer, swimming and cycling involve bodies moving through space, they can help us understand how the principles of physics work.

Imagine that you're looking at a soccer hall on a grassy field. If you do nothing to the hall, it will stay motionless on the grass. If you kick the ball, it will roll along the grass before coming to rest again. Pretty simple , right?

For thousands of years, though, people thought that objects like this soccer ball come to rest because they have a natural tendency to stop. It took a famous physicist by the name of Sir Isaac Newton, who lived in the 1600s, to prove that this was not exactly correct.

Newton suggested that objects like the soccer ball have a natural tendency to keep moving. The only reason they stop, he believed is because an unbalanced force acts on them. By an unbalanced force, Newton meant the force applied to the soccer ball by its environment. When kicked the surface of the ball travels over the grass, creating friction(摩擦力).The taller the grass, and the rougher the surface of the ball, the more friction is created. And the more friction that exists between the ball and the grass, the less it will travel after being kicked.

Now, imagine that there is no grass. Instead. the ball is resting on a frozen lake. When you kick the ball on the ice, the ball will go much farther than it would have on the grass. This is because ice provides a lot less friction than the grass.

Even so, ice does cause some friction. The ball's interaction with the frozen water crystals on the surface of the lake eventually causes it to come to rest again. But now imagine that instead of ice, the ball is in a place where there's no friction at all. The ball is floating in a vacuum. If you remove friction entirely, kicking the soccer ball would cause it to keep going and going at the same speed, until some force caused it to slow down and stop. To paraphrase Sir Isaac Newton, a soccer ball on the grass will stay where it is unless acted on by a force. Similarly, once you kick the ball, it will remain in motion unless acted on by force. This, in so many words, is known as Newton's First Law of Motion.

1.According to the passage, once an object like a soccer ball is in motion, it has a natural tendency to .

A.stop B.slow down C.keep moving D.change direction

2.What does the writer explain in the passage?

A.The idea of motion, using sports as examples.

B.The force of friction, using music as examples.

C.The sport of soccer, using examples of teams and players.

D.The importance of understanding the concepts in physics.

3.What does the underlined word" tendency" mean?

A.A very small chance of something happening.

B.A fifty-fifty chance of something happening.

C.The way something normally behaves or acts.

D.The fear of doing something or acting in a certain way.

4.The passage is mainly about .

A.the motion of objects B.the life of Sir Isaac Newton

C.why we have to learn physics D.why we kick the ball on a grassy land

The Oil Lamp and the Lighthouse

On an island off the coast of a rocky shore stood a great lighthouse. During the day, the white walls of the lighthouse shined under the sunlight, while at night it burned a light for those at sea. Many people visited the lighthouse, and when they did, they commented on its size and strength and admired the beauty that it added to the surroundings. Some told its keeper how its light had saved them during a storm.

All loved the lighthouse except a little oil lamp that lived in the lighthouse. By day it hung forgotten at the bottom of the stairs. At dusk it helped the keeper of the lighthouse make his way from the bottom of the stairs to his bedroom. It seemed to the oil lamp that he is not important. To his way of thinking, his shortcomings were made clear by his nearness to one so much greater than he. Always, the oil lamp labored under this heaviness of heart.

Then one day, after a brilliant afternoon when many visitors had come to play on the sandy beach, there was a knock at the door. It was a boy, searching for a friend who was lost. The sun had set and what had seemed such friendly shores hours before was now dark and cold.

The keeper quickly took the youth inside and hugged him into a blanket. Then he reached to the hook between the door and the stairs and took down the little oil lamp. After carefully making sure that the tank was full of oil, the keeper lit the lamp and whispered. “Burn bright tonight, my dear friend. I cannot take the lighthouse with me. He serves his purpose here, but you were made for times like this. It is now that I need you most!”

In that instant, all of the oil lamp’s misgivings were replaced by joy—joy in knowing that here was something only he could do. All through the night, through bushes, the oil lamp burned brighter and more steadily than ever before. He had to; the keeper was depending on him. At last the lost boy was found and brought safely back to the lighthouse and his friend.

Never again did the oil lamp doubt his place or purpose. He had learned a great lesson that night: he was happiest and most useful being himself.

1.The little oil lamp didn’t like his job because _______ .

A.he thought the light house were more important than him

B.he had to help the keeper make his way

C.he was forgotten by all the people

D.his labor was heavy at heart

2.The oil lamp burned brighter and more steadily than ever before that night because _______ .

A.the boy depended on him to find his lost friend B.the keeper loved him more than the lighthouse

C.he could replace the lighthouse D.he found his own value

3.Which of the following is true?

A.The oil lamp disliked the lighthouse at first.

B.Many visitors thanked the oil lamp for saving them

C.The lighthouse sometimes doubt his place or purpose.

D.The oil lamp became more important than the lighthouse at night.

4.What can we learn from the story?

A.Every coin has two sides. B.Each one has his strong points.

C.A friend in need is a friend indeed. D.Where there is a will, there is a way.

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