Kathy was popular, fashionable, and the “Queen Bee” in my school.

I _______ her. I listened to the music she listened to, wore the clothes she wore. I even took art class though I had really wanted to take drama, I finally fitted in her group.

One day, I arrived at the classroom early and tried to do something for our group as usual. I didn’t notice they had come in. Before I could say a word, I realized what they were _______.

I listened _______. “She’s such a loser.” one girl said.

Another girl added, “Kathy, she always follows you, trying to copy you.”

“I wish she would leave us alone.” The once familiar voice sounded so _______ and strange.

My hands were _______. I couldn’t help crying sadly. I felt heart-broken for the first time. How did this happen? I thought we were friends.

I ran home. My mother just hugged me while I cried for hours. The advice she gave me was so _______, and I had heard it a million times. “Just be yourself and people will like you for _______ you are.” This time it became so meaningful. Then and there I decided to find myself back. That was exactly what I did.

Over the next month, I went through a lot of changes. I bought new clothes that I wanted to wear. I no longer went to art class with them, and took _______. I began making new friends. I developed my own _______ and never again followed the crowd.

I had an amazing school year. When I look back, I think it was the year when I discovered the person I was going to be. Although I felt painful that day, it was a ________ they had given me.

1.A.looked after B.looked for C.looked up to

2.A.thinking about B.talking about C.caring about

3.A.quickly B.silently C.excitedly

4.A.cool B.special C.cold

5.A.shaking B.hurting C.moving

6.A.different B.simple C.useful

7.A.what B.how C.who

8.A.dance B.science C.drama

9.A.opinions B.habits C.positions

10.A.gift B.choice C.honor

Have you ever dreamed of meeting top scientists in person? If so, what would you like to ask them?

For Tan Fanglin, a 15-year-old girl from No. 2 High School of East China Normal University in Shanghai, her dream of meeting top scientists has already come true.

In October, she attended the World Laureates Forum(世界顶尖科学家论坛) for a second time, which had attracted(吸引) 44 Nobel Prize winners and 21 other world-class prize winners. Tan was by far the youngest among the scientists invited to be at the meeting of the world’s sharpest minds. Her discovery about the relationship between the Fibonacci sequence and Bezout numbers(非波那契数列与贝祖数的估计) has won her many prizes in youth innovation competitions in China.

From a very young age, Tan has always been fascinated by mathematics (maths). It was her father, a mathematics teacher in East China Normal University, who largely inspired(使产生,激发) young Tan Fanglin with the interest in mathematics. But she had not taken part in any Mathematics Olympiad exams before, which she finds will be a waste of time.

According to Xu Jun, Tan’s head teacher from her middle and high school, she doesn’t take after-school classes or too many exercises. Her mastering of Further Mathematics and her good grades in school are thanks to the right study method. Her mother told Guangming Daily that Tan always treats studying and life with a positive mindset so she can feel happy while studying.

Attending this forum enabled Tan to learn more from top scientists. She even got the chance to talk with Gero Miesenbock, the 2019 Warren Alpert Foundation Prize winner and the founder of optogenetics(光遗传学).

1.We can learn about Tan Fanglin EXCEPT ________.

A.this is not her first time to attend the World Laureates Forum

B.she has been very interested in maths since she was very young

C.she has lots of after-school courses and exercises to get good grades.

2.According to the text, what makes Tan achieve great success in Further Mathematics?

A.Her correct way to learn. B.Her mother’s influence. C.Her positive mindset.

3.What does the underlined word “positive” in Paragraph 6 mean in Chinese?

A.负面的 B.严谨的 C.积极的

4.What might the writer talk about in the next paragraph of the story?

A.The great achievements that Gero Miesenbock has made so far.

B.The communication between Tan Fangling and Gero Miesenbock.

C.Gero Miesenbock s opinions on being famous at a very young age.

5.The best title for this passage is ________.

A.Top Minds Inspire Middle School Student

B.Tan Fanglin’s Ways to Be a Young Scientist

C.The World Laureates Forum Held in Shanghai

Monarch butterflies(帝王蝶) from the eastern part of North America make the most amazing journey in the insect world. Each year, this tiny creature(生物) travels up to 3,000 miles(4,800 kilometers) to its winter home in central Mexico(墨西哥). How can it fly so far? And what is the purpose of its long and dangerous trip? Scientists still don’t have an explanation.

The length of the butterflies’ trip is only one part of the mystery. The other amazing thing is that the butterflies always return to the same place in central Mexico. How do the butterflies find their way back to the same place? This is an interesting question because only every fourth generation(代) makes the trip south. In other words, the butterfly that travels to Mexico this year is the great-great-grandchild of the butterfly that traveled there last year.

Each year, four generations of a Monarch butterfly family are born. Each generation of the family has a very different life. The first generation of Monarchs is born in the south in late April. It slowly moves north, reproduces, and then dies. On the trip north, two more generations are born, reproduce, and die. Each of these generations of butterflies lives for only two to five weeks. In the fall, the fourth generation of butterflies is born. Compared to its parents, this generation has a long life. It lives for about eight months. This generation of butterflies makes the amazing journey to the winter home of its great-great-grandparents. The butterflies spend the winter there, and in the spring they reproduce and then die. Their children will be the first generation of the next circle. How amazing it is!

1.From the passage we know that monarch butterflies ________.

A.spend their winter in North America

B.are small but can fly quite a long way

C.travel to central Mexico to reproduce

2.There are ________ mysteries about monarch butterflies’ journey.

A.two B.three C.four

3.The last paragraph is mainly about ________.

A.why Monarch butterflies fly from north to south

B.how Monarch butterflies make the amazing trip

C.when each generation of butterflies reproduce

4.According to the article, which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A.Two of the generations are born on the trip back to south.

B.Only the fourth generation can live through the whole winter.

C.The first generation of Monarchs is born in the south in spring.

5.We can read this passage on the ________ part of a magazine.

A.sports and health B.science and technology C.environment and nature

Chinese painting, known as “guó huà” in Chinese, is done with no oils but a brush put in colored or black ink on paper or silk. “Landscape painting” and “Bird-and-flower painting’’ are considered the two most popular forms. The first one usually covers “mountains, rivers” and the second one covers “flowers, birds, insects or fishes”. Plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos, and chrysanthemums (梅兰竹菊) are good symbols to choose.

Plum blossoms are highly praised for their beauty. And also, Chinese people think they are brave and not afraid of the heavy weather in the cold winter when other flowers wither (凋谢). In addition, they are a symbol of good luck for the coming spring.

Orchids are known for their sweet smell. They’re much loved by people because of a clean and beautiful look. In China, the true friendship is often compared to “the orchid friendship”.

Bamboos can also deal with the cold winter. In the ancient tradition, it was a custom to set off fireworks, which were made of bamboos, to say goodbye to the old and bring peace to the new. So bamboos are used as a symbol of peace and safety in Chinese paintings.

Chrysanthemums bloom (开花) in late fall. No matter how strong the wind is. they don’t drop a petal(花瓣). The ancient poets always used them to describe pure people. The famous poet Tao Yuanming in the Eastern Jin Dynasty described his peaceful life through his best-known poem “While picking chrysanthemums’ neath the Eastern fence, my gaze upon the Southern mountain rests.”

To Chinese, plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos, and chrysanthemums not only mean four plants, but also mean the personality and behavior that Chinese admire. That’s why they are known as “Four Gentlemen” in traditional Chinese art and literature.

1.What things does the “landscape painting” usually cover?


2.Do the plum blossoms bloom in fall?


3.Which is a better way to praise the friendship, drawing a picture of orchids or bamboo?


4.How did Tao Yuanming describe his peaceful life?


5.Why are plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos, and chrysanthemums called “Four Gentlemen”?


The winter holiday is usually a good time to sleep in. But Xu Haoran, a 14-year-old from Changsha, gets up at 7 a. m. to run at least 2 kilometers every day during the holiday. In fact, this exercise is a part of his homework.

徐不是唯一一个在寒假里坚持锻炼的学生。Nowadays many schools across the country ask students to exercise during the winter holiday. One of the main reasons is that physical education test scores are now worth more on the senior high school entrance examination (中考). In Changsha, the score is up to 60 points, which is 10 points higher than geography or biology.

因此,徐和他的同学们被要求晴天跑步。If the weather is bad, they have to do some indoor sports. Students also need to post exercise photos in their classes’ WeChat groups. This has been a big challenge for many students, but has also helped to make exercise a more important part of their lives. Li Junjie, a 14-year-old student at the same school as Xu, used to hate running. But he is now able to run for half an hour every day. “I have decided to keep doing this in the future,” he said.

Not only teenagers but also primary school students are supposed to exercise during the winter vacation. Yuan Zicheng, a 10-year-old student at the Dong Hu Primary School in Jinan, fell in love with exercise during the holiday. He skips rope(跳绳) for more than 10 minutes every day. “I didn’t use to exercise a lot, but it’s time to catch up!” he said.






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