Nobody is perfect._______ has some disadvantages(弱点). So we shouldn’t laugh _______people because they have some disadvantages.

I have a classmate named Lisa. She is troubled with stammer(结巴). When she_________ something in English, especially when answering questions in class, she is _______ nervous to say a word.

Once in an English class, our English teacher, Miss Li_______ Lisa to answer a question. “I… I… it. I… it…” What should she do? I felt very _______, but I couldn’t think of how I could help her. The whole class was quiet. Everyone was waiting for her answer. Lisa’s face turned red_______she still couldn’t say a complete sentence. Then she had to sit down.

Five minutes_______, Miss Li tried to encourage Lisa to answer again.

To my surprise, the whole class started clapping(鼓掌). They were all clapping for Lisa.

“Lisa, believe in yourself” someone said. Lisa was greatly moved. She was going to try _______ best. After a while, she stood up slowly and began to speak. She made a complete sentence! We clapped again. This time, the clapping lasted for a long time. It________us happy and excited. After that Lisa tried to speak English more often in class.

1.A.Nobody B.No one C.Everyone D.Someone C.of

3.A.speaks B.says C.tells D.talks

4.A.too B.a little D.very

5.A.wants B.let C.asked D.hoped

6.A.worry worried C.worrying D.worried

7.A.or B.and C.but D.then

8.A.after B.before C.ago D.later

9.A.her B.his C.hers D.she B.made C.makes D.get

Look in the bedrooms of young people around the world. You will probably find a pair of blue jeans in each room. Jeans are very popular all over the world. Jeans give you the feeling of comfort, youth and energy. They have long been liked by every person. Levi Strauss is an American company. It first made blue jeans. The company was founded in 1853 by 24-year-old Levi Strauss. Twenty years later, he made the first blue jeans in the world. The jeans were used as working trousers for the cowboys of the American West. During the Second World War, American soldiers brought blue jeans to Europe and Asia. People there began to wear jeans. Little by little, they become cool. People from different countries like different styles of jeans. Americans like to wear simple and single-colored jeans, but many Chinese like to wear jeans with lots of different colors. Jeans now can be seen everywhere. However, in many places, it's not always good to wear jeans. No matter how good they may look, or what color they are, it's often not right to wear jeans in formal places. But, when you are out, relaxing and having fun, jeans are the best choices.

1.Almost every person likes wearing jeans, because_______

A.Levis Strauss liked them

B.jeans give people the feeling of youth, comfort and energy

C.they don’t have other pants

D.jeans are blue.

2.Levi Strauss made the first blue jeans ______.

A.when he was 44 B.when he was 24 1853 1924

3.When you ______, you'd better not wear a pair of jeans.

A.go to an important meeting B.go on a trip

C.have a party D.are having fun

4.What is the best title of this passage?

A.How to make jeans

B.Where to buy jeans

C.The history of jeans

D.Levis Strauss

When people take a vacation, can they always enjoy it?

The fact is that some people who travel for pleasure get no pleasure from it at all. Others, who travel because they must travel, have a lot of fun doing it. What makes one trip more enjoyable than another?

Any trip can be enjoyable if you plan it well. Every minute that you spend in planning your trip may save your ten minutes of trouble during your trip. It may also add an hour of pleasure!

Many places of interest and cities around the world are popular during some months of the year and less popular during other months. Find out if the places you are visiting have an “in” season and an “off” season. This may help you to decide when you want to go. The weather may be too cold or too hot. The beaches may be closed. Hotels and restaurants may be shut. Be sure to find out them before you go.

1.Why should people plan their vacations?

A.Because they are free

B.Because they want to go there earlier

C.Because any trip can be enjoyable if it is well planned

D.Because they have much money

2.When planning their vacations people should think about______.

A.if the places have an “in” season and an “off” season.

B.If they like the weather there.

C.If the hotels and restaurants are open.

D.All of above

3.Which one is NOT RIGHT?

A.A well planned trip can be enjoyable

B.People can only go to the interesting places in China to take a vacation.

C.Maybe people need to spend money traveling during the “in” season.

D.Be sure to find out some information about the place before they go.

When you are ill, you should go to see a doctor. After the doctor looks you over, he will write you a note to take to the chemist for some medicine. Chemists are usually good at reading doctors’ notes. But sometimes doctors write too badly and even the chemist can not read them. One day a woman wrote to a doctor to invite him to have dinner with her family. The doctor wrote an answer, but he wrote too badly and the woman could not read it. She asked her husband, “I don’t know whether he is going come or not. I don’t want to call and say that I don’t understand.” Her husband thought for a few minutes and then he had a good idea. “Take it to the chemist,” he said , “He will be able to read it for us. ” “That’s a good idea. ” said the woman. She went to the chemist’s shop and gave the doctor’s note to him. The chemist looked at it for a long time. “Could you wait a moment, Miss?” he said. Then he went to the back of the shop. After a few minutes he came back, carrying a large bottle. He gave the bottle to the woman. “Take one spoonful(一匙)every day. ” He told the woman.

1.What did the doctor do when the woman invited him to have dinner in the restaurant ?

A.He said he could come on time.

B.He wrote the woman an answer

C.He was glad to come

D.He wrote a note to the chemist

2.Why couldn’t the woman understand the “note”?

A.Because the doctor wrote badly

B.Because the woman didn’t know much about the medicine

C.Because the doctor didn’t like to go.

D.because the woman never went to school.

3.The husband wanted his wife to          . the doctor have dinner with them

B.go to the chemist to get some medicine

C.take the reply to the chemist for help the note again

4.In the story, the word “chemist” means “         ” in Chinese.

A.护士 B.化验师 C.药剂师 D.药房

5.What did the man in the chemist’s shop give the woman at last?

A.A piece of good advice B.The right idea of the doctor

C.An invitation from the doctor D.A bottle of medicine

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