Several years ago, when I was teaching at a middle school, a girl sent me a message. She found someone write a very ________ message on her locker. She made a picture of it and then sent it to me asking for ________.

A few hours later, I noticed that on her Instagram, she had posted that picture and asked if anyone ________ who did that.

Well, the following day, the girl came to me with a boy. She showed me a ________ she had received. It was a heartfelt apology(道歉). I asked her if she knew who had done it, and the boy replied embarrassedly(尴尬地), “It was me. I don’t know why I did it, but I know it was ________. So I wrote her this note. I ________ wanted to do something to try to make up for my meanness.”

My heart felt so full of _________ for this boy. I told him how _________ he was to come forward and how amazing it was that he did something ________ to correct his mistake. I ________ the girl and asked her if she could ________ him. Without hesitation(犹豫), she said, “Yes.”

I think middle school students are not little children any more, and not grown-ups yet. It is normal that they make mistakes because of their ________. But these two students both showed me that coming forward when she was ________ was important, and coming forward to admit his mistake was also important. They both showed bravery and kindness in a special way I would not have expected. Every day I ________ myself that although I am an educator, my students truly _________ me.

1.A.secret B.important C.bad D.short B.information D.evidence

3.A.doubted B.forgot C.knew D.remembered

4.A.picture B.letter D.note

5.A.necessary B.wrong C.late D.simple

6.A.just B.never C.ever D.hardly

7.A.regret B.confidence C.hope D.pride

8.A.grateful B.creative C.brave D.generous

9.A.kind B.terrible C.funny D.useless

10.A.believed in B.looked for C.agreed with D.turned to

11.A.beat B.accept C.forgive D.protect

12.A.looks B.hobbies C.ages D.names trouble danger a hurry public

14.A.warned B.reminded C.ordered D.suggested

15.A.teach B.choose

During the summer holiday, some students might have been busy with traveling, summer camps and all kinds of courses. But a special group of Chinese middle school students decided to taste the hardship of life outside school.

Twelve students in a big city sold vegetables at a local market together. Within 12 days, they made more than 1,500 yuan.

Among them, the oldest is 21 years old, while the youngest is just 10. They are all cousins in a big family and eight of them are from rural areas.

“Compared to traveling, such social practice connects us and makes us learn how tough our parents are,” said Dalin, 18, to the City Morning Post. Dalin, a senior high graduate, and her 12-year-old brother Xiaolin came up with the idea.

They learned to work hard to sell their vegetables. Every morning they had to wake up at 3 o’clock. Some of them went to the farmer’s market to buy vegetables. Some of them went to the local market to take up a temporary stall(临时摊位). To lower the cost, they learned to bargain(讲价) with the sellers.

At about 6:30 am, they began to sell vegetables. They peddled(吆喝) loudly to attract customers. After several days, they got some experience, too.

For example, it was better to put vegetables in order and bigger ones on top. When the vegetables are too heavy, they should give customers an extra plastic bag.

When they finally packed up and went home, they had a small meeting. Everyone took notes and shared their feelings.

“We are tired,” said Dalin. “but we gained a lot.”

1.In the writer’s opinion, the 12 students’ action was ________.

A.popular B.encouraging C.strange D.terrible

2.The cousins decided to sell vegetables at a market to ________. how able they were B.have less hardship of life

C.learn how hard their parents work D.prepare for their future traveling

3.It’s clear that ________.

A.they took up the temporary stall in turn

B.they all gave each customer an extra plastic bag

C.Dalin and Xiaolin got the idea of selling vegetables

D.the elder sold vegetables when the younger took notes

4.The best title of the story should be ________.

A.Summer Courses B.Family Business

C.Students Learn from Bargains D.Cousins Work with Vegetables

One day, on a small farm in Maine, a man sat in a barn watching a large spider(蜘蛛) on a web. The man was E.B. White -- or Andy, as he was called -- who thought spiders were wonderful creatures. He thought one day he might like to write a children’s book about a spider.

But writing was hard work for Andy. He had written articles and essays and poems.He had also written one children’s book, Stuart Little. But Andy could never just rush to turn an idea into an article or a book. He told his editor (编辑) that he needed to let his ideas ripen.

So for years, Andy continued to think about writing a children’s book about a spider. He did some of his best thinking while he walked slowly around his farm.

Once while he was cleaning his barn, he found a spider’s egg sac (卵囊). Andy wanted to see the eggs hatch(孵蛋). But he was going to leave for New York City. So he found a small box and carefully placed the egg sac inside. When he got to his hotel, he put the box on the dresser. The next morning , there were hundreds of baby spiders rushing across the dresser!

Years later, Andy finally began writing Charlotte’s Web, the story of a spider named Charlotte and a pig named Wilbur.

Sometimes he stopped writing and aimlessly drew pictures of spiders. Andy always said Charlotte’s Web was more than just a children’s story about animals. It was a timeless story about true friendship.

1.What is the main idea of this text?

A.E B White loved spiders. B.E B White liked to live on a farm.

C.Why E B White was called Andy. D.How E B White wrote Charlotte’s Web.

2.What did Andy mean by saying “to let his ideas ripen”?

A.He wanted them to work quickly. B.He wanted to discuss them with others.

C.He wanted them to slowly grow and improve. D.He wanted to save them for future use.

3.Why did Andy bring the spider’s eggs to New York City?

A.He wanted to know more about spiders. B.He didn’t want spiders to live on his farm.

C.He wanted to kill time during the trip. D.He didn’t like to travel alone.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Charlotte’s Web was just a children’s story about animals.

B.Andy had made full preparations for the book Charlotte’s Web .

C.Andy had never tried writing children’s books.

D.The editor had given Andy a lot of useful advice.

You may charge(充电) your phone every day, but do you clean your phone as much? Whatever your hands touch, your phones touch. It has been discovered that some phones have 18 times more bacteria and viruses (细菌病毒) than any surface in a public restroom. So it won’t surprise you that a 2011 University of London study found that one in six of our phones have bacteria and viruses on them.

The research on bacteria and viruses led to the invention of PhoneSoap. It is not actually liquid (液体). It is a phone charger that uses the electromagnetic radiation (辐射) to kill 99.9 percent of bacteria and viruses, cleaning your phone while it charges.

“Certain types of bacteria and viruses are really on our phones,” says Wes Barnes, the PhoneSoap founder. “It would be the fastest, most powerful way to kill them .”

PhoneSoap looks like a little metal suitcase. Your phone rests in to charge and get cleaned at the same time. Instead of plugging your phone into the wall, you’d plug it into the PhoneSoap charger box. The process only takes a few minutes but, Barnes says, “The idea is that you can leave it in there overnight if you want to keep charging. and it cleans the phone fully.”

The founder found the right companies and then started shipping the product in late November. By last week’s International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, PhoneSoap was very popular with people. The founder has left his present job and is selling PhoneSoap without a stop. “We sell out PhoneSoap every day, and we will try to provide enough PhoneSoap” Barnes says. “It’s been a great challenge.”

1.We can learn from the first paragraph that ___________.

A.phones can be very dirty B.phones are where bacteria are born

C.most phones are attacked by bacteria D.phones store more bacteria in a restroom

2.According to the passage, PhoneSoap ___________.

A.takes a whole night to kill bacteria with bacteria with radiation a kind of liquid D.has to be plugged into the wall to work

3.From the last paragraph, we can infer that ___________.

A.PhoneSoap is in great need now B.PhoneSoap is really hard to use

C.they won’t produce enough PhoneSoap D.they’ll make improvements to PhoneSoap

4.What’s the passage mainly about?

A.Methods of cleaning phones. B.Tips on charging phones quickly.

C.Soap killing harmful bacteria on phones. D.A phone charger keeping your phone clean.


How to Take a Nap

Whether you think you need daytime rest or not, picking up a nap habit is a smart, healthy move. A 2010 British study found that a mid-day nap was the best way to deal with the mid-afternoon tiredness.

And, unbelievably, a 2017 study showed that people who napped regularly had a 37 percent reduced risk of dying from heart disease compared to people who didn’t nap. To get the most out of your rest, follow these tips.

How long to sleep: Naps provide a lot of help depending on how long they are, says A 20-minute nap will improve alertness(机敏); a 90-minute nap can strengthen creativity. So have a nap between 20 to 90 minutes. If you wake up from a nap feeling confused or more tired, it’s likely that your timing was just off.

What time to sleep: Prevention. com says that you experience a natural drop in body temperature between 1 pm and 3 pm. A power nap at this time can improve alertness for several hours and, for most people, won’t affect being able to fall asleep at night.

How to get comfortable: MentalFloss. com says it takes about 50 percent longer to fall asleep sitting up than lying down. (That’s why we sleep so poorly on planes and trains!) Pick a dark, quiet place . Surprisingly, the best place to sleep may be a hammock (吊床) if you have one.

Consider a “caffeine nap”: It sounds strange, but drinking coffee right before a nap may be very helpful for your alertness after the nap. Since caffeine takes 20 to 30 minutes to take full effect, you’ll feel even more awake after your 20-minute nap.

Title: How to Take a Nap


It’s good for you to form the 1. of taking naps.


A 2010 British study found that there is no2.way to reduce the mid-afternoon slump tiredness than a mid-day nap.

Those who took regular naps are3.likely to die from heart disease than those who didn’t.


How much

5. to sleep

A nap between 20 to 90 minutes is suitable for you.

If you 6.confused or more tired , maybe your timing was just off.

What time to sleep

To take a nap between 1 pm and 3 pm can make improve alertness7.affecting your nighttime sleep.

How to get comfortable

You had better find a place where you can 8. down.

You should choose a dark and quiet place.

To our 9., the best place to nap may be a hammock.

Consider a

“caffeine nap”

Drinking coffee before a nap helps you to be more alert after10. up, because caffeine begins to take full effect after 20~30 minutes.

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